Chapter 299: The Ancient Mantra Sesame Opens the Door!!

“Did you hear anything?”

Toby and Jamie returned to their hotel room, and Hermione asked.

“No, we didn’t inquire about anything.”

Jamie said, sitting on the couch chair in the room.

“Huh! I don’t believe you didn’t inquire about anything, so you shouldn’t want to get off us and explore the secret alone? ”

Hermione sneered, she knew Toby and Jamie very well, these two would not have asked anything, ghost!

“Hermione, it’s not a good thing to be too smart.”

Toby shook his head helplessly, he didn’t think that he could flatten Hermione, it was okay to cheat Harry, but to Hermione, it was too difficult, she was too smart.

“We did inquire about something, and we heard that a new Chamber of Secrets has been discovered inside the Face of the Master, and the Goblins of Gringotts are gathering a large group of Wizard Spell Breakers to open that room.”

“We plan to go to the interior of the Sphinx tonight to explore the secrets.”

Toby said.

“I don’t know the danger of this operation, and I don’t recommend you to go too.”

Jamie said.

“That’s not okay, you can’t leave me, I’ll go with me.”

Hermione said,

“That, I also want to do my own thing.”

Harry silently raised 670 hands on the side, such an interesting thing, he didn’t want to miss it, let alone stay alone in the hotel.

“Forget it, let’s go together, even if there is any danger, the two of us should be able to protect you.”

Toby said.

“What about it?”

Hermione pointed to the big black dog crouching beside Harry.

“I can only bring it together, although it is a burden, but it is not good to leave it in the hotel, we will work a little harder.”

Toby said.

Sirius: Am I a liability?

At twelve o’clock in the morning, Toby woke them up from their sleep.

“How do we get there?”

Hermione asked.

“It’s simple, just use the phantom transfiguration, we just happened to be outside the Sphinx during the day.”

Toby said.

Hermione stepped forward and took Toby’s hand, and Harry took Jamie’s arm with one hand and the big black dog’s rope with the other.

In an instant, several people disappeared into the room, and when they appeared again, they were already outside the face of the master, and the city of Cairo in the distance was brightly lit and very bright, and everyone on the side of the pyramid was illuminated.

Toby cast a phantom spell on Hermione and Harry, and of course the big black dog, although no wizard would care about a big black dog, but it was too strange for a big black dog to break into the Sphinx in the middle of the night.

Just in case, it’s better to cover it up.

Sirius: He felt like he had gone crazy and accompanied a few little wizards to the Sphinx adventure in the middle of the night.

“Let’s go, after casting the illusion spell, ordinary wizards can’t see us.”

Toby said.

Several people walked towards the entrance of the Sphinx, and as soon as they reached the entrance, they saw that several wizards who were guarding there had all fallen to the ground, startling Harry and them.

“They didn’t die, they just passed out, and it seems that there are already wizards who are one step ahead of us.”

Jamie looked at the state of the wizards and saw that they had only been knocked out.

“It seems that there are wizards and our purpose is the same! No, maybe their goal is just the treasure in the Chamber of Secrets. ”

Toby said.

“Let’s go, let’s go in too.”

Jamie said that as for those unconscious wizards, there was no danger to their lives anyway, so naturally they didn’t need to care about them.

Along a tunnel, the group walked towards the interior of the teacher’s human figure.

The interior of the Sphinx is like a huge labyrinth, with passages crisscrossing it, and all Muggles can see is the tip of the Sphinx’s iceberg, and more places are actually hidden by wizards.

“How do we get to that secret room?”

Hermione asked, they were standing at the fork in several passages at the moment, not knowing which passage to take.

“This, in fact, we don’t know.”

Toby and Jamie also looked a little embarrassed, they didn’t expect the inside of the master’s face to be so complicated, and they didn’t know where the secret room was.

“You don’t even know!”

Hermione asked in surprise, she thought Toby and Jamie had already inquired about everything, it turned out to be an unplanned adventure! I don’t even know where I’m going.

“Wait, I seem to have heard something, and the fluctuations of magic!”

Jamie said suddenly.

Everyone began to prick up their ears to listen, and the big black dog suddenly barked towards one of the passages.

“It seems that this passage should be right, the dog’s sense of hearing and smell is several times more sensitive than us humans!”

Toby said.

The transformation of Animagus is very magical, once wizards turn into some kind of animal, they will also have that animal ability, such as Sirius turned into a dog, then he has a dog’s sensitive sense of smell and hearing.

Toby and they followed the passage all the way, which was very long and crooked, and did not know where it led, but it was certain that they had been going down all the way.

“Damn, what’s going on with this door, why can’t it be opened!”

The faint sound of wizard shouting in front of them slowed Toby and their steps down, and although they were now invisible, they still moved forward very carefully.

About a few tens of meters forward, Toby and they saw a huge stone door at the end of the passage, and many ancient words and patterns were carved on the stone door.

In front of the stone gate, there was a stocky wizard dressed in scruffy clothes and a beard, who also had two short looped legs.

“Damn, what the hell is going on with this stone door? Why can’t it be opened? ”

The stocky wizard was a little angry.


Jie Kill – Dao Coma Curse was struck, and the short and fat wizard was instantly attacked and fell to the ground, unconscious, and he asked if he didn’t want to waste time here.

“Squirt! Who should I be, it turned out to be Mundungus Fletch, a thief wizard, who actually stole to the pyramids of Egypt, which is really powerful. ”

Jamie glanced at the stocky wizard and said disdainfully.

“Mundungus Fletch?”

Harry looked at the stocky wizard who fell to the ground with some curiosity, this wizard’s appearance was really not good, and he looked very lewd.

“That’s a habitual thief wizard active in the wizarding world of the Eagle Country, who often does petty theft, and although he is not a very bad person, he is not a good person.”

Toby said.

“Don’t worry about him, let him be unconscious, let’s take a look at this stone door first, I don’t know how to open it.”

Jamie said.

Harry, Hermione, they also ignored the Mundungus Fleich lying on the ground, they looked at the huge stone door in front of them, and the big black dog was directly on his stomach and stomped on his face several times.

Sirius: Mundungus Fletch, you have this opening too!

“What is written on this, I can’t understand anything.”

Hermione looked a little frustrated, she didn’t know too much, it seemed that she must hurry up and read more books in the future.

“It’s very impressive, we can’t understand it.”

Toby shook his head, the ancient words carved on the stone door did not know what kind of writing they were, they had never seen it so far, but they were a bit like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

“So how should we open this stone door?”

Harry asked, did it open with the Araho hole?

“Wait, I thought of an old door opening spell, Sesame Open Door!”

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