Chapter 244 Slytherin’s Manuscript!!

After the blood-red magic array disappeared into the basilisk’s body, the basilisk finally stopped hissing and struggled.

Jamie floated down from the top of the basilisk and released the dark thorns that bound the basilisk, and now that the basilisk has been subdued by him, although it is mandatory, Jamie has taken control of its life.

Toby split from Jamie’s body, and at a glance he saw the basilisk lying on the ground in front of him, the basilisk’s eyes were forcibly closed due to the blindness curse, but the snake’s body was covered in blood.

However, those injuries are nothing for the basilisk, and the basilisk is also very resilient, and those skin injuries do not take a few days to recover.


Toby asked, because Jamie led the consciousness just now, he didn’t know what was happening.

“Obviously, now I have control of its life.”

Jamie said that the magic is not ordinary magic, but the harshest master-servant contract, the master can control the life and death of the servant, once the master dies, the servant will also die.

Although this basilisk was raised by Slytherin and only obeyed the orders of the Slytherin heir, it is now Jamie’s pet.

“Next, let’s take a good look at this Chamber of Secrets, since this Chamber of Secrets was built by Slytherin, then there must be some research hidden in this Chamber of Secrets.”

Toby said.

At that time, Slytherin left Hogwarts because of 013 and the other three giants of Hogwarts because of their disagreements, but in fact he did not leave, but built a Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts Castle.

He lived in seclusion in the Chamber of Secrets, doing some secret magical experiments, this Chamber of Secrets, which could also be said to be the laboratory of Slytherin, he must have left something behind in the laboratory.

However, no one knows or records about the final whereabouts of Slytherin, as well as the whereabouts of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

It’s as if the Big Four suddenly disappeared, where did they go, did they die? Or went to Avalon in the Land of Legends? Or even somewhere else.

Toby and Jamie searched the Chamber of Secrets, but found no mechanisms or anything else, and the Chamber seemed to be empty.

“Maybe this chamber is just a façade, and the real chamber is somewhere else.”

Toby said, he raised his head and looked at the open mouth of the Slytherin stone face, from which the basilisk came out, which proved that there must be something else in it.

“That’s probably the only place we can find.”

Jamie also looked at the mouth of the stone carving.

“Let’s go, let’s go inside and take a look.”

Toby took out his flying sword and stepped on it, and in an instant the flying sword flew with him.

Just like Jamie on the side, he stepped on a flying sword and flew up, standing side by side with Toby, the open mouth on the Slytherin stone face right in front of them.

Soon, Toby and Jamie controlled the flying sword and flew into that mouth one after the other, and the passage in the mouth was very large, after all, it could accommodate a giant basilisk to pass.

However, the passage was also very dark, and nothing could be seen at all, and Toby and Jamie cast the lighting spell and were finally able to see clearly.

The two kept flying forward, and finally came to a huge cave, this cave is large, and there is also a pool, presumably groundwater.

“This should be where the basilisk lives.”

Jamie looked at the cave and said.

“It should be, you see that there are still a few passages there, it is estimated that they lead to the outside of the castle, and the basilisk may often go out to feed.”

Toby said that otherwise the basilisk would not be able to fill its stomach by relying only on small animals such as mice in the castle, and perhaps it could rely on sleep to spend a long time, but it still needs energy after all.

So where does the energy come from, of course, only from food.

On top of that, there are a lot of animal bones in this cave.

This basilisk is also picky, every time it eats, it will spit out the bones, or be pulled out, but in terms of the basilisk’s digestive ability, it should be able to digest the bones.

“There’s a bronze door there, maybe it’s the real Slytherin chamber inside.”

Jamie pointed to the side of the cave and said, there was a huge bronze door, and two living-looking snakes were wrapped around the door.

“Let’s go, let’s go there.”

Toby and Jamie controlled the flying swords at their feet and flew towards the giant bronze door that was closed.


Toby hissed, he didn’t know Parseltongue, but he could still speak some simple snake language, such as opening, closing and so on, if it was some complex snake language, he couldn’t help it.

The two snakes on the bronze door began to move, and the door was gradually opened, Toby and Jamie cast an iron armor spell on themselves before entering, don’t blame them for being too cautious, after all, this is the Slytherin chamber.

After entering the bronze door, the two came to a room, which was very bright, because the walls around the room were lit with Gubrai fairy fire.

Gubrai Immortal Fire is a fire that has been enchanted and can burn forever, a powerful magic that only a few powerful wizards can do.

The whole room is large in size and looks more like a laboratory, filled with various experimental equipment.

“This is probably where Slytherin used to experiment.”

Toby said that both of them dropped their swords and began to walk around the room, which was scattered with the bones of many animals, but it was too long, and some of the bones were weathered into bone meal.

“However, what kind of animal are these skeletons, they look strange, it seems that they have never seen such creatures.”

Jamie said.

“I don’t know, who knows what magical experiments Slytherin is doing, it may be about magical animals, but let’s look for it and see if there are any manuscripts left by Slytherin or something.”

Toby said that in addition to being a powerful wizard, Salazar Slytherin is also an expert in Fantastic Beasts.

In this secret room, he may have done a lot of experiments related to magical animals, otherwise, how could there be so many strange animal bones left in this secret room.

There was a desk in the room, but the materials on the desk were very messy, plus after a thousand years, some of them had even been destroyed, and there was nothing useful.

“I guess Tom must have been in this Chamber of Secrets back then, I don’t know what he got, it should be part of the Slytherin heritage.”

Jamie said.

“It is estimated that although Tom is extremely talented, it is impossible to have such great power in just a dozen years, and in his heyday, he was able to confront Dumbledore with the Elder Wand.”

“Coupled with the fact that he doesn’t need to eat food, has the ability to fly freely, and has the ability to atomize, these may have been researched by himself based on a part of the Slytherin heritage.”

Toby nodded and said.

“The really useful things in this secret room should have been taken by Tom, but we may be able to find some mechanism or something, maybe we can get something.”

Jamie said with a smile.

“You’re right, we should really look for it.”

Toby said that most of these chambers had some mechanism or something, and maybe Slytherin hid the real inheritance.

It is naturally best to find it, if they can’t find it, it doesn’t matter, they don’t lack a Slytherin heritage.

The two began a carpet search in this secret room, touching or knocking everywhere.

Sure enough, their efforts were not without gain, and they found a dark compartment on one side of the wall of the room, and inside the dark compartment was a copper chest.


Toby hissed again, and the copper box opened in response.

“This is, Slytherin’s manuscript!”

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