Chapter 187 Empty Glove White Wolf!!

“Harry, come on, you can do it.”

Harry cheered himself up and strode towards the Lizzie Bookstore, where there was still a crooked line in front of the store, and many people were waiting for Gilderoy Lockhart to sign them.

Also included are Mrs. Weasley, who are fans of Gilderoy Lockhart, and Mrs. Granger, who are simply curious.

“Let’s go! Please let it go! Let me in! ”

Harry deliberately shouted loudly.

Sure enough, the voice attracted Gilderoy Lockhart, who was signing, and he put down the quill in his hand, lifted it, and looked in the direction where Harry was.

“Isn’t this Harry Potter?”

Gilderoy Lockhart jumped up and shouted, if he really said it, Harry Potter’s reputation in the wizarding world is much greater than Toby’s, after all, Harry Potter is the savior who killed the mysterious man.

Gilderoy Lockhart was very excited, today not only let him meet the genius little wizard who won the first-class Merlin medal, but also let him meet Harry Potter, who is famous in the wizarding world, today is indeed his lucky day.

To be honest, the reason why he agreed to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts this year was for Harry Potter.

You know, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts School is very famous, and a professor died in the first two years, he is a great writer, why take this risk.

Isn’t it the famous Harry Potter at Hogwarts, if he becomes a Harry Potter professor, it can become his future bragging capital

What’s more, the theme of his next novel is also available, and even he has already thought of the name of the book, which is called “Those Days of Being a Savior Professor”.

That’s going to sell big.

Fame and fortune are there, why would he refuse.

Gilderoy Lockhart left his position, the crowd gave way, and he rushed in front of Harry, grabbed Harry’s arm, and pulled him to the front, and the audience burst into applause.

In front of so many people, Harry’s face suddenly became feverish.

“Photographer, quick!”

Gilderoy Lockhart shouted.

The reporter of the Daily Prophet took a camera, walked quickly to the front, and pressed the shutter frantically at Harry and the two, and the smoke drifted to the other wizards.

“What a beautiful smile, Harry!”

Gilderoy Lockhart shows his shiny white teeth.

“Just now I met the genius little wizard Toby, and now I have met you Harry, and the front page of the Daily Prophet will definitely be covered by me.”

Gilderoy Lockhart smiled happily.

Harry remembered what Toby had said to him, and he needed to say something of praise to Gilderoy Lockhart in order to get Gilderoy Lockhart’s free book.

But where should he be praised? Was it that white tooth, or the gorgeous wizard robe, or his golden wavy hair?

“Well, that’s the hair.”

Harry made a decision in his mind.

“Harry, are you here to buy books too? Very good, I will give you my autographed book. ”

“Oh, you don’t have to thank you, I’ll soon be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, we’ll be together for a year, we’ll have a lot of time to get along.”

Gilderoy Lockhart spoke so fast that before Harry even had a chance to speak, Harry had an extra set of autographed books in his hand.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Lockhart, for your smile……… Like your head……… Golden can……… Beautiful hair the same. ”

“I wonder what brand of shampoo you used?”

Harry stammered, his face flushed, he was obviously not suitable for saying anything to compliment others.

“Oh, Harry, you really have a good eye, I invented the shampoo I used with my own hands, and it contains precious bird snake egg yolks…”

Gilderoy Lockhart seemed very happy, and the famous savior Harry Potter actually praised him.

Gilderoy Lockhart started chattering Harry about his shampoo, but Harry didn’t listen to a word, he was just counting the time.

“Oh, Harry, if I have a chance, I will give you my shampoo, and then your hair will be as beautiful as mine.”

Finally, Gilderoy Lockhart ended his speech.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Lockhart, for giving me your autographed book.”

Harry said.

“Ah, that’s nothing, Harry.”

Gilderoy Lockhart seems extremely self-satisfied, and he apparently thinks that the famous Harry Potter is also a fan of his books.

“But, Mr. Lockhart, I have a few friends who are also fans of your books, and they adore you very much, but they are not able to come to the scene for some reason now.”

“Mr. Lockhart, if you may, can you also give them a few sets of books that you autograph?”

“Oh, I know it’s too much, but…”

Har looked at Gilderoy Lockhart with those turquoise eyes.

“Oh dear Harry, it’s okay, I’d be happy to give my autograph to book lovers, I wonder how many of your friends there are?”

Gilderoy Lockhart enjoyed the way Harry looked at him, knowing that this was a famous savior, and this identity alone could make him excited.

“There should be six.”

Harry replied that Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny from the Weasleys, and Hermione added up to exactly six people.

“Oh, there are six!”

Gilderoy Lockhart smiled a little reluctantly, he thought that Harry would be the same as Toby, if it was one or two sets of books, it was nothing, and he was a little distressed when he gave away seven sets at once.

It’s all money spent for nothing! But………

Gilderoy Lockhart looked at Harry, the famous savior.

If you give away some books, you can make friends with Harry Potter.

It’s a good deal.

Soon, Harry was holding a large stack of books, trembling and walking out of the Lichen bookstore, the height of those books had covered Harry’s head, and he was almost unable to walk.

“You guys don’t help yet, you want to exhaust Harry.”

Jamie leaned against a wall with his chest in his arms and said to Hermione and Ron on the side.

Hermione and Ron reacted and hurried over to help Harry share the books, only to have all three of them holding a large stack of books and walking trembling, afraid of falling.

“Whew! So heavy, so tired. ”

The three put down all the stacks of books in their hands, so tired and panting, they really didn’t have the strength to continue holding them.

“Ron, these two sets of books are for you and Ginny, this one for Hermione, and three more sets for Fred, George and Percy.”

Harry began to distribute.

“Oh! Harry, thank you so much for helping us all get to the book. ”

Ron said that now they all had free books, so they didn’t have to spend money on them, saving the family a lot of money, and the money saved might be able to buy Ginny a new wizarding robe.

“No thanks, Ron, everyone in your family is very good to me, so I should thank you.”

“But this time thanks to Toby, he taught me the method, otherwise I wouldn’t have had so many free books.”

Harry said that this time, he was really a white wolf with empty gloves.

“Ginny, these books are for you, and they were given to me by Gilderoy Lockhart anyway.”

Harry carried a pile of books and put them in the crucible beside Ginny.

“Thank you, Harry.”

Ginny whispered, her face flushing all of a sudden, and she even turned her head away from looking at Harry again.

“Look, who is this, isn’t this our great savior, Lord Harry Potter, what is he doing, oh, he is picking up a girl!” But your vision is not good. ”

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