Chapter 308 Teleportation Altar and Mysterious Ancient Road!!

A series of huge explosions sounded, the entire ancient city was shaking, the buildings collapsed one by one, and the smoke and dust accompanied by endless waves of air were like raging waves, surging fiercely towards the altar.

If it weren’t for the iron-armored protective shield that Tobi had placed around the altar in advance, I am afraid that they would have been engulfed by that terrifying wave of qi.

“What happened?”

Harry, Hermione, and Sirius looked out of the ironclad shield in shock, but they could only see the smoke and dust billowing and couldn’t see anything at all.

“That pharaoh mummy, blew itself up!”

Toby said with a somewhat ugly face, they had no hopper at all, and the mummy of the Pharaoh would blow himself up as decisively.

According to common sense, a character like the pharaoh’s mummy should be the most afraid of death, otherwise he would not bother to study the method of resurrection from the dead in order to resurrect himself in the future.

Although it is not known what method the pharaoh mummy used to come back from the dead, since the pharaoh mummy was a wizard before his death, he must have used some kind of magic.

Most likely the same evil black magic as the Horcruxes.

But since it was hard to come back to life, why did the pharaoh mummy decide to blow himself up, in that case, wouldn’t the previous efforts be in vain?


Hermione, none of them understood the meaning of the word, or they only understood the surface meaning of the word, but they did not understand how to blow themselves up.

“It is to compress its own power, and then burst out violently, so that the power that bursts out is very powerful.”

Toby explained.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

At this moment, the space above them began to collapse, and endless yellow sand began to descend.

“It’s not good, this underground space is about to collapse, we must leave here quickly, otherwise we will be buried alive by the yellow sand.”

Toby said.

“But how do you get out of here?”

Hermione looked at the scene above her head that looked like the sky was falling, her face was terrified, although they were blocked by the iron armor shield, they would not be flooded by yellow sand for a while.

But the ironclad shield is time-limited, and once the ironclad shield disappears, they will be flooded with yellow sand.

“Can you fly out~female?”

Sirius’s face was also quite ugly, he was going to be buried here today, but he had no revenge, and he definitely couldn’t let Harry die here, Harry was James’s last bloodline.

“No, it’s too deep from the surface here, endless yellow sand pours down, that kind of power is very huge, we can’t fly out at all.”

Jamie said.

“So what do we do now?”

Harry also asked a little anxiously.

“This altar should be the key, and in general, when the pharaoh built the mausoleum, he would always leave a way to the outside world, so that when they were resurrected in the future, they could leave through that path.”

“Let’s quickly find out if there is anything unusual about this altar.”

Toby said.

Time was urgent, everyone began to move, looking around on this altar, the underground space began to collapse, endless yellow sand poured down, gradually submerging the entire ancient city.

In this situation, the entire altar began to shake, leaving Hermione, Harry and them unsteady at all.

“What happened?”

At the same time, the collapse of the underground space also caused the huge figure above to begin to collapse downward, which shocked both Muggles and wizards.

Many Muggles and wizards were gathered outside the Sphinx at the moment, but they did not dare to approach, and could only watch the huge Sphinx gradually sink down.

“What the hell is going on here? Why did the face of the master suddenly sink? ”

“Could it be that this Sphinx was originally alive?”

“Could it be that something happened underground, could it be that the underground dark river collapsed, causing the face of the master to begin to sink?”

Muggles and wizards became suspicious, but the sudden sinking of the Sphinx was shocking.

The news continued to spread to the outside world, causing many Muggles and wizards to rush to this side, wanting to see this rare scene of the mine.

“Toby, there seems to be a hole here, come and see!”

In the underground space, Hermione grabbed a stone platform to prevent herself from falling because of the shaking of the altar, and called out to Toby.

“I’ll take a look.”

Toby immediately rushed over, and sure enough, he found that there was a deep hole in the stone platform, which seemed to require something to be inserted into it before it could be activated, and the surface of the stone platform was carved with many complex patterns.

“Pharaoh’s scepter!”

Seeing the hole in the stone platform, Toby immediately thought of the pharaoh’s scepter, perhaps using the handle to go to the old scepter is the key to activate the Gaven Altar.

“Everyone, come here!”

Toby shouted at Harry, Sirius and Jamie, who were still looking around on the altar.

“What’s wrong?”

Jamie asked.

“I may have found a way to activate this altar, and if I am not mistaken, this pharaoh’s scepter in my hand should be the key to start this altar, as long as it is inserted into this stone platform.”

Toby inserted the scepter in his hand into the small hole in the stone platform.

In an instant, the patterns on the stone platform began to bloom with a shining light, which made Toby and them all couldn’t help but close their eyes.

Then, the altar suddenly stopped shaking, and a section of the altar suddenly fell off from below and began to rotate, spinning faster and faster.

“…… Fast! Hold hands, don’t let go! ”

Toby shouted, one of his hands gripping the Pharaoh’s scepter, the other tightly grasping Hermione’s hand, and Chime’s other hand firmly grasping Harry’s hand.

Harry grabbed Sirius, and Sirius grabbed Jamie.

The altar spun faster and faster, faster and faster, it was like turning into a top, Toby tightly grasped the scepter, and under the action of centrifugal force, all of them got up.

“Don’t let go!”

Toby yelled, he was grasping the scepter as hard as he could.

Hermione, Harry, their expressions were also very uncomfortable, but they still insisted on looking, and did not let go of the hand that looked at each other.

The altar gradually sank downwards, and then escaped out of the underground space along a mysterious passage.

“You’re all going to die!”

At this moment, a black light crashed towards the altar, and the voice of the pharaoh’s mummy sounded again, he did not die because of the self-explosion, or his soul was not dead.


The black light slammed into the altar, knocking the altar out of its original direction.

“Damn it! Dark Light! ”

Jamie was furious, he waved the wand in his hand, and a black light shot out from his wand, hitting the black light, this dark origin light, even the soul can be destroyed.


The black light screamed, turned into a black fog, and disappeared.

However, no one saw that a wisp of black mist actually entered the altar, directly into the lightning-shaped scar on Harry’s forehead.

I don’t know how long it took before the altar finally stopped and landed in a mysterious unknown place, and Toby and they came down from the altar and looked around.

“Here… What is the place? ”

Hermione’s face was a little ugly, it seemed to be desert all around, and there was only one way to go without knowing where it took.

“Desert? Could it be that we have already come out, this is the Sahara? ”

Toby said the Sahara is on the edge of the pyramid, and perhaps they’ve come out of that underground space.

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