Chapter 228 won’t be Snape again, will it!!

Halloween passed without incident, and nothing special happened this year’s Halloween, after all, Tom’s notebook had already reached Toby and Jamie.

They wouldn’t let Tom’s notebook come out to make a fuss, Hogwarts was a school, and a peaceful study life was suitable for young wizards.

After Halloween, Hogwarts’ Quidditch season began again, and in order to cope with the Slytherin Quidditch team’s ‘new’ flying broomstick, Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, pulled Harry and his team members to train like crazy.

“Tomorrow is going to start the Quidditch game, and we can finally get rid of it, and Wood is training us like crazy during this time.”

While eating breakfast, Harry said to Ron.

“We’ll go cheer for you, Harry.”

Hermione said.

Toby didn’t say anything, he wasn’t very interested in Quidditch in the first place, and since he got the fragment, he and Jamie and Hermione had been looking for information about Avalon all this time.

But unfortunately, very little information can be found about Avalon, and even less information about that fragment, which may have long been drowned in the dust of history.

Although the gains were small, they did not give up, just slowed down the search.

On Saturday morning, the first Quidditch match at Hogwarts arrived, Gryffindor vs Slytherin.

The members of the Slytherin Quidditch team have been quite proud since receiving the ‘new’ flying broomstick donated by Malfoy.

Although they wanted to use this ‘new’ flying broom as a secret weapon, it was unfortunately detected by the spies of the other three academies, after all, they still had to use this flying broom to practice.

In order to deal with the Slytherin’s ‘new’ flying broomstick, the other three houses have trained very hard during this time, especially the Gryffindor team, and the captain Wood has practiced to the death.

At 11 p.m., the whole school began to head to the Quidditch pitch.

“The weather is not good today, and it is likely to rain.”

Toby looked up at the sky, the weather was very hot and humid, and there was a faint sound of thunder in the air, the rhythm of the impending heavy rain.

However, Quidditch matches will not be suspended because of rain, not to mention wind and rain, even if it is snow, hail, can not stop the wizards’ enthusiasm for Quidditch matches.

“If it rains, the game will be even harder, I don’t know if Harry will win this time, Slytherin’s flying broomstick is said to be about the same speed as the new Halo 2001.”

Ron said.

“Let’s go, let’s go cheer up Harry!”

Hermione said, taking Toby’s hand and walking towards the dressing room, where Ron was left behind.

“Hey! Wait for me, I’m going too. ”

Ron chased after him.

By the time they arrived at the dressing room, Harry had already changed into a bright red Gryffindor robe, and Captain Wood was still talking.

“Slytherin’s flying broomstick is better than ours, this is undeniable, although I don’t know where they got the flying broom, it is not a new light wheel 2001, but the extension speed can be compared to the light wheel 2001.”

“However, our players are stronger than theirs, we train harder than them, and we have flown in all weather conditions-”

“That’s right, my clothes haven’t dried since September.”

George Weasley interjected.

“Harry, let’s cheer you on, good luck!”

Toby, Hermione and Ron entered the locker room and said to Harry.

“Thank you, I’ll keep it up.”

Harry said.

“Oh! Dear Toby, did you forget one thing you promised us? ”

Fred and George saw Toby and immediately surrounded him.

“What’s going on?”

Toby asked curiously, did he promise the twins something, did he forget?

“You said that you were going to take us to see the fire dragon, but we have been waiting, you won’t forget, right?”

Fred whispered that they had been looking forward to seeing the fire dragon, and who knew that Toby would not be able to say anything after that.

“It turned out to be that, in fact, I wanted to invite you for a long time, but your Quidditch training is so busy, I don’t want to bother you.”

Toby explained, but in fact he may have forgotten, of course he can’t say he forgot.

“Oh! We all blame Wood for missing out on such a great opportunity, but once the Quidditch game starts, we train a little less. ”

George grumbled.

“Okay, come to me when you are free.”

“Let me tell you secretly again, Hagrid has opened a dragon breeding farm in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and has raised a lot of fire dragons.”

Toby whispered.

“Dragon Farm!”

Fred and George were so surprised that they almost exclaimed, but fortunately they held back, but for the dragon farm, they wanted to see it more and more.

“Fred, George, what are you waiting for, it’s time to go.”

Wood urged.

“Toby, this matter will be talked about after the game, you must take us to see it this time.”

Fred said.


Toby promised.

Then, the Gryffindor team members took their flying broomsticks and began to walk towards the arena, and Toby also came to the audience.

When the Gryffindor team came out, there was a cheer in the audience, not only the Gryffindor House students were cheering for them, but also many Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff House students.

And when the Slytherin team appeared, the crowd remembered the sound of boos and cheers, which showed that Slytherin was indeed unpopular at Hogwarts

Both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff hoped that Slytherin would be defeated by Gryffindor, who made Slytherin break the rules.

Obviously, everyone’s level is similar, but because Slytherin equipment is better, how can this convince the other three houses.

On the Quidditch pitch, Ms. Hooch had Slytherin’s captain Flint shake hands with Gryffindor captain Wood.

However, both Flint and Wood glared at each other with menacing eyes, and clenched each other’s hands very tightly, as if they were more powerful than anyone.

“Listen to my whistle, three…”

Ms. Hooch blew the whistle, and in an instant, all fourteen members of the two academies soared into the sky, and the crowd on the audience stage suddenly burst into noise.

On the audience, Toby sat here a little bored, although he had lived in the wizarding world for more than ten years, he still had difficulty understanding the wizards’ love for Quidditch.

The Quidditch match began, and the Slytherin and Gryffindor players flew over the Quidditch pitch on flying broomsticks.

However, Slytherin’s flying broomstick was much faster than Gryffindor, which gave them a big advantage.

In Quidditch matches, although the strength of the players themselves is important, the equipment of the flying broom is also important.

After all, wizards compete on flying brooms, even if you are strong and experienced, but if the flying broom is not good, you are still no match for the other party.

“Toby, look, Harry was attacked by a Bludger!”

Hermione shook Toby’s hand and said eagerly.

“Do you want to say that this time it was Professor Snape’s hand again?”

Toby had half-moon eyes, poor Professor Snape was really a professional backstabbing man, no matter what bad things could pull on him.

“Maybe Snape has always hated Harry.”

Ron said, he took the binoculars and started to look at Snape in the audience on the other side, but this time, Snape just sat there and didn’t say any more spells or anything.

“It’s not Snape, who did that?”

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