Chapter 262: Hogwarts Defense!!

“Well, it seems that you are very determined, so please allow us to join you too, we are also part of Hogwarts.”

The president of the men’s union said the women’s union also stood with him.

“You are welcome to join.”

Toby said with a smile.


With the sound of a heavy voice, the door of the auditorium was finally opened, and Toby and his group walked out of the auditorium, everyone’s expressions were very serious and nervous, and some were even sweating

You know, they are not going to play now, but to fight, and they may even die on the battlefield, who can not be afraid of death!

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

When Toby and his group came out of the castle foyer and came to the huge courtyard outside, they had already seen the tragic war scene, huge stone sculptures, stone statues fighting with a large number of dark corpses, but also from time to time they were attacked by some magical animals.

The courtyard was filled with the severed remains of Yin corpses, the corpses of magical animals, and of course, the stone carvings, the rubble of stone statues.

“Fall apart!”

“Crush your bones!”

The professors were also fighting in various ways, and the wands in their hands shot several spells from time to time, blowing up those corpses or magical animals.

But the number of corpses and magical animals is too much, not to mention that some magical animals are also very dangerous, such as eight-eyed giant spiders, cystic leopards, unicorns, etc., which can cause fatal danger to wizards.

The professors could only rely on the cover, sneaking up on them from time to time, but they did not dare to face those dark corpses and magical animals, and they fell into the downwind.

The Hogwarts defense line was getting closer and closer, and even the professors could only keep retreating in the direction of the castle.

“Thunderbolt explosion!”

Professor McGonagall shot out a blasting spell and shattered several corpses, although the blasting curse was very powerful, but the mana it consumed was also very large, and it could not be used too much.

“Hasn’t the support from the Ministry of Magic arrived yet?”

Professor McGonagall was a little anxious, if they continued like this, they could only withdraw into the castle, but there were still so many little wizards in the castle, and once they were invaded, there were accidents with little wizards.

“Dumbledore, now only you can collect Hogtianz!”

Professor McGonagall said in her heart.

Above Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore and Grindelwald have also begun a big battle, Dumbledore is anxious, he wants to go down to support, but he must first defeat Grindelwald.

Dumbledore held the Elder Wand, just like a god of war, and the Elder Wand kept shooting out powerful magic to attack Grindelwald on the opposite side.

As for Grindelwald, of course, he also knew that he was not Dumbledore’s opponent, not to mention that Dumbledore still had the Elder Wand in his hand, and the increase in magic was even stronger.

In the case of the enemy being strong and weak, Grindelwald adopts a defensive and harassing combat method, that is, defense is the main thing, and from time to time he harasses the other party with magic to achieve the purpose of dragging the opponent.

Grindelwald built a shield of fire to block the magic shot by Dumbledore, and then used the fire to conjure a fire dragon and attacked Dumbledore.

“Dumbledore, see, my army is about to take Hogwarts!”

Grindelwald said with a smile.


Dumbledore was very angry, and the magic power he shot became stronger and stronger, which made Grindelwald feel heavy pressure.

“Dumbledore, your heart is already in turmoil, are you worried about the other professors or those little wizards, and yes, those little wizards are so young, if they die, you should be very heartbroken, right?”

While dodging Dumbledore’s attack, Grindelwald also stimulated Dumbledore with words, he wanted to disturb the other party’s heart, only in this way could he have a chance to win, otherwise the calm Dumbledore would be terrible.

“Divine Blade Without a Shadow!”

In the courtyard outside the castle, Professor Snape struck a spell, and the invisible blade cut off the head of a corpse.

“Gaa Die, evil wizard! ”

At this moment, several huge eight-eyed giant spiders pounced, spitting out silk webs, entangled Professor Snape’s hands and feet, and then the surrounding corpses also pounced.

Although Professor Snape kept struggling, the silk web of the eight-eyed giant spider was too strong for him to even launch a spell, seeing that those eight-eyed giant spiders and yin corpses were about to pounce and tear him to pieces.

Professor Snape closed his eyes, as if waiting for death to come, and instead of a look of fear on his face, there was an expression of imminent relief.

“Lily, I’m coming for you!”

“Divine Blade Without a Shadow!”

At this moment, Jamie led a group of small wizards of Scottlin Academy to rush over, and several invisible blades fired in succession, cutting all those eight-eyed giant spiders and yin corpses into several pieces.

“Professor Snape, are you all right?”

Jamie asked.

Professor Snape reopened his eyes, only to find that it was Jamie and some of Scottlin’s little wizards.

“Why are you here, didn’t you stay in the castle, don’t you know how dangerous it is?”

Professor Snape raised his eyebrows slightly and drank coldly.

“Professor Snape, Hogwarts Castle is about to fall, although we are only students, we are also members of Hogwarts, how can we do nothing?”

“If Hogwarts Castle falls, we will be more dangerous by then, so it is better to take advantage of the present and let’s resist it together.”

Jamie said calmly.

“Hmph! Then follow me well, don’t act alone, if you are torn apart by those corpses or beasts, I can’t do you. ”

Professor Snape snorted coldly, but still allowed Scottlin’s students to follow him.

For Professor Snape’s words, Jamie had long expected that Professor Snape was such a soft-mouthed person, or he was an old tsundere.

“Professor Sprout, we’re here to help you!”

On the other side, the little wizard of Hufflepuff, led by Cedric, came to Professor Sprout to help her fend off the corpses and magical animals.

Professor Sprout was not known for fighting, and he was already overwhelmed when it came to fending off the corpses and magical animals.

However, the arrival of Cedric and others helped Professor Sprout reduce the pressure and made her breathe a sigh of relief.

“Later, do what I tell you to do, and do not act alone.”

Professor Sprout explained that although she was very touched by the arrival of her students, she was even more afraid of accidents to the students of her college.


The little wizards promised.

Professor Sprout pulled a handful of magical plant seeds from her pocket and threw wine into the air, and then she ordered everyone to inject magic into those seeds.

Those seeds soon began to take root and germinate under the input of magical power, and then grew rapidly, and various vines were like octopus tentacles, binding all those yin corpses and magical animals.

“Professor Flitwick, here we come!”

Ravenclaw students also came to Professor Flitwick’s side to help him fend off the corpses and magical animals.

Professor Flitwick is an expert in spells, and naturally Ravenclaw’s little net masters are longer spells.

Dao spells were shot out of the wands in their hands, killing all the corpses and magical animals.

Perhaps the magic cast by the little wizards alone is not strong, but if it is a combination of multiple people, it is also very lethal.

“Thunderbolt explosion!”

Professor McGonagall was struggling to fend off the attacks of the corpses and magical beasts, when suddenly a group of young wizards riding flying broomsticks flew above her head, led by Toby.

“Thunderbolt explosion!”

Toby’s powerful blasting spells blew up the corpses and magical beasts that besieged Professor McGonagall.

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