Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 105 Gryffindor, Plus Twenty Points

"This is... what's going on? How did I become like this?"

Harry looked at his current attire, stroked his loose red hair, and felt a little at a loss.

"Harry! Are you really Harry?"

Ron asked, he always thought Harry was a boy, did Harry turn out to be a girl? But the girl lived in the same dormitory with them. ……

"Ron, of course I am Harry, the real Harry."

Harry said anxiously, as if eager to prove that he was the real Harry, but he didn't know why he turned into a girl.

"This is so funny, Harry Potter turned into a girl!"

On the Slytherin side, Dellaco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and the others couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

The noise in the classroom brought Professor Snape back to his senses. The moment he saw "Harry", he was indeed plunged into memories, remembering all the scenes when he got along with Harry's mother Lily.

Professor Snape took a deep look at "Harry", he knew very well that this "Harry" was not Lily, and Lily was much more beautiful than "Harry-".


Professor Snape snorted coldly, and the noise in the classroom stopped abruptly, and became silent again.

"I think Mr. Regbo and Mr. Power should be able to explain to us, you are geniuses in spells!"

Professor Snape said, especially the emphasis on the word genius, which is obviously a good word, but the tone has a kind of irony.

"Sorry, Professor Snape, we were just joking with everyone. I think this spell is quite interesting and suitable for adjusting the serious atmosphere."

Toby said with a smile.

"So, Toby, you turned me into a girl?"?

Harry looked at Toby in surprise, he didn't expect Toby would do this, turning him into a girl, and this magic is too amazing, it can change gender

"Oh, Harry, don't worry, you'll change back."

Toby reassured that the spell itself can only switch genders for a short time, and it is actually more like a prank spell.

"Toby, you can change me back now.

Harry was a little anxious, he didn't want to be a girl, especially in front of so many people, it made him feel even more ashamed.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry I can't just yet, I think Professor Snape still prefers you as a girl."

said Toby, then turned his attention to Professor Snape.

"Professor Snape, do you think that you prefer Harry as a boy or a girl?"

Toby asked with a smile.

Professor Snape frowned slightly, why did he feel that this little wizard seemed to know a lot of things, otherwise why did he choose to turn Harry into a girl at this time, could it be that he knew...

Professor Snape's eyes suddenly became serious, and he immediately cast Legilimency on Toby, but it failed, he couldn't see anything, just blank.

Toby laughed secretly in his heart, if he didn't have two brushes and dared to jump in front of Dumbledore, he would have been prepared for the magic of Legilimency.

But what he used was not the magic of Occlumency, but another kind of magic recorded in the "Devil's Tome". That kind of magic can hide all memories, and no one can see through it.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Potter, your girl's dress is more pleasing to the eye than your boy's dress, and in my class from now on, you can use the girl's dress.

Professor Snape said flatly.

Harry's girl outfit was more like Lily than Harry's boy outfit, which was more like James, and Professor Snape would of course choose the latter.

One that is not pleasing to the eye and one that is pleasing to the eye, which one do you choose, of course the one that looks pleasing to the eye.

"But, professor..."

Harry was stunned by Professor Snape's words, would he have to transform into a girl in Potions class from now on?

Professor Snape didn't care about Harry's opinion, he just wanted to make himself happy, as long as Harry appeared in front of him as "Harry" in the future, then he would be happy.

"About the three questions I raised before, I will tell you now that the combination of narcissus powder and wormwood can make a powerful sleeping pill, which is a dose of water of life and death.

"Coprolites are stones taken from the stomachs of goats and are extremely detoxifying."

"As for Aconitum acanthus and Aconitum chamaejasma, they are the same plant, and they are collectively called aconitum. Do you understand? Why don't you write them all down?"

Professor Snape said.

The little wizards in the classroom immediately began to write down what Professor Snape had just said on the parchment with quills.

"Potter, although you didn't answer my question just now, you were very honest and didn't give some strange answers casually."

"For that, I'll give Gryffindor twenty points."

said Professor Snape suddenly.

There was no sound in the classroom, and even the little wizards stopped their quills. They heard correctly, right? Snape gave Gryffindor ten points.

Or rather, Professor Snape added twenty points to Harry.

"how can that be!"

The little wizards of Slytherin opened their mouths wide in shock. They knew how eccentric the dean of their college was, but now, why did the dean go to another college?

……… Ask for flowers…

And it was the Gryffindor that Slytherin hated the most. Didn't Professor Snape always hate the Gryffindor the most?

Could it be that Professor Snape took the wrong medicine?

All the little wizards of Slytherin had this question in their minds.

"Okay, Potter, you sit down, and then we will officially start class."

Professor Snape didn't care what the little wizards were thinking, he always did what he wanted.

Who made "Harry" so much like Lily.

At this time, "Harry" was also flattered, he knew that Professor Snape had always disliked him, but why did Professor Snape's attitude towards him turn around when he became a girl?

"Well, Harry, Professor Snape didn't argue with you, did he?"?


Toby asked quietly.

"Toby, why is that?"

Harry was very puzzled, is there such a big difference between boys and girls? Isn't it true that men and women are equal now, and Professor Snape is actually a femme fatale?

"Harry, the reason for this is very complicated, and I can't explain it for a while, but you just need to know that as long as you look like a girl in front of Professor Snape, he will not fight against you."

"Of course, if you want Professor Snape to fight against you like before, I can help you become a boy again."

Toby said.

Harry recalled the scene where Professor Snape was aggressive towards him before, and also remembered the attitude of Professor Snape towards him after he became a girl. Compared with the two, he decisively chose the latter.

Isn't it just to become a girl, anyway, there will be nothing more, and something less, just change! Wait...

Harry suddenly remembered something, his face flushed immediately, he has really turned into a girl now!

Potions class continued, and Professor Snape, probably because of "Harry", was a rare student who did not compete with Gryffindor's students.

However, Professor Snape was very strict in his class. He divided the students into pairs and taught them to mix and concoct a simple potion for boils.

Professor Snape wrote down the process and steps of making the potion on the blackboard, but some places were slightly different from those recorded in the potion book.

Hermione was with Toby, but she was a bit puzzled by the steps of the process that Professor Snape had written on the blackboard.

"Toby, why did the process and steps that Professor Snape wrote on the blackboard seem to be different from what was recorded in the book in some places?"

Hermione asked curiously, she didn't know whether to follow the mountain recorded on the blackboard or the book. .

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