Chapter 134 Quidditch Match!!

“Severus, they are different from Voldemort, those two children like to play pranks, I always think that children who like mischief are good at heart.”

Dumbledore said with a smile.

Professor Snape was like eating strange beans that smelled like poop, and Dumbledore’s mischief reminded him of something bad.

Professor Snape’s face became even more gloomy.

“Like Sirius, the loyal lackey of Voldemort locked up in Azkaban.”

Professor Snape’s mouth showed a sarcastic smile, Sirius was known for his penchant for mischief when he was a student, and he formed a foursome with James, Lupin, and Pettigrew.

“Oh, Severus, please don’t mention that name, it was just an accident. Dumbledore seemed to plead. ”

“Hmph! I see that you are old and confused, those two people must have hidden a big secret, maybe it was a Death Eater pretending to be a compound decoction, how can ordinary little wizards have such powerful magic. ”

Professor Snape sneered.

“Although I am old, I am not yet confused, and I can be sure that those two children are definitely not pretending to be with compound decoction.”

“As for the secrets hidden in them, Severus, each of us has secrets, and we should not go to peep into their privacy.”

Dumbledore said.

“Hmph! Well, then whatever you want, then I can guarantee that those two are definitely not simple, maybe the appearance they are showing now is their disguise. ”

“You just continue to let them go, maybe in the future there will be two more demon heads in the wizarding world, but at that time, you can no longer stop it.”

Professor Snape said dismissively.

If Toby and Jamie were here, they would be surprised that you saw through, Professor Snape.

“Oh, Severus, no, no, I’ve been teaching them all this time, and I can see that they are very intelligent and very studious.”

“But they are all good children, they are kind at heart, they will help their classmates, they have good friends, they are different from Voldemort.”

Dumbledore shook his head and said that he thought that he was quite accurate at seeing people, and if those two children could deceive him, how deep their scheming would be.

“Severus, I asked you to spy on Quirrell, how is it going?”

Dumbledore changed the subject.

“This time the trolls incident should have been made by him, and he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak to the secret room on the fourth floor, but I stared at it and failed.”

Professor Snape said.

“Keep an eye on him, Severus, this matter is important.”

Dumbledore said.

“I know, I’ll leave if nothing happens.”

Professor Snape replied, then got up to leave.

As the days passed, as we entered November, the weather became very cold, the mountains around the school were gray and covered with ice and snow, and the surface of the Black Lake was as cold and hard as quenched steel.

Every morning, the ground was covered with frost, and looking down from the windows on the upper floor of the castle, Hagrid’s tall figure could be seen.

Wrapped in a long moleskin coat, carrying fur-free gloves and huge beaver fur boots, he defrosted flying broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch

The Quidditch season has begun, and every day at the table in the Great Hall, you can hear young wizards talking about Quidditch, and Quidditch’s status in the wizarding world is equivalent to that

It’s football’s place in the Muggle world.

Harry had been training Quidditch for weeks, he had become the Gryffindor team’s Seeker, and Professor McGonagall had given him a Halo 2000, the most advanced flying broomstick.

“I’m going to have my first race this Saturday, oh my God, what if I’m so nervous?”

At the table, Harry was holding a copy of The Magic Quidditch Ball, which Hermione had borrowed for him from the library, and he thought it was very interesting.

But soon he was going to play his first Quidditch match, and he was very nervous, even very worried about what to do if he didn’t play well.

“Harry, you should have faith in yourself, your Quidditch is very good, Wood don’t they often praise you.”

Ron reassured that he would love to participate in Quidditch, but he wasn’t Harry, and Professor McGonagall could make an exception.

“Toby, are you and Jamie going to my game on Saturday?”

Harry turned to look at Toby who was answering questions for Hermione, he was desperate for Toby and Jamie to go to his first game, they were best friends, but Toby and Jamie didn’t seem interested in Quidditch.

“Of course, we’ll see.”

Toby replied that although he was not interested in Quidditch, why would he refuse if he was going to the game, he should always make some time for himself to rest.


Harry looked very happy.

“Harry, look at Professor Snape coming, keep your head down, don’t let Professor Snape see us.”

Ron reminded.

Harry watched Professor Snape limp as he walked, and he was a little gloating in his heart, not knowing how Professor Snape did it, but he actually made himself lame, maybe he fell down.

Professor Snape’s face was gloomy, and he walked with a limp, and just as his eyes saw Harry looking at him again, he couldn’t help but walk towards this side.

Harry hurriedly lowered his head, looking very weak-hearted.

“What are you holding in your hand, Potter?”

Professor Snape asked in a low voice, he was in a bad mood, it was even worse to see Harry, why Harry was not Halle, if only Harry became Halle forever.

“It’s Quidditch, Professor.”

Harry held up the book in his hand to show him.

“Can’t read books outside of class at breakfast time, Potter, give it to me, five points deducted from Gryffindor.”

Professor Snape casually found a reason, snatched the book from Harry’s hand, and limped away.

“Where there is such a rule, it must have been made up by him temporarily, no wonder his legs will be lame, it must be that he has done too many evil things and has been punished.”

Harry grumbled angrily.

“I wish he hurt enough.”

Ron on the side saw Professor Snape leave, and also raised his head to help.

“You guys, you know that Professor Snape is in a bad mood and hit him head-on, but then again, Harry, you really should turn into the appearance of a girl, so that Professor Snape will not target you.”

“Maybe he’ll help you get extra points!”

“Very well, Miss Potter, you love learning, Gryffindor plus 20 points. Toby mimicked Professor Snape’s appearance. ”

“Oh! That’s right, Harry, let Toby help you become a girl so that Professor Snape won’t come to your ballast. ”

Hermione was also laughing and helping.

Harry’s face suddenly turned red, he really didn’t understand why Professor Snape hated his boy appearance so much, but liked the appearance of his girl, was it really because Professor Snape had a crush on his mother before?

Finally, it was Saturday, and it was a sunny and cold morning, but it was sunny, and if it was rainy, it was even worse.

In the Great Hall, the enticing aroma of food wafted through, and almost every little wizard was looking forward to the upcoming Quidditch match, and they chatted happily.

Harry was nervous and couldn’t eat anything, let alone have no appetite at all, and under the persuasion of Ron, Seamus and others, he could barely eat a little.

At 11 a.m., almost the entire school arrived in the stands around the Quidditch pitch, many with binoculars.

Although the stands are very high, the Quidditch pitch is also very large, and it can sometimes be difficult to see the game.

Ron, Hermione, they came to the top row of the stands, and they also drew a huge banner with a dirty sheet that said Potter will win.

“Hasn’t Toby come yet? I don’t know where he went, he didn’t see anyone all morning, didn’t he say he came to watch the game? ”

Ron asked…

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