Chapter 269 The Vanishing Mandrake!!

Inside the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

Four long tables had been moved to the side, leaving a large space in the middle, where the remains of Minister of Magic Connery Fudge, Director of the Auror Office Rufus Scrimgeour and others were placed at this moment.

“Are they all dead?”

The little wizards also gathered in the auditorium, looking at the rows of corpses, feeling very frightened, and some of the little wizards even cried.


Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout shook his head and sighed, Professor Snape stood there expressionless, and the other professors at Hogwarts also stood with solemn expressions.

In this war, although there were no casualties at Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic suffered heavy losses, and even the Minister of Magic died heroically.

“Professor Dumbledore, what should we do now?”

Kingsley asked, the death of the Minister of Magic in the war at Hogwarts is no small matter, if it is not handled well, the entire Ministry of Magic will be in chaos.

“Wait a minute, Connelly, they don’t seem to be dead yet.”

Dumbledore crouched on the ground, examined Fudge’s body with his wand, and said.

“Not dead? How is this possible! ”

Professor Snape spoke up.

“They looked at the basilisk’s eyes, we all know that the basilisk’s eyes are lethal, how could they not die?”

“Although I don’t know why, they didn’t die, they were just petrified, but this petrification can’t be lifted by magic.”

Dumbledore stood up and said to everyone.

“You can check it out, too.”

Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, although they did not believe Dumbledore, but they still felt too incredible, after being looked at by the basilisk directly, they actually did not die, they crouched down and began to check it themselves.

At this time, Professor McGonagall also entered the Great Hall, Harry, Hermione, they saw Professor McGonagall, and immediately ran over.

“Professor McGonagall, is Toby all right?”

Hermione asked worriedly.

“Yes, Miss Granger, Toby is fine, Madam Pomfrey said he was just over-drained and could recover with just a few days of rest.”

Professor McGonagall replied.

“So can we go see him now?”

Harry asked, of course he wanted to visit Toby more than in the Great Hall.

“I’m afraid not, Mr. Potter, Toby is still in a coma, you better not disturb him.”

Professor McGonagall said.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked a little disappointed, but followed Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall came to Dumbledore and told him about Toby, and then saw Professor Snape crouching on the ground, not knowing what to do with the corpses.

“Professor Dumbledore, this is?”

Professor McGonagall asked.

“Professor McGonagall, I checked, Connery they are not dead, they were petrified by the sight of the basilisk, and they are still saved.”

Dumbledore said.

“They didn’t die! This is wonderful, thank God! ”

Professor McGonagall said in surprise.

“It’s true that they didn’t die, they were petrified, but it’s really strange, the basilisk’s eyes are obviously lethal, why are they just petrified?”

Professor Flitwick shook his head, stood up and said.

“You can’t depetrify them with magic, Professor Dumbledore, what should we do to save them?”

Kingsley also stood up and asked.

“I think a strong restorative made from ripe mandrakes should be able to depetrify them, and it just so happens that Professor Sprout has cultivated a batch of mandrakes, I think this time should be just ripe, right?”

Dumbledore said, looking at Professor Sprout.

“Yes, just ripe.”

Professor Sprout nodded.

“Then Professor Sprout, please go get some mandrakes, Professor Snape, trouble you to make some powerful recovery potions.”

Dumbledore ordered, as for why Professor Snape was allowed to make it, it was naturally because he was a potions master.


Professor Sprout promised that she had found a few Hufflepuff students and went with her to the castle’s greenhouse, where all the mandrakes were placed.

“Professor Dumbledore, now that the war is over, how should the students be accommodated now?”

Professor McGonagall asked, Hogwarts had just experienced a big war, and it was certainly not okay to keep the young wizards in the castle.

“Tomorrow, send them on the Hogwarts train, it’s summer vacation tomorrow, isn’t it?”

Dumbledore said that Hogwarts Castle is also going to be renovated, and this time the war has broken out a lot of problems.

“Hmm! That’s fine. ”

Professor McGonagall nodded and said that after this war, the little wizards must not want to continue to stay at Hogwarts, not to mention that it was safer for them to go home, after all, no one knew what dangerous actions Grindelwald would plan next time.

“Professor Dumbledore! Things are not good! ”

Cedric of Hufflepuff hurried into the Great Hall.

“What happened?”

Professor McGonagall’s heart jumped, and hurriedly asked, she had heard this more than once today, could it be said that Grindelwald had made a comeback?

The other professors in the auditorium were also taken aback, and they also thought about Grindelwald’s comeback, which they could not stand if they experienced another war.

“Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, the mandrake in the greenhouse… All gone? ”

Cedric said as he gasped.

“Mandrake… Disappear! ”

Hearing this, the professors’ hearts relaxed.

Fortunately, it was only the disappearance of the mandrake, not the comeback of Grindelwald’s black devil.

“Mandrakes, all gone?”

Dumbledore asked how the mandrake suddenly disappeared, this kind of thing is not very precious, and the growth cycle is not long.

“Yes, all the mature mandrakes are gone, and Professor Sprout is thoroughly inspecting the greenhouse, but has not found a single one.”

Cedric said.

“It seems that you don’t need to use me.”

Professor Snape said from the side, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, without mandrakes he could not brew a strong recovery potion, and besides, he really didn’t want to save Fudge

That waste, it’s good that he petrified like that.

“Kingsley, it seems that Hogwarts can’t save them, you better send them to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries, there should be enough mandrakes.”

Dumbledore said helplessly to Kingsley.

It’s not that Hogwarts won’t help, but it takes at least half a year for a mandrake to mature, and the originally mature mandrake has mysteriously disappeared, and it takes a long time to re-cultivate.


Kingsley didn’t say anything, he ordered the remaining Aurors to be petrified and all sent to St. Mungo’s Hospital.

“Then, Professor Dumbledore, we are leaving, and we need to inform the other officials of the Ministry of Magic about this.”

Kingsley said that Minister of Magic, Fudge, was temporarily unable to act, so the work of the Ministry of Magic would need other officials to preside, and the matter was so big that he had to report it.


Dumbledore said that although the war was over, he still had a lot to do, and he probably wouldn’t have a moment to spare in the next few months.

The members of the Ministry of Magic all evacuated Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore told everyone to stay in the castle, not allowed to go out alone, and the little wizards naturally couldn’t ask for it…

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