Chapter 119 We love to explore the unknown!!

“Oh my God, they’re flying higher and higher!”

Parvati Petir exclaimed.

“Toby and Jamie don’t really want to fly to space, that’s incredible, how can people reach space!”

Dean Thomas said.

“They will be in danger, if they fall, from such a high place, they will definitely die.”

Hermione bit her lip and said worriedly.

“Come on, they don’t have to worry about you, I really want to go with them.”

A little wizard from Slytherin said.

At the same time, the flying broom that Toby and Jamie are riding on is still rising, 1 km, 2 km, 3 km………

As they rose higher and higher, the scenery below became smaller and smaller, the huge Hogwarts castle seemed to be the size of a toy, and the little wizards outside the castle were like little ants.

“It’s really nice to see everything from above, and I did it early on.”

Toby said he and Jamie’s flying broomstick stopped about 5 kilometers above the ground.

“The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature and the thinner the oxygen.”

Jamie said that although it was only five kilometers high, they had already felt the cold, and even frost formed on the flying broomstick.

“Looking down from here, the three islands of Yinglun are really small, but you can already see the European continent.”

Toby looked down, they were still above the three islands of Eagle Lun at this time, and from here, the area of the Eagle Country was really very small.

“Let’s go on, in fact, I really want to go to space to see, but now it should not be possible, there is no air in space, we can’t survive there.”

Toby said that he cast a warming charm on himself with his wand, and the temperature above the sky was very low.

“Armor Protection!”

Then, Toby cast an iron armor spell on himself, and a layer of invisible armor wrapped his whole person, which is a humanoid iron armor spell, which is a variant of the iron armor spell.

In fact, the Iron Armor Charm is really a very useful spell that can withstand most physical attacks and even have a chance to bounce off opponents’ attacks.

The same is true of Jamie on the other side, after casting a warming charm on himself, he cast a humanoid iron armor spell on himself.

Then, the two controlled the flying broom under them and continued to fly upward, and even added an acceleration spell to the flying broom because of insufficient speed.

With the blessing of the warming charm, although the temperature above the sky was very low, Toby and Jamie did not feel cold.

However, at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, in addition to low temperature, oxygen in the air is also very thin, human beings need oxygen, without oxygen human beings can not survive.

To this end, Toby and Jamie also cast a bubble head charm on themselves, which creates a bubble around the head that allows people to breathe briefly underwater or in places where oxygen is thin.

But it won’t be long, because the air in the bubble head spell is limited.

“Speed up again!”

Toby shouted that they were going to fly as far as they could before the air inside the bubble head curse ran out.

The two of them also applied an acceleration spell to the flying broomstick under them, and with the blessing of the acceleration spell, the speed of the two was like a rapidly flying rocket.

Hogwarts Castle.

Harry’s little fight with Malfoy was over, and Harry successfully rode on a flying broomstick and snatched Neville’s memory ball back from Malfoy’s hand.

“Harry Potter!”

Harry had just landed, and before he could rejoice, an angry voice came over, and Professor McGonagall ran towards them quickly.

“I’ve never been ——— in all my years at Hogwarts”

Professor McGonagall was simply too surprised to speak, her eyes shining with anger.

“-how do you rush–you’ll break your neck-”

“It’s not his fault, Professor———”

“Shut up, Miss Petyr———”

“Professor McGonagall, something happened, Toby and Jamie, they……… They… Hermione rushed to Professor McGonagall, stammering a little. ”

“Oh, it’s Miss Granger, Mr. Rigbo and Mr. Bauer, what’s wrong with them?”

Professor McGonagall was holding back the anger in her heart, but Hermione had always been a good boy in her eyes, so she was still a little patient.

“Professor, they flew high in the air on flying broomsticks.”

Hermione whispered that she didn’t know if she should tell the professor, but Toby and Jamie were too dangerous to do so, and she was worried.

“What do you say? Mr. Rigebo and Mr. Bauer, riding a flying broomstick to the sky, where did they go? ”

Professor McGonagall was taken aback and hurriedly looked up, but did not see Toby and Jamie at all.

“Professor, they say, they’re going to space.”

Hermione replied.

“Fly into space! Merlin’s beard! ”

Professor McGonagall felt a pang of dizziness in her head, she thought Harry was bold enough, who knew that there were even more daring, riding a flying broom and wanting to fly into space.

If it fell, she couldn’t imagine it.

Professor McGonagall immediately took out her wand and cast her patronus, a spotted cat.

“Go and inform Professor Dumbledore.”

Professor McGonagall ordered that she could not handle this matter now, and the only person who could handle it was Dumbledore.

Soon, Dumbledore’s figure was taken by the phoenix to the lawn outside the castle.

“Professor Dumbledore, those two children…”

Professor McGonagall couldn’t say anything more, she hadn’t met such a daring student since she had been at Hogwarts.

“Oh, Professor McGonagall, don’t worry, I’ll go and bring those two children back, this time they went too far, I’ll punish them well.”

Dumbledore’s face was also very serious, this was not a small matter, but a major matter of life, and the innocuous pranks of the past were all over, but this time, he must restrain them well.

Flying into space with a flying broomstick, thanks to their imagination, no wizard has ever dared to do this.

Dumbledore grabbed the tail feathers of the phoenix, which turned into a flame, wrapped Dumbledore in it, and then disappeared.

Professor McGonagall stood there with her chest covered, and the other little wizards also stood there with their heads bowed, not daring to say a word.

On the other hand, Toby and Jamie have risen 50 kilometers above the ground, and according to the Muggle community, they are now in the stratosphere of the Earth’s atmosphere.

They couldn’t continue to rise, the oxygen at high altitude was too thin, and the air in their bubble bubble was almost exhausted.

If they continue to go up, their lives will be in danger, after all, although they are wizards, they are only people, and they cannot do without oxygen.

“Unfortunately, it is impossible to fly into space with manpower alone.”

Toby said.

“It’s not impossible, we are not fully prepared, and we are still too weak now.”

Jamie shook his head and said, but they were much stronger than Muggles.

“Forget it, go back.”

Toby said that staying in the air is not good, the temperature here is constantly extremely low, the oxygen is even thinner, if they hadn’t applied the warmth charm and the humanoid iron armor spell in advance, they would have been unable to stand it.


The two began their return journey, landing faster than ascending because of Earth’s gravity.

About 10 kilometers above the ground, Toby and Jamie met the calm-faced Dumbledore.

“Oh, Professor Dumbledore, we just love exploring the unknown.”

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