Chapter 173 Merlin Memorial Hall!!

“About Stonehenge, but there is a legend of Merlin and Stonehenge, and it is said that the archmage Merlin sang a magical ballad in honor of King Arthur’s uncle, and called a huge stone from Aerland.”

“Overnight, the magnificent Stonehenge built on Salisbury Plain seemed to be selling off his knowledge.”

Percy was going to play tricks again.

Fred whispered, much to Ron’s approval.

When everyone stepped into Stonehenge, the tail feathers of the peacock in Toby’s pocket flew out, and immediately after a bright light, everyone appeared in an extremely magnificent hall.

“This hall was built by the Ministry of Magic with a lot of effort, and I don’t know how many gold gallons it cost.”

Mr. Weissa told them that after all, this is the façade of the Ministry of Magic, and it often receives many foreign wizards.

“Come, follow me, go this way.”

Mr. Weissy led the way, and Toby followed behind, talking quietly while admiring the décor of the hall.

Soon, they came to the entrance, where a wizard stood to check whether guests were carrying dangerous objects, and such a solemn ceremony must of course be carried with great caution.

Otherwise, if there is any disturbance, it will be the face of the Ministry of Magic of the Eagle Country.

The wizard took out a magical item and carefully probed it on Toby and several of them, and after probing, he also needed to register his wand.

Toby and his group, except for Mr. Granger, Hagrid, and Ginny, who did not have wands, everyone else had wands and all needed to register.

“Elderberry, Nightchill tail feathers, 15 inches, is the information correct?”

The wizard asked Toby.


Toby replied with a nod, he had already lifted the shielding magic on his wand before he came here.


The wizard returned the wand to Toby.

“Oh, you’re Tobi Rigpo, the genius little wizard who invented the life-sustaining spell, and the Daily Prophet is full of your pictures.”

“God, it’s incredible, I heard that the spell you invented can save people who are dying, and the sister of my sister’s uncle’s son’s wife was saved by that spell.”

The wizard chattered, even trying to pull out the parchment for Toby to sign for him.

“Alan, please hurry, we still have business?”

Mr. Weissy said that he obviously knew the wizard, after all, they were also members of the Ministry of Magic, and although they were not in a job, they had always met each other a few times before.

“All right, Arthur.”

The wizard named Eren sped up the registration.

“Bertha Joggins will take you to the Merlin Memorial.”

“Bertha Joggins, can she do it?”

Mr. Weasley’s tone was somewhat subtle, and it was clear that something seemed wrong with the witch named Bertha Joggins.

“Arthur, you know, the Ministry of Magic has been very short of manpower lately, and although Bertha Joggins has a very poor memory, she is a good helper, but after this time, Mr. Crouch should get her to Bagman’s sports parity.”

The wizard named Eren said.

“Listen to our father, the witch named Bertha Joggins has a surprisingly bad memory, and it is said that sometimes she can’t even find the toilet.”

Fred whispered in the back.

“Can’t even find a toilet, won’t you?”

Hermione was surprised, would anyone remember it so badly?

“It’s true, the witch named Bertha Joggins is a staff member of the International Magical Cooperation Division, and it used to be quite normal, but I don’t know what happened in the recent period, and my memory suddenly deteriorated.”

“It’s just like those old ladies, who always forget things and sometimes get lost.”

Ron whispered, because Mr. Wesse was a staff member of the Ministry of Magic, they always had the latest news.

“Memory suddenly deteriorates!”

Toby narrowed his eyes, this symptom should be the after-effects of being cast by someone casting the Oblivion Charm, just like Neville, his memory is very poor, it is because of the Oblivion Curse.

The witch named Bertha Joggins should have known something secret, so she was cast a powerful oblivion spell, and the wizard’s strength should not be low.

“Oops, I’m so sorry, I’m late again! I just went to the toilet and got lost, it’s so big that I can’t find my way. ”

A witch hurriedly ran over, complaining constantly.

“Bertha Joggins, I thought you wouldn’t find your way back until the end of the ceremony.”

The wizard named Eren taunted.

“Okay, now take them to the Merlin Memorial Hall, hurry up, the ceremony is about to begin.”

Bertha Joggins’ face flushed, and she glanced at the wizard named Allen fiercely, and then led Toby and the group towards another door.

“Welcome to Merlin’s Cottage, my name is Bertha Joggins, I am a staff member of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Magic, and I will lead you into the Merlin Memorial Hall.”

The witch Bertha seemed a little excited, chattering all the way, but no one listened to what she was talking about, and everyone was enjoying the scenery along the way.

I don’t know how long they walked forward, but everyone finally came to the edge of an indoor artificial river, and the surface of the river was shrouded in thick fog.

In front of the Tidal River, a building resembling the ancient Parthenon stands there, that is, the Merlin Memorial.

“Oh, it’s already here, you guys keep walking, you can enter the Merlin Memorial, I still need to meet the other guests.”

The witch Bertha seemed to say something hesitantly, but still began to turn and leave, she still had a task ahead after all.

Walking through the tidal river, everyone finally entered the Merlin Memorial.

The hall of the Merlin Memorial is a symmetrical, semicircular hall in the style of the ancient cila amphitheater.

Elegant arched walls made of sandstone and Itali plaster accentuate the mottled breccia columns.

Twenty-five life-size statues of knights of the round table are arranged in an arc, most of which stand on an open field paved with black and white marble tiles.

As we continued walking, we saw several professors from Hogwarts here, talking to other wizards.

“Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape, Professor Sprout!”

Toby stepped forward ——— greeted, but Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione looked a little restrained, and now the majesty of the professors had penetrated deep into their hearts.

“Oh! Toby, you’re finally here, and we mentioned you just now! ”

Professor McGonagall said happily, who let Toby be her Gryffindor house’s student, and her face as a headmaster now has a lot of light.

Of course, Professor Flitwick was also very happy, although Toby was from Gryffindor House, but he was now awarded the Order of Sir Merlin for inventing a new charm.

As Toby’s Charms professor, Professor Flitwick is certainly honored?

“Oh, Toby, thank you for inviting me to Sir Merlin’s ordination ceremony.”

Professor Sprout said kindly.

The attitude of the three professors was very good, except for Professor Snape, who still looked the same, and he saw that only Toby came alone, but did not see Jamie.

“Didn’t Mr. Ball come with you? Aren’t you two inseparable all along, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor! ”

Professor Snape taunted, seeming to be quite dissatisfied with Jamie’s ‘self-depravity’, how could the noble Scottlin be with a stupid lion, even though the stupid lion was a little clever.

“Jamie said he wasn’t interested in the ceremony, so F didn’t come.”

Toby explained.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick could see that Toby and Professor Snape’s previous atmosphere was a little stiff, so they pulled Toby aside and introduced him to other wizards who had been their students.

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