Chapter 84 Can I apply for a patent!!

“Death! This is really an esoteric topic, each of us dies, whether Muggle or wizard, as long as we are old, we will die. ”

“It’s human nature that many people fear death, because they don’t understand death.”

“We don’t know what the world will be like after death, maybe you will dissipate, maybe you will go to an unknown world.”

“For some wise men, death is just the beginning of another great adventure.”

Dumbledore said with a smile, as if he had looked down on life and death.

“I think, Professor Dumbledore, you must be three wise men.”

Toby said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this topic, this topic is still too heavy for you.”

Dumbledore said with a smile, putting a piece of nourishing honey in his mouth and chewing it deliciously.

“Oh, it tastes great, Toby, don’t you really want some?”

“No, I don’t really like sweets, but if you can, can you give me three glasses of lemon honey water horse?”

Toby shook his head and said.

“Oh, of course.”

Dumbledore seemed happy, and with a gentle tap on the table with his Elder Wand, a glass of lemon honey water appeared in front of Toby.

Toby picked up the cup of lemon honey water and took a sip, but he still felt that it was too sweet and felt a little greasy in his mouth, so he didn’t drink it after taking a sip.

“Oh, Toby, in fact, seeing you, I feel like I saw myself when I was younger, you look so much like me when I was young, but you are more handsome than me.”

“But your preferences are not the same as mine, I liked sweets when I was younger, but you didn’t like it.”

Dumbledore lamented that every time he saw Toby, he would think that he had traveled through time and space as a teenager.

“Professor Dumbledore, no two leaves in the world are exactly the same.”

“There are no people exactly the same.”

Toby said.

“Oh yes, each of us is different, even twin brothers.”

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

“Professor Flitwick told me that you have invented a new spell that can be used to renew the life of a creature that is dying?”

Dumbledore finally talked about it.

“Yes, Professor Flitwick and I have already experimented with some magical plants and magical animals.”

“That spell can bring dead plants back to life and rejuvenate, and it can also give life to severely injured and dying animals, giving them enough time to heal.”

“However, that spell does not heal trauma, and Professor Flitwick and I speculate that since that spell can be used on magical animals and magical plants, it may also be used on wizards.”

“But we haven’t tried it yet, because of the lack of experimental products, Professor Flitwick said that we can go to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries to find a wizard for testing.”

Toby said.

“Yes, your guess is reasonable, if that spell can really be used by wizards, then it may not save the lives of many wizards.”

Dumbledore said seriously, and his expression became serious.

“Professor, I think that the Life Continuation Curse, if it is not the method of death if it is not hit, then even if you are seriously injured, you can use the Life Continuation Curse to continue your life.”

“However, the magic required to cast the Continuation Charm is very large.”

Toby said.

“When it comes to magic in the realm of life, the amount of mana to be consumed will definitely not be less, but this spell is two life-saving demons for all wizards.”

“Even, you gave a lot of dying wizards a second life.”

“I think that with this spell alone, you will be awarded a first-class medal of Sir Merlin’s regiment.”

Dumbledore said.

“Professor Dumbledore, it’s too early to say this, I haven’t tried it on wizards, and I don’t know if it works.”

Toby said that while he was sure that the spell would definitely work for wizards, modest words were meant to be true.

“Oh, of course, we still need to experiment, but actually, we can already confirm it.”

Dumbledore blinked, in general, spells that can work on the animals and plants of the wizarding world can also work on wizards.

“Well, when I find a time, I’ll take you to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries.”

“Thank you, Professor Dumbledore.”

“But Professor, I would like to ask, does the Ministry of Law have any patent applications related to it?”

Toby asked.

“Oh, you want to apply for a patent?”

Dumbledore was really surprised.

“Professor, I think patents are still very important, if charms can also be patented, I think there may be more wizards who devote themselves to the research of inventing new charms.”

Toby said.

“Oh, kid, you’re right, but so far, the Ministry of Magic doesn’t have a patent application for spells, but this matter can probably be discussed at the Wizengamot meeting.”

After thinking for a while, Dumbledore said that now the Ministry of Magic has patent applications for potions, as well as patent applications for alchemy, but there are really no patent applications for charms.

First, because inventing new spells is not a simple matter, most of the spells commonly used in the wizarding world were invented hundreds of years ago.

Second, the spells that are now popular in the legal world can already meet most of the needs of wizards, and naturally few wizards think of inventing new spells.

No wizard invents a new spell, and naturally the patent application for the spell is obtained.

“Toby, what are you trying to patent for, is it money?”

Dumbledore asked.

“Professor, I am indeed for the money, but I am not for myself, I want to donate that money to St. Mungo’s True Law Injury and Illness Hospital.”

“I hope that more wizards can be treated, and I also hope that St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries can better treat injured wizards, because every life is priceless.”

Toby said very seriously.

“It’s really touching, Toby, you’re a kind kid, seriously, you’re so much stronger than when I was younger.”

Dumbledore was silent for a long time, very moved by Toby’s words, and those eyes even shone with tears.

The portraits of the previous headmasters of Hogwarts on the office wall no longer pretended to sleep at this time, and they all quietly peeked at Toby, and Toby’s words just now shocked them.

Is this something that a little wizard can say, even some adult wizards don’t have such an awareness.

“Professor, I just want to do as much as I can.”

Toby whispered that if he wanted to become the next Dumbledore, he had to create a glorious image for himself.

“Professor, you are the chief magician of Wizengamot, you should be able to facilitate the application for the spell patent, can I donate money to St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital, but it depends on your help.”

Toby winked at Dumbledore and said a little mischievously.

“Oh, of course, I’ll do my best.”

Dumbledore took off the half-moon eyes, wiped them, and then said with a smile.

“Then, Professor, if you have nothing else, I will take my leave, it will be curfew time soon, and if I don’t go back, I may be caught by Mr. Filch.”

“I don’t want to deduct points for Gryffindor House.”

Toby shrugged and said.

“Oh, actually, it doesn’t matter if you go back later, I’ll give you a pass, but don’t make it difficult for our castle janitor.”

Dumbledore smiled and said…

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