Chapter 146: Tuning the Little Fire Dragon!!

“Sure enough, we shouldn’t have too much hope for Hagrid, he just can’t hide secrets with a big mouth.”

Toby shook his head and said.

“Hagrid is an unreliable spokesperson, if he can keep the secret, he can drop gold coins in the sky.”

Jamie also shook his head and said.

“Are you crazy to help Hagrid raise dragons, don’t you know that this is a violation of the law!”

Hermione roared lowly, her whole body trembling with anger, and her fluffy curly hair became even more messy.

“Break the law! Don’t be funny, we never cared about that. ”

Jamie said disdainfully that in any world, it is the strong who make the rules, only the weak will follow the rules, you think those rules are to bind the strong, but in fact they are just to protect the weak.

“Okay, what’s going on in Hagrid’s cottage, it’s full of people, you don’t want to shout about it and let everyone at Hogwarts know.”

Toby said that now they were outside the castle, and there were quite a few little wizards wandering.

Hermione also knew that this was not the place to talk, and forced herself to hold back, and the group walked towards Hagrid’s cabin.

“At the Wizarding Assembly of 1709, a bill banning the breeding of fire dragons was officially passed, which everyone knows.”

“If we keep fire dragons in the back garden, it will be very difficult not to notice us, and it will be very difficult to tame fire dragons, which is very dangerous.”

“Charlie is raising dragons in Luo Mania, and he has many wounds on his body, all of which were left when he expelled wild dragons.”

“And there are also wild dragons in the Eagle Country, there are ordinary Welsh green dragons and Hessidian black dragons, and I can tell you that one of the jobs of the Ministry of Magic is to hide the existence of these wild dragons.”

“We wizards have to constantly chant spells to the Muggles who saw the wild dragon in Naxi so that they forget the whole thing.”

On the way to Hagrid’s cabin, Ron said a lot.

“Now you know, it’s illegal to raise fire dragons privately, and if the Ministry of Magic knows, Hagrid and you will be captured.”

Hermione said.

“It’s nothing, in the wizarding world, whether it’s breaking Hogwarts rules or breaking the laws of the Ministry of Magic, as long as it is not known.”

“Or are you going to report us and have the Ministry of Magic take us and Hagrid and put us in Azkaban?”

Jamie asked.

“Oh, of course we don’t do that.”

Harry hurriedly said that they would not let Toby, Jamie and Hagrid be captured by the Ministry of Magic, and they would definitely keep this secret.

“That’s fine, as long as you don’t say it, neither Hogwarts nor the Ministry of Magic will know.”

Jamie said.

“But the fire dragon will be discovered sooner or later, the fire dragon grows very fast, and it can grow to the size of Hagrid’s hut at once, not to mention that Hagrid actually raised six fire dragons, he is simply crazy!”

Hermione said angrily that in her opinion, Hagrid and Toby were simply crazy to raise fire dragons in Hogwarts, what if this hurt the students in the school.

“We have thought of this for a long time, and this time we are going to solve this problem.”

Toby shook the box in his hand and said.

“Box? What’s the use of this? Is there anything in this? ”

Harry was a little curious.

“You’ll know in a moment.”

Toby didn’t say anything, keeping it mysterious.

The group arrived at Hagrid’s cabin, and Hagrid saw them coming, and immediately opened the door to let them all in.

“Oh, Toby, Jamie, I…”

Hagrid looked rather embarrassed, obviously saying that he would keep it a secret, but he still let Harry and them know.

“Hagrid, you don’t need to say any more, we all know.”

Toby said.

In the room, the six little fire dragons were playing with each other on the table, although it was only a few days, the growth rate of the fire dragon was amazing, and it had grown more than twice as long as it was just born.

“They’re growing so fast, Hagrid, you fed them chicken blood brandy?”

Jamie asked, in fact, he didn’t need to ask, the room was full of empty brandy bottles, and chicken feathers all over the floor.

“Oh yes, the book says that this will make the newborn little fire dragon grow faster.”

Hagrid said with a smile, looking at the six small fire dragons on the table with love in his eyes, he reached out and hugged a small fire dragon.

But the little fire dragon didn’t seem to be happy with Hagrid’s behavior, and spewed fire from its mouth, igniting Hagrid’s lush beard.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! You’re so naughty! ”

Hagrid put the little fire dragon down and began to extinguish the ignited beard with his hands, but he wasn’t angry.

“Look, it knows its mother, it’s really touching!”

Hagrid said to Harry.

“Hagrid, these six little fire dragons don’t seem to be a breed, they are all different.”

Harry looked carefully at the six small fire dragons and asked.

“Yes, yes, you guys look at it, this is the Sterile Tree Peak, this is the Ruidian Short-nosed Dragon, this is the Gongmania Horned Dragon, this is the Uklan Iron Belly, and these two are the Qiuwei Ridgeback Dragon…”

Hagrid was happy to introduce Harry to them.

“Hagrid, but they grow fast, it won’t be long before they become as big as your house, and Dumbledore will know by then, and you’ll be in trouble.”

Harry said he was just concerned about Hagrid.

“Oh, this, Toby and Jamie said, they will work it out.”

Hagrid grunted.

“Of course, it’s just a small thing, of course we’ll fix it. Hagrid, this time we brought that box. ”

Toby put the box in his hand on the table, which made the six small fire dragons on the table immediately dissatisfied and began to breathe fire towards Toby.

“It’s not easy to tame fire dragons, Hagrid can’t just pet them, you must teach them when you want to teach them.”

“Clear water like a spring!”

Toby said, raised the wand in his hand, and sprayed clear water at the six little fire dragons, and the water flow extinguished all the fire spewed out by the little fire dragons, and also turned them all into falling soup chickens.

“Oh, poor little one!”

Hagrid immediately couldn’t bear it anymore and took out a rag for the little fire dragons to wipe.

“Fire dragons need to be tamed from a young age, otherwise when they grow up, it will be difficult to tame them, Hagrid, you spoil them too much, you must know that creatures like fire dragons will also submit to the strong.”

“If you blindly pet them, you will make them think that what they are doing is right, and when the wild fire comes, there will be injuries.”

Jamie shook his head and said that Hagrid was fit to be a breeder, but not a trainer.

“Oh, I know, I know, but they’re so small that I can’t bear it…”

Hagrid’s eyes began to blur with tears.

“Forget it, since you can’t stop working, then the matter of training the fire dragon will be left to us in the future.”

Toby said that he had no hope for Hagrid, and let them tame the fire dragon himself.

“Toby, don’t you want to keep these six fire dragons all the time, it’s simply impossible, Hogwarts can’t keep fire dragons.”

Hermione said with a glare.

“I remember Ron’s brother Charlie didn’t raise dragons in Luo Mania, it is better to give these fire dragons to him.”

Harry proposed.

“There is no need to bother so much at all, as long as there is this box, now I will take you to see the inside of the box.”

Toby said, dropping the box on the ground and opening it…

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