Chapter 218 Talking to Tom Again!!

“What do you want so many fire dragons for? It wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it? ”

Hagrid looked at Toby and Jamie suspiciously, he was simple, but it didn’t mean he was stupid.

“Oh! Hagrid, we will do something bad, you don’t want to wronged us, in fact, we just like you, we just like fire dragons. ”

Toby said that although they did use Hagrid as a tool to raise dragons, this kind of thing is not your will, Hagrid himself is willing to raise dragons, they did not force him.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I think too much, you guys think the fire dragon is cute, right?”

Hagrid scratched his head a little embarrassed, how could someone who liked fire dragons be a bad person? He must have thought too much.

“Well, since Hagrid you don’t want to, forget it, we could have gotten some dragon eggs, it seems that those dragon eggs don’t know what will happen, maybe they will be eaten?”

Jamie shrugged helplessly.

“Eaten! Oh, poor little fire dragon, no, I must save them, and I must not let those poor dragon eggs be eaten. ”

Hagrid said immediately, almost tearing up at the thought of those poor dragon eggs being eaten.

“So, Hagrid, are you willing to continue incubating dragon eggs?”

Jamie asked.

“Yes, yes, I must not let the poor dragon eggs be eaten, if you can get the dragon eggs, I will definitely hatch them all.”

Hagrid said immediately.

“Well, we’ll find a way to get more dragon eggs, after all, those are small creatures, it’s better to get them and raise them instead of being eaten by some wizards, right?”

Jamie said with a smile.

“Yes, you are right, with this dragon breeding farm, we can raise more fire dragons, how cute those fire dragons are.”

Hagrid looked intoxicated, for him, any other magical animal could not compare to the fire dragon.

“Then, Hagrid, we will leave first today, we will handle the dragon egg matter as soon as possible, but this dragon breeding farm will depend on you to watch over, and the food of those fire dragons is not small.”

Toby said that there was no better person to guard the job of guarding the dragon farm than Hagrid.

“Oh, I will, I will come to see them often, as for their food, you don’t have to worry, I will find a way, definitely not those children will go hungry.”

Hagrid assured.

After leaving the dragon breeding ground deep in the Forbidden Forest, Toby and Jamie returned to Hogwarts Castle to avoid being entangled by the little wizards, and the two went directly to the Requirement Room on the eighth floor of the castle.

“I really hope that when the time comes, we can create a fire dragon army.”

Jamie leaned back on the couch.

“It’s not easy, to build a fire dragon legion, it requires massive resources, and you need to train those fire dragons.”

“But I also think that if there is a fire dragon legion, it can basically dominate the entire magical world.”

“By the way, it would be even better if there was still a class of dragon knight.”

Toby said that in this way, this magical world is more like the magical world he imagined.

“Not necessarily, but it needs to be trained, if a fire dragon is paired with a wizard, then the combat power can definitely explode, maybe such a dragon knight can be worth an Auror legion.”

Jamie said.

The fire dragon’s attack power is still very terrifying, and if it can be assisted by a wizard, it may indeed be able to withstand an Auror legion.

“It’s still too far ahead, and this goal can not be achieved in a short time.”

Toby shook his head and said that it would take a lot of effort just to form a fire dragon legion, not to mention recruiting powerful wizards, with their current ability, they could only think about it.

They still have a long way to go to achieve their goals.

“After drying Tom for a few days, it’s time to talk to him again.”

Jamie took out the Tom Riddle notebook and flipped it open, it had been more than two weeks since that chat with Tom, presumably Tom should be in a hurry now.

“Hello, Tom, are you there?”

Jamie wrote in his notebook with a quill pen.

Tom Riddle responded quickly, he was really in a hurry now, the little wizard had not talked to him for nearly half a month since he had talked to him for a day.

He had wanted to see what the little wizard was doing, but he couldn’t leave the notebook at all, he was too weak now, and the stored power was only enough for him to have a conversation.

“I’m here, Jamie, you haven’t spoken to me in a while, what’s wrong?”

This line appeared in the notebook.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, Tom, I’ve been so busy during this time, there’s a duel club at school, and I’ve been practicing magic all the time! ”

“But I’m too weak, I’m not their opponent at all, I want to be stronger, I want to beat them, but I can’t help it.”

Jamie wrote in his notebook that he showed a little wizard’s desperate desire to become stronger, and Tom Riddle must be very willing to help such a little wizard.

“Jamie, if you want to be strong, I can help you, I can help you become strong, so strong that no one is your opponent.”

Tom Riddle secretly rejoiced in his heart that as long as this little wizard stepped into his trap, he could be reborn with the power of this little wizard, and he would return to the world.

“Really? Tom, what can I do to become stronger, can you teach me powerful magic? ”

Jamie wrote in his notebook, showing a little wizard’s eagerness to get stronger.

“Of course, but Jamie, I’m too weak right now, if you want me to help you, you need to help me first.”

Tom Riddle said.

“But Tom, how can I help you?”

Jamie wrote in his notebook that he created the image that a little wizard had taken the bait.

“It’s actually very simple, I need life force now, if you can find me some living creatures, then I can recover some of my strength, and then I will teach you powerful magic.”

“Learn those powerful magics, you will become very powerful, no one will be your opponent, no one will bully you, they will worship you and fear you.”

Tom Riddle said in seductive words that he did not believe that this bullied little wizard would not take the bait, as long as he could recover some of his strength, then he could better control the little wizard.

“Okay, just need some living creatures, that’s easy, I’ll go find it for you.”

“But Tom, I have a problem now, can you help me solve it?”

Jamie wrote in his notebook.

“What’s the problem?”

Tom Riddle was happy, and since the little wizard had taken the bait, it was nothing to answer him a few questions.

“I want to know…”

In his notebook, Jamie wrote down several questions about ancient magic texts, which they have been learning on their own, but the progress is really slow, after all, ancient magic texts can not be explored and understood in a short time.

Especially without the teacher’s teaching, relying on yourself to learn by yourself is really slow, although their slowness is already rapid progress in the eyes of others.

Tom Riddle is worthy of being Hogwarts’ best ever student, and he also has a deep study of ancient magic texts, and quickly answers the questions that Jamie asked.

However, he also felt a little puzzled, had the second-grade little wizard already begun to learn such a difficult ancient magic script?

“Oh! Thank you, Tom, you have done me a great favor, I will soon bring you some living creatures, it is late today, we will see the father next time. ”

Jamie finished writing, and without waiting for Tom to reply, he closed the notebook directly…

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