Chapter 281 Heading to Azkaban!!

Dumbledore only stayed for a while before leaving, and before he left, Toby and Jamie gave him a lot of candy, not only from the wizarding world, but also from the Muggle world.

Although the candies were not worth much, they still made Dumbledore happy, and he left while chewing the candy.

“It’s an old bee!”

After Dumbledore left, Jamie couldn’t help but sigh, many of those candies were sweet and greasy, but Dumbledore could eat them one by one.

“However, what a bonus!”

Jamie looked at the meditation basin on the coffee table and those Nick Flamel’s alchemy books and notebooks, and sighed.

“Yes, I have always wanted this meditation basin, but it is too precious, I plan to really can’t help it, just go to those ancient pureblood families to see, if there is one, just grab one.”

“Now it saves me a lot of effort.”

Toby said.

“Dumbledore was able to give you the precious meditation basin and these alchemy books, Nick Flamel’s notebook, which shows that he absolutely believes in you.”

Jamie said that these things are quite precious, especially Nick Flamel’s notebook, Nick Flamel is the most famous alchemist master, if his notebook is circulated, I am afraid that many wizards will snatch their heads and bleed.

“Not necessarily, Dumbledore has always been suspicious, he will not absolutely trust a person, probably this is the common disease of smart people, they will always think a little more.”

“However, now it seems that Dumbledore should think that I am a kind genius little wizard, and may want to raise me as his heir!”

“After all, who can refuse my harmless face! I’m a puppy! ”

Toby said with a smile and even touched his face with his hand.

“How do I think you are sometimes more evil than me, obviously I represent the evil side! However, since you say that you are a little milk dog, then I am a little wolf dog! ”

Jamie raised an eyebrow and said with a smile.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the basement, and with this meditation basin, we can watch the memories of Gilderoy Lockhart and Tom.”

Toby said.

The two came to the basement, the whole basement was sealed, but there were vents to ventilate, the basement was not lit, only four Gubrai fairy fires were lit, and it looked a little dim.

Toby put the meditation basin on a table, then poured Gilderoy Lockhart’s memory into the meditation basin, Toby buried his face in the meditation basin, and then his whole person was sucked into the meditation basin.

Soon, Jamie also entered the meditation basin, and the two began to watch Gilderoy Lockhart’s memories as if watching a 3D movie.

When watching Gilderoy Lockhart’s memory, the two of them were just bystanders and couldn’t change anything.

“What do you think? Will it be difficult to change his memory? ”

Jamie asked.

“There will definitely be difficulties, we need to modify some of his memories, we also need to cut, increase, and finally stitch those memory fragments together to build a new memory.”

Toby said.

“It seems that our job is like a film editor, editing the shots one by one into a complete film.”

Jamie said.

“Life is originally a movie, isn’t it?”

Toby said with a smile.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already mid-July, and during this time, Toby and Jamie were very busy every day, busy with various things, and sometimes they even forgot to eat.

“I’m really tired, but it’s finally over, let’s go to Azkaban tomorrow.”

Jamie said that repeating the dry bath work every day does upset, and this is the time to relax.

And for them, the way to relax is to get things done.

“Fortunately, it was time to bring Sirius out.”

Toby nodded and said.

Azkaban is a prison for prisoners in the wizarding world of the Eagle Country, located on an island in the cold waters of the North Sea, but no wizard knows exactly where it is located except the Ministry of Magic.

Azkaban is a terrifying place for many wizards, guarded by fearsome creatures like Dementors.

Dementors are a group of terrifying monsters known as “soulless demons.” ”

, they feed on people’s positive emotions and will absorb people’s happiness.

Once the prisoners are held for a period of time, they lose all beliefs and good emotions and thoughts, and the darkest and most terrible memories will continue to reappear in their minds.

Many prisoners will go crazy because they can’t bear it, or even die in despair, and only some extremely determined wizards can survive.

For example, Sirius, and those Death Eaters, those Death Eaters can be said to be Voldemort’s staunchest supporters, but they have not gone crazy or even died after being locked up for so many years, and it can be said that their will is also quite strong.

Toby and Jamie wield flying swords and searched the North Sea.

Azkaban originated in the fifteenth century, but was not originally used as a prison.

Azkaban’s first fortress was built on an island in the North Sea, and the island never appeared on any map, not Muggle or wizard.

Rumor has it that it was created by magic, and some people say that he enlarged the space.

The fortress was originally home to an obscure mage who called himself Extis.

He is extremely powerful, but his nationality is unknown.

Axis uses the most evil of dark magic, while also luring, torturing, and killing Muggle sailors who pass through the area, taking pleasure.

It is believed that he has become insane, and it was not until after his death, when the hidden spell cast lost its effectiveness, that the Ministry of Magic became aware of the island’s and the existence of the building.

Those who went to investigate were only willing to mention that the place was full of dementors afterwards, and refused to reveal more.

Many pundits believe that Azkaban is an evil place and that it is best to push it up.

However, many people are worried that after destroying the building, the dementors in the nest will swarm out, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

These creatures are already too powerful to kill, so there are concerns about what terrifying revenge will be unleashed if the Dementors are taken away from their active residence.

Every wall of Azkaban is filled with torture and pain, and the Dementors are attached to these to survive.

Experts who delve into the building’s relationship with the Dark Arts claim that the connection between the two is so deep that anyone who tries to damage the building could be retaliated by the Dementors.

The fortress was abandoned for many years, and continued to be fed with hordes of Dementors…

After the implementation of the International Confederation of Wizards’ secrecy law, Debebe believed that there were security risks in the small wizarding prisons scattered around the country.

Prison witches and wizards who try to escape from prison often cause unexpected explosions, stenches or bright lights.

The ideal would be to have a prison dedicated to forbidden mages, built on remote islands, such as the Hebrides.

After Damocles Rolle became Minister of Magic, plans began to take shape.

The wizarding world was forced to disappear from the Muggle world, sparking a majority backlash.

Rohr, who is dictatorial and has a murderous personality, has risen to power because of his anti-Muggle issues.

He swept away several proposals for a new prison and insisted on using Azkaban.

He claimed that the Dementors living there were an advantage for wizards: they could guard prisons, saving the Ministry of Magic time, trouble, and expense.

The plan was opposed by several wizards, including experts who studied the history of Dementors and Azka’s Madness.

Despite this, Rohr insisted on implementing the plan.

Soon one after another prisoners were sent to Azkaban, and no one managed to escape.

Even people who are originally mentally normal and not dangerous will quickly lose their minds after entering.

Rohr’s next minister was Perseus Parkinson, who also tended to support the existence of Azkaban.

By the time Eldridge Diggory took over as Minister of Magic, Azkaban had been in operation for fifteen years.

During this time, there were no escapes from prison or exposure to the wizarding world.

The new prison seems to be working quite well.

It was only after Minister Diggory’s actual visit to Azkaban that he really understood the insider.

Most of the prisoners inside have gone crazy, and even set up a cemetery to bury people who died of depression.

Upon his return to London, Diggory set up a committee to explore alternatives to Azkaban, or at least to exempt the Dementors as jailers.

The expert explained to him that the Dementors’ range (most of the time) was limited to the island because it provided a stable source of soul feeding.

If Azkaban has no prisoners, it is likely that he will abandon prison 4.6 and go to the main island of Eagle Country.

Despite the expert’s advice, Diggory was obsessed with what he had seen in Azkaban and continued to pressure the committee to find alternatives.

However, before reaching a consensus, Diggory fell ill with dragonpox and died, which is the origin and history of Azkaban.

“How, did you find it?”

Toby harnessed the flying sword, flew to Jamie’s side, and asked.

“I felt a thick dark force, and that should be the location of Azkaban.”

Jamie’s gaze looked into the distance, Azkaban was guarded by the Dementors, and the Dementors were dark creatures.

“Then let’s go.”

Toby said.

The two harnessed the flying sword and headed towards the depths of the North Sea, about tens of nautical miles, and they finally saw a small island standing alone above the North Sea, and on top of the island, there was a magnificent castle.

There is the feared wizarding prison of Azkaban.

The sky above that small island is shrouded in clouds all year round, which looks a little terrifying, with gusts of overcast wind, and waves crashing against the rock walls on the island from time to time, giving people a cold, lonely feeling.

“Finally here, Azkaban.”

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