Chapter 121: Dumbledore Wool!!

“Toby, Jamie, did you really fly 50 kilometers in the air?”

“What’s up there? How is it? ”

“Why didn’t you keep flying up?”

After Dumbledore left, many young wizards gathered around, asking in all tongues, looking quite curious, if it weren’t for the presence of Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore just now, they would have rushed over.

“Actually, there is nothing to say, the higher the place, the lower the temperature, do you see our flying broom, it is all frozen.”

“Also, the air at high altitude is very thin, and if there is not enough air, it will suffocate, just like in water.”

Toby said perfunctorily.

As soon as the little wizards heard that this was the case above the sky, they immediately lost interest and began to chatter about Quidditch.

“Oh, Toby, Jamie, I’m sorry, I told Professor McGonagall about you before you were punished by Professor Dumbledore.”

Hermione walked over and bowed her head to apologize to them.

“It’s okay, Hermione, I know you’re just worried about us, besides, aren’t we okay now, and we haven’t been expelled from school, but we’re just going to the headmaster’s office to lock us up.”

“But maybe it’s still a good thing for us, we can ask Professor Dumbledore a lot of questions.”

Toby said nonchalantly.

The most knowledgeable person in Hogwarts school was definitely Dumbledore, who had lived for more than a hundred years, was involved in all aspects of magic, and was currently the most powerful wizard.

Being able to learn from Dumbledore was definitely a great opportunity for them.

Hearing Toby say this, Hermione’s heart finally felt better, she had already regretted it just now, she should not have told Professor McGonagall about it, if Toby and Jamie were indeed expelled from Hogwarts, then she would be very uncomfortable.

In the evening, Toby was having dinner in the Great Hall, and Harry, who had been called away by Professor McGonagall, was late to arrive.

“Oh, Harry, are you all right?”

As soon as Ron saw Harry, he immediately asked with concern.

“I’m fine, Professor McGonagall didn’t punish me, she also put me on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and made me the team’s Seeker.”

Harry was a little excited, and he would tell Professor McGonagall in detail about what had happened after leaving.

“Seeker? But first-year students never ——— you must be the youngest varsity player in years. ”

Ron said in surprise.

“What Wood has told me for a century, in fact, I think if it was flying, Toby and Jamie would be much better than me.”

Harry said, taking a roast chicken leg from the table and eating it, feeling so hungry after that thrilling experience of the afternoon.

“We weren’t interested in Quidditch, and we never thought about joining a Quidditch team.”

Toby said from the sidelines.

“By the way, congratulations on joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Harry.”

“Oh, thanks.”

Harry said immediately.

“I’ll start training with the Gryffindor players next week, don’t tell anyone, Wood wants to keep it a secret.”

Harry whispered, not wanting to be heard, but he still trusted his friend.

At this time, the twins Fred and George also walked over.

“Harry, well, Wood told us, you became the Seeker of our house team, and we are also the house team, but the batsman.”

Fred patted Harry’s shoulder.

“With you Harry, we’re sure to win the Quidditch Cup this year, we haven’t won since Charlie left, but this year, our team will definitely do a great job.”

George also patted Harry’s shoulder and said with a smile.

“Toby, we have learned the triple-rush spell that you and Jamie taught us, and we are trying to take a Slytherin student.”

Fred and George walked up to Toby’s side again and whispered.

“Wait, we will definitely let you see a wonderful show, Marcus Flint of Slytherin, we have long been unhappy with him, this time we must make him look good.”

George whispered as well.

“Then we’ll wait and see, I hope you don’t get caught by the professor.”

Toby said with a smile.

After Fred and George left, Toby and Jamie also left the position, and they still need to go to the principal’s office to be locked up, which is a big deal.

The two came to the eighth floor of the castle, for here, they could not be more familiar, after all, in addition to the principal’s office, the request room is also on the eighth floor.

“Cockroach heap!”

Toby said the password to the gargoyles at the door of the principal’s office.

Soon, the pair of gargoyles moved out of position, revealing the spiral staircase inside, and Toby and Jamie stepped onto the spiral staircase and arrived at the principal’s office.

“Good evening, Professor Dumbledore.”

Toby and Jamie greeted Professor Dumbledore in the office.

“Oh, good evening, Toby, Jamie, welcome, please have a seat!”

Dumbledore said with a smile.

The two sat down on two chairs in front of their desk, Dumbledore seemed to be reading some papers, and a large pile of parchment was placed on the table.

“Professor Dumbledore, what do we need to do?”

Toby asked, they came here to lock up, they would not let them sit like this, if it was Professor McGonagall, they would definitely be staring at their thesis assignments, if it was Professor Snape, it would probably make them deal with disgusting potion materials…

“Oh, you don’t have to do anything, you can read a book or write your essay assignment from me.”

Dumbledore said with a wink and a smile.

“So, Professor Dumbledore, can we look at the books collected in the headmaster’s office, there seem to be quite a few books here.”

James looked at the bookcase in the principal’s office, which was filled with books.

“Of course, no problem, but most of the books in this are very profound, of course, there are some banned books that you better not read.”

Dumbledore did not refuse.

Toby and Jamie walked to the bookcase and each took out a book to look at it, these books were indeed senior books, and some of them were even written by Dumbledore himself.

“Professor Dumbledore, did you write all these books?”

Toby asked, but it was not surprising, Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard at the moment, he had lived more than a hundred years, he was very knowledgeable, and he must have done a lot of research.

On the path of magic, Dumbledore should be the deepest wizard, even Grindelwald and Voldemort cannot compare with him.

“Yes, this is some research I’ve done, so if you’re interested, you can take a look.”

Dumbledore smiled and said that the books contained not only the notes he had made, but also some of his thoughts about life.

He hopes to guide these two children in a subtle way, so that they can go on the ‘right path’ in the future, rather than going down a crooked path like Grindelwald or Voldemort.

“Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, we will look good.”

Toby said.

Then, the two of them randomly found an empty seat in the headmaster’s office and began to read the book, which was Dumbledore’s notes, but not everyone could see it.

Time passed like this, Toby and Jamie had been reading carefully, and Dumbledore was also busy with his own business, as the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the chief wizard of Wizengamot, he had no less.

In addition, the Minister of Magic, Connery Fudge, often wrote to him to discuss matters or ask for his opinion.

Fudge, the minister, has not been in office for a long time, and needs Dumbledore’s support at this stage, especially the dark wizard terrorist attack in Diagon Alley more than a month ago, which caused his prestige as minister of magic to plummet.

Now Fudge needs Dumbledore’s support even more to keep the throne of the Minister of Magic.

“Professor Dumbledore, may I ask you a question?”

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