Chapter 198: The First Communication with Tom!!

At midnight, in the dormitory, Harry and Ron were already asleep, and Toby got out of bed, put a spell on himself, and left Gryffindor Tower.

On the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, outside the Requirement Room, Toby waited here for a while before Jamie came, and the Slytherin common room was in the dungeon, much farther away.

Entering the lounge of the Room of Requirement, Toby waved his wand, and a ball of light shot out of the wand and levitated to the top of the room.

With the strength of Toby and Jamie, silent magic has long been possible, which means that when casting magic, there is no need to chant spells at all.

Jamie walked over to his desk and pulled out an old notebook from the pocket where he had cast the Traceless Stretching Charm.

The owner of this notebook is Tom Riddle, and perhaps many wizards don’t know who this person is, but if you say another name for this person, it definitely causes fear among wizards.

That is—Voldemort.

In today’s wizarding world of the Eagle Country, if there is anyone that wizards are most afraid of, it is definitely Voldemort.

Jami opened the notebook to a blank sheet, picked up the quill on the table, and dripped a few drops of ink onto the blank paper.

Those few drops of ink were directly absorbed by the notebook, and then a few lines of words began to appear on the notebook.

“Hello, my name is Tom Riddle, this is my notebook, how did you find my diary?”

“Hello, my name is Jamie Ball, I found this notebook in a garbage dump, I saw that this notebook could still write, so I picked it up, I didn’t think this notebook could still talk?”

Jamie wrote on this with a quill pen.

“Hehe, if you write so, I’m afraid Voldemort will hate Lucius Malfoy.”

Toby on the side laughed and said that Voldemort gave his Horcrux to Lucius Malfoy, only to throw the notebook in the trash.

“It’s none of my business, Lucius is also a strandist anyway.”

Jamie didn’t care, or that the Malfoys were all speculators, wallheads.

“Garbage heap!”

As Toby expected, Tom Riddle in the notebook is furious, he may not have all the memories of the body, only the memories of his student days, but he remembers that Voldemort gave the notebook to Lucius Malfoy.

But now, the little wizard actually said that he had picked up the notebook in the trash heap, which means that Lucius Malfoy threw such an important notebook and threw it in the trash.

“Damn Lucius Malfoy, when I come back to life, I’m definitely going to kill you, Tom Riddle gritted his teeth and said.”

“Yes, I can communicate with you.”

Such a sentence appeared in the notebook again.

“Mr. Tom Riddle, are you also a student at Hogwarts, and which house are you from?”

Jamie continued writing with a quill pen.

“Yes, I used to go to Hogwarts, but that was 50 years ago, and I was from Slytherin House.”

Tom Riddle said.

“That’s a coincidence, I’m also from Slytherin House, but I’m a half-blood and an orphan, living in a Muggle orphanage, and the pure-blood wizards of Slytherin always bully me.”

Jamie writes in his notebook that he is trying to establish himself as a poor little wizard isolated by his classmates.

Tom Riddle was a little surprised that the life of this little wizard turned out to be similar to him, they were the same half-blood wizards, the same orphans, and the same living in a Muggle orphanage.

However, this is exactly what he wants, and a little wizard like this is the best to control.

“No one has ever wanted to be friends with me, Tom, will you be friends with me?”

Jamie continued to write, showing that he was desperate to have a friend, and Tom Riddle would definitely be fooled.

“Of course, I would love to be your friend, I can also teach you how to be popular with your classmates, you just have to do what I say, you will be a great wizard.”

Sure enough, Tom Riddle would not miss this opportunity, and he used seductive words.

If he is really an ostracized little wizard now, he may really be fooled when he sees Tom Riddle’s words.

When he was a student, Voldemort was very demagogic, that degree was almost the same as Grindelwald, but it is a pity that after he became Voldemort, he gave up his mind and only used violence.

If Voldemort had the brains of his student days and the magical strength of his heyday, perhaps he would have surpassed Grindelwald.

“Really? Thank you so much, Tom, I think I’ll need your help a lot, but it’s late today, I’m going to bed, and I’m going to class tomorrow. ”

Jamie wrote with a quill pen.

“Well, good night, and have a good dream, Jamie.”

Tom Riddle said.

Jamie closed the notebook and put it in a black box, which could isolate the outside world, he didn’t want this notebook to be a demon, after all, this was Voldemort when he was a student.

And the reason why Jamie does not continue to talk with Tom Riddle is because both he and Tom Riddle know that if you want to be fast, you can’t reach it, and it takes time to gain the trust of the other party.

“Seriously, Tom Riddle was much more difficult to deal with than Voldemort when he was a student, but fortunately Tom Riddle did not have the same power as Voldemort.”

Toby sighed.

“Of course, Voldemort is a thug who can only use brute force, and Tom Riddle is an intelligent criminal.”

“At all times, smart people are always the toughest Jamie said.”

Early the next morning, Toby yawned and went to the Great Hall for breakfast, and Harry and Ron with him also looked listless, but Toby was staying up late, and Harry and Ron had not yet recovered from the holiday.

“Good morning.”

Hermione was eating breakfast while reading a book when the book “Traveling with Vampires” was spread out and resting on a milk jug.

However, Hermione’s voice was a little stiff, and after only one glance at Toby, she turned her head a little unnaturally.

“Good morning, Hermione.”

Toby said hello that he had long forgotten about yesterday’s school dinner, knowing that he was not a child, he had a lot to do, but he didn’t have the heart to fight with a little girl.

After a few people sat down, Neville Longbottom also came, and he greeted them cheerfully, much more daring than last year.

“The postman is coming soon, and I think grandma will send me something I forgot to bring.”

Neville said happily.


Toby suddenly looked at Neville Longbottom, Neville’s memory was very good

Poor, because I was cast a Oblivion Charm when I was a child, the stronger the power of the Oblivion Charm, the greater the damage to memory.

He is now working on the subject of memory magic, and may be able to use Neville as a test specimen.

It’s still too early, and he’s still in his infancy when it comes to memory magic, but if you give him time, he will succeed.

Memory is very important for a person, and what it would be like if the memory was tampered with, or implanted in a memory, seems to be a taboo subject.

At breakfast, Professor McGonagall handed out the timetables for each year along the Gryffindor table, and Toby’s first class in their second year was Herbology, with the Hufflepuff students.

Toby walked with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but Hermione, who had always walked beside Toby, walked beside Harry this time, and it was very quiet, or silent, along the way.

Walking through a vegetable field, Toby and they came to the greenhouse, where all kinds of magical plants are cultivated…

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