Chapter 339: Magical Arithmetic Divination!!

Almost all the young wizards in the classroom were surprised, knowing that Professor McGonagall was the fairest, and although she was the Head of Gryffindor House, she rarely favored Gryffindor House.

Professor McGonagall always has a bowl of water, she and Professor Snape are simply two extremes, you must know that Professor Snape is extremely partial to Slytherin House, even to the point of shame.

But now, Professor McGonagall actually added twenty points to Slytherin House because Jamie teased Professor Trelawney hard once in divination class.

“It seems that Professor McGonagall really has a very good opinion of Professor Trelawney.”

Toby whispered to Hermione on the side.

“yes, I’ve never seen Professor McGonagall even add points to an academy for no reason like Professor Snape, just because that person makes him happy.”

Hermione also looked incredulous.

Most of the little wizards of Gryffindor House were shocked, while the little wizards of Slytherin House, although they were also surprised, were more happy, especially Malfoy and a few of them, almost cheered.


Professor McGonagall coughed twice, and she noticed that her behavior seemed inappropriate, but she did not take back the added points.

“You should all know that Sybil Trelawney has predicted the death of a student 840 every year since he came to this school, but until now, none of them have died.”

“Her favorite way to greet a new class is to see a death omen, if I never say bad things at the same time-”

Professor McGonagall stopped at this point.

“I can tell you that divination is the least rigorous discipline in the branch of magic, and I don’t hide from you, I don’t have much patience for it, there are very few true prophets, and Trelawney…”

Professor McGonagall stopped again, then looked at everyone.

“So, no matter what Trelawney says, as long as you don’t believe it…”

“Jamie, you don’t have to worry about Trelawney’s death omen, she says that to a student almost every year.”

“Of course, Professor McGonagall, I also think that Professor Trelawney’s death omen is nonsense, but I think that my prediction is likely to come true.”

“I heard that Professor Trelawney loves to drink and loves shirley, I hope she doesn’t really fall down the stairs because she drinks too much.”

Jamie said with a smile.

“Ah! I’m looking forward to it too…”

Professor McGonagall burst out laughing when she heard this, but soon realized that she was not acting right, hid her smile, returned to her serious appearance, and began the class.

However, everyone already knew that Professor McGonagall was extremely unwilling to see Professor Trelawney.

A Transfiguration class ended in a joyful atmosphere, and after the Transfiguration class, Toby and the others went to the Great Hall for lunch.

“It seems that even Professor McGonagall thinks that Professor Trelawney is a liar, and I really regret signing up for the divination class.”

Hermione said that she only now understood what Toby meant, some classes were indeed a waste of time, and divination classes were.

“I told you a long time ago, you are obstinate, divination class requires talent, it is not like arithmetic divination, as long as you study systematically, you can master some essence.”

Toby said.

“Toby, you’re right, divination class is a pile of garbage compared to arithmetic divination class.”

Hermione said a little angrily.

“What is she talking about, didn’t she take a divination class with us, when did she go to an arithmetic divination class again?”

Ron heard Hermione’s words and said curiously.

“I don’t know.”

Harry shook his head.

“By the way, Toby, have you mastered arithmetic divination?”

Hermione asked curiously.

“In arithmetic divination class, Professor Victor seems to appreciate you very much, and he said that you have surpassed him in arithmetic divination.”

“Arithmetic divination is indeed a magical course, as for what Professor Victor said, he is just humbling, I have taught myself arithmetic divination before, but it was also under Professor Victor’s on-demand broadcast that I really got started.”

Toby said with a smile.

Arithmetic divination refers to a kind of divination that uses numbers to explain people’s character and destiny, or predict the future.

Another name for it is “numerology”.

This prediction of the future does not require special talents like the divination taught by Professor Trelawney, without which nothing can be learned.

In divination classes, students often interpret blurry images by looking at crystal balls, tea leaves, or palmistry, or generalizing the inner meaning of things from random graphics or scribbled words.

Arithmetic divination, on the contrary, is based on a series of rules and rigorous mathematical operations.

It’s just that arithmetic divination is somewhat similar to the deduction of big data, and it is impossible to make some magical predictions like divination professor Trelawney.

“Then Toby, can you show me the magic of arithmetic divination? Hermione asked, looking at Toby with some expectation. ”


Toby nodded, he took out a piece of parchment, Harry and Ron saw that Toby was going to perform arithmetic divination, and they were very interested, and they came together.

“So, what do you want me to help you with divination? Although I can do anything, I am only getting started now, and I hope it is not too difficult. ”

Toby said.

“Parents! Toby, you can help me divinate how my parents are now, I am a little worried about them. ”

Hermione said that when she returned from Peru in South America, she came straight to school, did not come home at all, only wrote a letter to her parents to report some things, and wondered how they would worry about her.

“So, just write down your parents’ situation?”

Toby handed the parchment to Hermione.

“Try to write down your parents’ situation in detail, but you don’t need a long paragraph, just some words, such as your parents’ name1, age, place of residence, etc.”


Hermione took the piece of parchment, took out her quill and began to write on it, she did what Toby said, not writing many long sentences, but word by word.

“Arithmetic divination, it’s not a Muggle number measurement, it’s not really arithmetic divination, it’s just some skins.”

At the same time that Hermione was writing, Toby spoke up.

“Divination and arithmetic divination should be regarded as having their own advantages, divination does not need known conditions, as long as it is a person with a heavenly purpose, it can be interpreted by interpreting some vague differences.”

“Of course, the Heavenly Eye I am talking about is a bloodline inheritance ability, which is impossible for ordinary wizards to have, and Professor Trelawney’s ancestor is the famous soothsayer Kassandra Trelawney, so Professor Trelawney has the Purpose of Heaven.”

“But perhaps because the bloodline is too old, Professor Trelawney’s Heavenly Eye is not very bright, and her Heavenly Eye is covered most of the time.”

“Arithmetic divination, on the other hand, requires some known conditions before we can infer the past and the more recent future through this magic.”

“However, although arithmetic divination requires known conditions and it is difficult to predict the too distant future, it also has advantages that divination does not have.”

“That is, arithmetic divination will yield more accurate and detailed results than divination.”

Harry and Ron listened dizzily, and they listened to nothing else, except that arithmetic divination was more accurate than divination, which meant that Toby’s arithmetic divination had surpassed Professor Trelawney.

“Toby, I’ve already written it.”

Hermione moved the parchment over, and there were a lot of words written on it, and the known conditions were already very clear.

“Good, then you just need to convert these conditions into numbers according to the correspondence table of letters and numbers you have learned!”

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