Chapter 157 Final Exams Are Coming!!

As Professor Quirrell’s funeral ended, the students turned their attention back to the upcoming final exams, which were only a week away.

In this last week, students of all grades began to read like crazy, and they all wanted to get a good score in the final exam, so that they could have a good summer vacation.

Of course, the craziest are the fifth and seventh graders, and for the fifth-graders, they have an ordinary wizard level test waiting for them.

For seventh-graders, they also have an advanced wizard level exam, which is related to their employment after graduation.

Don’t think that only Muggle society will be involuted, in fact, wizarding society is also extremely involuted, there are only so many good jobs, but there are many wizards who apply every year.

For many young wizards, graduation also equals unemployment.

As the final exams approached day by day, many young wizards were guilty of exam anxiety, especially senior students.

Toby had seen that in the library, a senior witch looked at the book in her hand, suddenly began to cry, and was finally sent to the school hospital for treatment by Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey seemed to be very good at this kind of exam anxiety, and she gave the little wizards a good night’s sleep.

In the face of final exams, some young wizards will try to revise, but some young wizards will engage in some crooked ways, and like the students of the Muggle world, they also want to cheat to pass the exam.

At this time of year, something becomes popular, such as dragon claw powder, which is said to be ground from the claws of a fire dragon, which can be refreshed after consumption and has a particularly bright brain for the next few hours.

But dragon claw powder is expensive, and what is circulating in Hogwarts is basically not real dragon claw powder, but other things, such as air-dried fox feces.

That kind of feces are somewhat similar to dragon claw powder, so that many little wizards can’t tell the difference, and they spent money on fox feces, ate it in confusion, and were sent to the school hospital.

Although this situation occurs every year, many little wizards still hold on to the psychology of luck, in case it is really dragon claw powder.

In the days leading up to the exam, Hermione was simply full of energy, pulling Toby, Harry and Ron into the library, frantically revising.

For Toby, this kind of temporary holding was useless, and he never worried about final exams, but it was still useful for Harry and Ron.

Finally, the final exams came, and the first-year wizard had to take a total of seven subjects, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbs, History of Magic, and Astronomy.

Among them, the history of magic and astronomy are only theoretical exams, while Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and herbs are all practiced.

However, because Professor Quirrell of Defense Against the Dark Arts burped in advance, only the theory exam was left in this class, and the exam paper was helped out by other professors.

The theory exam was never much for Toby and Jamie, and it didn’t take much time to complete it.

After writing the exam papers, they did not plan to stay in the classroom because it was so stuffy that they handed in the papers in advance and left.

But this puts a lot of pressure on other little wizards, some of whom have only written half or only a few questions.

Even Hermione had only written more than half of it, and looking at Toby and Jamie, who had left early, she bit her lip and continued to work hard to answer the question.

Most importantly, the new quill pens for the exam were all given to them by the professors, and the anti-cheat charms were applied to them, which made many young wizards’ ideas of cheating frustrated.

Just kidding, the professors at Hogwarts are all experienced, and the so-called cheating methods of the little wizards have actually been used by their predecessors for a long time.

After the theory test, it is time for the practical test.

For example, the practical test of the Charms class is to have a pineapple tap dance across a desk.

For other little wizards, it may be harder, but for Toby and Jamie, it’s just pediatrics.

“Now it’s your turn, Toby! Hope you can let me see some surprises! ”

Professor Flitwick looked at Toby expectantly.

Toby raised an eyebrow, waved his wand, turned the two pineapples on the table into a man and a woman, and then directed them to dance an international dance.

“Oh! It’s a beautiful job, Toby, you’re one of the most talented little wizards I’ve ever met. ”

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands excitedly.

“Thank you for the compliment, Professor Flitwick.”

Toby bowed slightly and said with a smile.

Of course, instead of Toby having two pineapples dance an international dance, Jamie had the two pineapples engage in a fist-to-flesh fighting match, which also won Professor Flitwick’s praise.

Professor Flitwick often sighed why the two geniuses, Toby and Jamie, were not his Ravenclaw House students.

The practical test of Transfiguration class is to turn a mouse into a snuff box, the more beautiful the box, the higher the score, but if the box still has a mouse’s beard on it, points will be deducted.

Transfiguration had always been Toby’s forte, and with a casual wave of his wand, he turned the experimental mouse into a rather elaborate snuff box, with many exquisite patterns carved into the hollows.

It’s a work of art with top-notch craftsmanship.

“Very beautiful!”

Professor McGonagall praised Toby, and she was always serious, but now she also had a smile on her face, after all, Toby was a genius in her Gryffindor house.

“Thank you, Professor McGonagall!”

Toby smiled and bowed.

Compared to Toby and Jamie, who are at ease with ease, the practical operation exams of other little wizards are full of accidents.

Either the pineapple used for the exam was fried, or the snuff box had a mouse beard or even a rat’s tail when it was deformed.

The practical test of the Potions class is to brew a Forgotten Potion, which is not too simple for Toby and Jamie, who have Professor Snape’s Potions Class notes, and the Forgotten Potion they brew has been improved by Professor Snape.


Professor Snape snorted coldly after seeing Toby’s Oblivion Potion, but finally reluctantly gave him an excellent rating.

The other little wizards were not so lucky, and during the exam, Professor Snape would stand behind them and watch closely, and they even had the illusion that they could feel Professor Snape’s breathing on the back of their neck.

This will make them very nervous, and if they do, they will make mistakes, and they will end up being sprayed with venom by Professor Snape.

In order for Harry to pass the Potions exam, he had to ask Toby to use magic to turn him into a girl, known as ‘Hallie’.

The practical exam in the herb class is simple, it is to have them use magic against the devil net.

The Devil’s Net is an extremely dangerous plant that can be used to guard things, but its weakness is also obvious, that is, fear of light and warmth.

Whether it is a fluorescent flashing spell or a flaming spell, it can easily deal with the devil’s net.

Defense Against the Dark Arts only has a theory exam, and both the exam questions and answers are on that “Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense”, basically just that one

If you read well, you will be able to pass the exam.

Astronomy classes also only have theoretical exams, and the exam topics are not difficult, basically they are all talked about in class, as long as you take notes carefully, you will not pass at all.

The final course is the history of magic, and the exam of this course is also simple, basically as long as you read the “History of Magic” and remember some points, you can easily pass the exam.

After the exam, it will take another week for the results to be announced, but during this week, it is completely free, and the little wizards can play to their heart’s content.

“Much easier than I originally thought, I thought it would be difficult, but I didn’t expect it to be so easy, thanks to the notes Hermione lent us before the exam.”

As the exams were over, Harry and the crowd came outside the castle.

“yes, but then we can have fun for a week.”

Ron said cheerfully, he had long forgotten about the exam.

Hermione followed Toby’s side, and he spoke to him about the test answers…

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