Chapter 258: Grindelwald Declares His Return!!

Early morning.

The little wizards were all gathered in the Great Hall for breakfast, and everyone seemed very excited, because today was their last day at school, and tomorrow they could go home.

At the teacher’s table, many professors also came to the Great Hall for breakfast today, including Dumbledore.

“Professor Lockhart is not there?”

Hermione looked at the faculty bench, but did not see Professor Lockhart.

“Professor Lockhart has resigned, don’t you know?”

Toby asked.

“What, Toby, you said Professor Lockhart resigned, why, why did the professor resign?”

Hermione asked, such a good Professor Lockhart actually resigned.

“You won’t forget the curse of the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, if Professor Lockhart stays at Hogwarts, he will be doomed, think of Professor Quirrell last year and the professor the year before.”

Toby said.

“God, no wonder Professor Lockhart resigned, he must have died a terrible death under that curse.”

Ron exclaimed.

“It’s a shame that Professor Lockhart is such a good professor.”

Harry also said that the school year has completely changed his impression of Professor Lockhart, and in his opinion, Professor Lockhart’s class is indeed very interesting and he has learned a lot.

“Not good! Not good! Big things are bad! ”

At this moment, Hagrid’s big man ran into the auditorium with a panicked face, shouting, and startling everyone.

“Hagrid, what happened?”

Professor McGonagall stood up and asked with some displeasure, after all, Hagrid had disturbed their wonderful breakfast time.

“The Forbidden Forest… The animals in the Forbidden Forest, rioted, were heading towards Hogwarts Castle. ”

Hagrid said breathlessly.

At this moment, the entire auditorium fell silent, and then many little wizards began to let out panicked screams, and if there was a camera at this time, I would be able to capture many little wizards’ memes.

As a last resort, Dumbledore could only raise his wand and launch a few fireworks, and the crackling sound of the fireworks finally quieted the little wizards.

“Hagrid, you said there was a riot among those animals in the Forbidden Forest?”

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, those animals in the depths of the Forbidden Forest are all running out, and if they hit Hogwarts Castle, it would be a big deal.”

Hagrid said in a panic.


Dumbledore had just wanted the prefects to take the young wizards back to their respective common rooms, when another person walked into the auditorium.

“Oops! Oops! Something bad is going on…”

“Lockhart” Professor ran in in a panic, looking very alarmed.

“Professor Lockhart, if you want to say that there was a riot in the Forbidden Forest, we already know about it.”

Professor McGonagall said she thought Professor Lockhart wanted to say the same thing.

“Not the Forbidden Forest! Be…… It’s the Yin Corpses, I just came back from Hogsmeade, I saw a large number of Yin Corpses coming towards Hogwarts Castle, I could have solved them alone, but the number of Yin Corpses is too much…”

Professor “Lockhart” said, not forgetting to lift himself.

“Merlin’s beard! Yin corpse! ”

Professor McGonagall looked like she was about to faint, and the other professors were also quite shocked, first the animals in the Forbidden Forest rioted, and now the army of corpses attacked Hogwarts.

Could it be that Voldemort is back and wants to take Hogwarts?

“Who are you?”

Dumbledore stared at Professor Lockhart with sharp eyes and asked in a deep voice.

“Headmaster Dumbledore, what are you talking about, I am Professor Lockhart, and Gilderoy Lockhart is my name.”

“I am a third-class recipient of the Order of Sir Merlin, an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, and a five-time winner of Wizarding Weekly’s Most Charming Smile General, although I never put that on my lips.”

“Lockhart,” Professor Lockhart said with a smile.

“You are not Lockhart, although you imitate a lot, even to the point of fake reality, but you are not him.”

Dumbledore said in a deep voice that he had long suspected this ‘Lockhart’ and did not expose him, but because the teaching level of this ‘Lockhart’ was really good, plus he did not cause any harm to the children, he turned a blind eye.

But near the summer vacation, such a thing happened, he had a hunch that the Forbidden Forest riot and the army of corpses must be related to this person in front of him.

“Professor Dumbledore, what are you talking about? He is Gilderoy Lockhart, how can it be someone else? ”

Professor Flitwick said something for Lockhart, and in his opinion, Gilderoy Lockhart was a very good wizard.

“Do you still want to continue playing the fool?”

Dumbledore’s sharp gaze stared straight at Lockhart, as if to look into his heart.

“This Professor Lockhart is fake? How is this possible? ”

“I think Dumbledore must be confused, how could he think that Professor Lockhart was pretending to be someone else.”

“Professor Dumbledore is so much that he suspects that this Professor Lockhart is fake.”

The little wizards also discussed in private, in their opinion, how could such an excellent Professor Lockhart be pretended!

“Snap! Syllable! Syllable!……”

“It’s Dumbledore, you, who can recognize me as a false hope.”

“Lockhart,” Professor Lockhart withdrew his smile and clapped his hands.

“Because the Lockhart I know is not as good as you, who the hell are you, why are you pretending to be Lockhart, and what is your purpose in infiltrating Hogwarts?”

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice.

“Dumbledore, I haven’t seen you in decades, you shouldn’t have forgotten my old friend, right?”

“Lockhart,” Professor Lockhart said, his figure began to change for a while, changing back to Grindelwald’s appearance.

“Grindelwald, it’s you!”

Dumbledore was shocked, he thought that this Lockhart was pretended by other wizards, but he did not expect that it was Grindelwald who escaped from Newmongard.

No wonder the Aurors of all countries have never found a trace of Grindelwald, he has even disguised himself as Lockhart and has been lurking at Hogwarts, lurking under his nose.

“Oh my God, it turned out to be Grindelwald!”

“After he escaped from Newmongard, he has been lurking at Hogwarts!”

“It’s so terrible, he’s always there for us!”

Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout were shocked, they had experienced Grindelwald’s time.

Although Grindelwald did not attack the Eagle Country at that time, the name of this famous dark wizard was thunderous.

Although the other professors had not experienced Grindelwald’s time, they had also heard of the name of the dark wizard.

“Actually, I would prefer you to call me Gellert, Albus!”

Grindelwald said with a smile.

“Grindelwald, what is the purpose of your coming this time?”

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice, although the two of them had been good before, he knew the horror of Grindelwald, and he was more afraid of Grindelwald than Voldemort

The damage caused by Voldemort may be limited to Eagle Len, but if it is Grindelwald, the damage he caused may spread throughout the world.

“Of course, to announce my return, Albus, I have prepared a big gift for you, I don’t know if you can accept it.”

“Now my Yin Corpse Legion is about to attack this castle, maybe this castle will change owners from now on.”

Grindelwald said, then he faced the crowd and opened his hands.

“Ladies and gentlemen, now I want to announce to you that the original Dark Lord Grindelwald is back!”

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