Chapter 237 Proud Professor Flitwick!!

“Oh! Little Ronnie, does this question still need to be asked? ”

“Little Ronnie, you’re really stupid, is there anyone more popular in Gryffindor than Toby?”

Fred and George said with grin.

“If you have time, come and help open the gift box, just like last year, you can take all the food and drink, I don’t want any of them.”

Toby said that who knows if there is any special medicine in those things eaten, and he has always been sensitive to what others have eaten.

“Toby, are you going to give us all of that?”

Fred asked.

“Of course, if you don’t want it, you can also take it and throw it away, I won’t ask for it anyway.”

Toby said.

“That’s a waste, these are edible.”

Ron said that those candies, cakes and the like are so delicate, the taste will definitely be very good, if you throw them away, it will not be too wasteful.

“If you want to eat it, just go and get it, if you get the addiction like last year, don’t blame me for not warning you in advance.”

“But it’s okay if you get the infatuation drug, Madam Pomfrey will help you lift it then, it’s just a little humiliation, anyway, there are not many students at Hogwarts now, even if it is a disgrace, it will not be seen by many 19 people.”

“In fact, the behavior of losing face, you are used to losing it, as long as your skin is thick enough, then you will not be embarrassed, and it will be someone else who is embarrassed.”

Toby said with a smile.

“Oh! This is so good to say, you are not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed! ”

“What a wise saying! That’s a wise saying! We’re going to write it down as our motto! ”

The twins said funny.

Next, Toby and they spent almost a morning unpacking the gift boxes, which were mostly chocolates, cakes, candies and the like, all of which Toby threw to the twins.

Ron looked at the pile of candies, cakes, etc., and was a little gluttonous.

But he was afraid that those things would be drugged with ecstasy, and he would do that humiliating behavior after eating them.

“Ron, in fact, not everything has been drunk, there should be only a small part, if you really want to eat, maybe you can let your pet Spotted try it for you first.”

“Anyway, as long as it’s a mouse, even if it’s a psychedelic drug, it shouldn’t be okay, right?”

Toby looked at the sleeping gray mouse with disinterest.

“Yes, if you let Madara try it first, there should be no problem.”

Ron suddenly realized, he woke up his pet mouse Spot, started asking it to try various foods, and then began to observe its state.

Madara didn’t realize Ron’s sinister intentions, and he enjoyed eating the delicious food until after the trick.

After eating a piece of chocolate with a psychedelic agent, Madara began to become extremely excited, not only running around the house, but even…

“Ah! Ron, get your rats under control! ”

Hermione covered her eyes and screamed, her face flushed with shame, that damn obscene rat!


The twins laughed hilariously when they saw this scene.

“It turns out that the rat has eaten the ecstasy, and it will actually become like this!”

Peter Pettigrew: What did I do?

The Christmas dinner at Hogwarts was held in the Great Hall, which had been refurbished, and a dozen Christmas trees covered with silver frost, all dressed in fir trees.

On the ceiling, on the walls around it, there are beautiful streamers, and the enchanted snow falls from the ceiling, of course, it is not real snow, it will not melt.

All Hogwarts staff, as well as students who stayed on campus for the holidays, gathered in the Great Hall for the Christmas dinner.

When Toby and they arrived at the Great Hall, the professors had not yet arrived, and they began to play in the Great Hall.

After a while, Jamie also came with Draco.

“Fred, George, you guys help with these things.”

Jamie gave the twins a large collection of gift boxes, which were the Christmas gifts he received.

Crabbe and Goyle, the two simple-minded and well-limbed men, had become insane after eating cakes and sweets that had been applied with ecstasy, and had been sent to the university hospital.

“No problem, leave it to us, we’ll take care of these things.”

Fred said with a smile.

“Yes, we will make the most of these things.”

George also said with a smile.

Soon, the professors also came to the auditorium, the most notable of course was Dumbledore, who wore a bright red Tang costume and a Song Dynasty-style black gauze hat on his head, which Jamie gave him.

Toby and Jamie almost laughed when they saw Dumbledore’s costume, but Dumbledore seemed to be very satisfied with the costume, and he smiled and winked at Toby and Jamie.

Apart from Dumbledore, the most prominent one was Professor Flitwick, because of his short stature and generally less noticeable, but today, he flew all the way into the Great Hall.

Professor Flitwick wore a pair of flying shoes on his feet, and the sides of the shoes were decorated like wings.

This flying shoe is also the alchemical product of Toby and Jamie, who depict magic on the shoe, and apply a lot of magic on it imitating the flying broomstick, so that the shoes can fly as long as they are infused with magic.

“Oh! Dear Toby, dear Jamie, the Christmas present you gave me was amazing, it was so convenient for me! ”

Professor Flitwick wore those flying shoes all the way to Toby and Jamie, and said very excitedly that he was like the old elf in a fairy tale.

“If you like it, Professor Flitwick.”

Toby said with a smile.

“It’s amazing, I’ll be able to wear these shoes to class in the future!”

Professor Flitwick said.

Because of his short stature, he needs to stand on a stack of books every time he goes to class, otherwise the little wizards will not see him at all.

Now with this pair of flying shoes, it is much more convenient, and he can fly to teach the little wizards in the future, but the price only costs a little magic.

“Hey! Albus, Michaelva, look at my shoes, aren’t they great. ”

Professor Flitwick flew towards the chair, deliberately showing off in front of Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

“Oh yes, it’s great, these shoes are 557 for you, Filius.”

Dumbledore said with a smile.

“Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, have you seen my shoes, which Toby and Jamie made for me?”

Professor Flitwick looked a little proud, even if Toby and Jamie were students of your academy, they obviously respected him more as a Charms professor.

“Oh yes, they’re great.”

Professor McGonagall said that she wasn’t jealous of Professor Flitwick at all, because Toby and Jamie had also given her great Christmas presents.

Professor Snape didn’t say a word, he had a wig on his head, which Jamie had given him, and although it was not as good as his original ‘flowing’ hair, he reluctantly accepted it.

Who let his hair that he finally grew was burned during the Duel Club event, and now he can only use wigs.

“Oh! Professor Dumbledore, I didn’t expect you to wear a Tang costume today, that’s the same as mine! ”

At this time, Professor ‘Lockhart’ also walked into the Great Hall, and he also wore a Tang costume, but unlike Dumbledore’s bright red, his color was royal blue.

Toby and Jamie didn’t know if Professor ‘Lockhart’ did it on purpose, after all, the Tang costume he was wearing now and the Tang costume Dumbledore was wearing looked like a couple’s outfit.

Is this a hint?

“It was given to me by Toby and Jamie, and I love the style so much.”

“Lockhart” Professor said with a smile, and he sat directly on the seat next to Dumbledore…

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