Chapter 167 Gaunt Old Mansion!!

“Toby, why did that lady think you are Headmaster Dumbledore, and who is that Grindelwald, where do I seem to have heard this name?”

Harry asked curiously.

“Actually, I said as early as the beginning of the first year that I look like Headmaster Dumbledore when I was young.”

“As for Grindelwald, that was a powerful dark wizard who was eventually defeated by our Headmaster Dumbledore, you can see the introduction on Dumbledore’s card in Chocolate Frog.”

Toby replied.

“It turned out to be a chocolate frog card, I said I saw it somewhere, but is there any relationship between Headmaster Dumbledore and that Grindelwald?”

Harry asked curiously, the words of the lady just now, it seemed that there was some special relationship between Headmaster Dumbledore and that Grindelwald.

“That’s a long story, and if you want to know, you can visit Ms. Bagshot, and she’ll explain it to you.”

Toby sighed.

“Two months of infatuation, a century of unspeakable love, our Headmaster Dumbledore, if he wrote a book about his experience, would definitely sell it all over the world.”

Jamie also sighed.

Back home, Timo had prepared a rich dinner for them, and Harry was very happy, he felt that this kind of life was what he loved the most, much better than at the Dursleys.

However, Harry also felt a little embarrassed, if he was going to live here until before school started, it would be two months, and he would have to live in Toby and Jamie’s house for nothing.

He felt that he was going to pay Toby some money to pay for his lodging, anyway, he was now rich, not the poor boy he used to be.

“No thanks, Harry, you don’t have to pay us, if you really feel embarrassed, then we would prefer to borrow your invisibility cloak to use it.”

Toby smiled and said that the Potter family’s invisibility cloak was one of the three holy weapons of death, and there must be some secret hidden in it.

If you can unlock the secrets of the Three Hallows of Death, you may be able to find the legendary Grim Reaper.

“No problem, you can use my invisibility cloak at any time.”

Harry immediately agreed, he valued Toby and Jamie more than the invisibility cloak, and if he wanted to choose one of the two, then he would definitely choose Toby and Jamie.

Even if the invisibility cloak was left to him by his father, it was just a dead thing after all.

“Then thank you, Harry.”

Toby smiled and said that he had a hunch that there must be some secret hidden in that invisibility cloak, and maybe they would use it in the future.

At night, Harry lay in bed, unable to sleep for a long time, and he felt that Toby and Jamie were like his two older brothers and took good care of him.

In fact, he has always envied Ron, Ron has a happy family, even if his twin brother always teases him, but it is all family.

“Mom and Dad, I’m doing well now, I know Toby and Jamie, they’re like my two older brothers, you don’t have to worry about me.”

Harry murmured, and finally he fell asleep with a happy smile on his face.

The next day, Harry woke up late, and when he went downstairs to the dining room, he saw Toby and Jamie already sitting there eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.

“Good morning, Harry, did you sleep well last night?”

Toby asked with a smile.

“Good morning, Toby, Jamie, I slept well last night and it doesn’t get much better than this.”

Harry responded.

“If you want to eat for breakfast, just tell Timo and he will make it for you.”

Jamie said.

“Oh, I want to drink bowls of porridge, and if there is a pie, I want a few too.”

Harry said.

Soon, Timo brought Harry the breakfast he wanted, a bowl of red date curses, and a couple of raw meat pies and some former eggs, bacon, and sausages.

“By the way, Harry, I have something to do with Jamie today, I have to go out, maybe I won’t come back late, if you are bored at home, you can ask Timo to accompany you to this neighborhood.”

“But it’s best not to go out alone, your status is special, if you encounter danger, you will suffer, there is Timo, at least it can ensure your safety.”

House-elves are not bad at magic, perhaps not as good as some powerful adult wizards, but if you escape with a person, it is still easy.

“I see.”

Harry nodded and said that he didn’t ask Toby and Jamie what they were going to do, after all, it was a matter of privacy, and that he was able to live here already satisfied him.

After breakfast, Toby and Jamie left the small manor and stood outside the small manor, and the two began to wave their wands and lay one magic after another.

Protect the spell, guard the charm, shield the spell, expel the spell, once the small manor is invaded by the wizard, they will know at the first time, and the phantom will shift back.

As for the little wizard who can’t use magic during the summer vacation, there is a trace restriction from the Ministry of Magic, which is not too simple for Toby and Jamie, a shielding magic can solve the trace problem.

Of course, ordinary shielding magic does not shield the trace’s surveillance, but the shielding magic used by Toby and Jamie is extraordinary, and it is a kind of magic recorded in the Magic Sacred Codex.

I have to say that “Magic Divine Codex” is a magic encyclopedia, and the magic recorded in it is all kinds of magic, all of which are magic that is not available in this world.

“Then, I’ll go to the Black Ancestral House now.”

After Toby finished speaking, he immediately moved the phantom and left, he had been to the Black ancestral house once before, and this time he could completely phantom transfiguration.

On the contrary, Jamie, he can’t directly phantom transfer to the old house of Gaunt, the phantom transfer can only go to the place where he has been before, he has not been to the old house of Gaunt before, so he cannot use phantom transfiguration.

“It’s a real trouble.”

A sword appeared at Jamie’s feet, which he modified with a flying broom, similar to the flying broom, but able to fly higher and faster.

As for why use flying swords?

That’s nonsense, which is more windy to ride a flying broom or a flying sword, of course, the latter, riding a flying broom is simply low to burst.

“Let me see, the old Gaunt mansion is located in ——— Great Hangleton, and to get there you need to pass through Little Hangleton, and the direction of Little Hangleton Town is – this side!”

Jamie controlled the flying sword at his feet and carried him up, flying in one direction, but on the way, he looked at the map several times, changed direction several times, and finally reached the town of Little Hangleton.

“That should be Voldemort’s father’s mansion, Riddle House.”

Jamie looked at a large mansion on a hillside, which should have been very grand, but now it was dilapidated, probably because it had not been lived in for a long time.

The Riddle family is no longer there except for Voldemort, and Voldemort is still just a remnant soul that is still lingering.

“However, the Riddle family is really unlucky.”

Jamie said to himself.

The Riddle family is considered to be the rich gentry in the town of Little Hangleton, and the old Tom Riddle is handsome and dashing, but he was taken a fancy by Merlop Gaunt of the Gaunt family, used a fascination on him, and the two eloped together.

Finally, leading to the birth of Tom Riddle, Merope was probably too confident in herself, thinking that old Tom was really in love with him, and actually stopped the infatuation drug for old Tom, and as a result, old Tom naturally abandoned her.

From then on, the doom of the Riddle family began, and Voldemort took a crazy revenge on the Riddle family.

Therefore, when going out, not only beautiful girls must protect themselves, but also good-looking boys must protect themselves.

“Gaunt’s old mansion should be there!”

Jami looked over to another hill, where stood a very dilapidated house, almost buried by vegetation.

That’s Gaunt’s old mansion.

The Gaunt family is also one of the Holy Twenty-Eight Races, and they are descendants of Salazar Slytherin, who knows if it will be like this.

Probably because the Gaunt family likes to marry close relatives, and in the end it leads to abnormal brains, which is the pathetic of pure-blood families…

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