Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 108 Visiting Professor Quirrell

"Oh, what happened?"

At the entrance of the school hospital, Dumbledore walked in.

The teaching accident that happened in the Potions class was intentionally spread by the young wizards in the senior grades, and now it has spread throughout the entire castle.

Dumbledore heard that at this time, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, it was necessary for him to come and see.

"Professor Dumbledore, it's like this..."

The little wizards talked about what happened in potions class.

Although the voice was a little messy, Dumbledore still knew the whole thing from it.

"Oh, yes, children, I already know about this, you go out first, or Madam Pomfrey will be angry."

Dumbledore said with a chuckle.

In Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore was helpless, except Mrs. Pince in the library, and Mrs. Pomfrey in the school hospital.

In the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey was the authority, and even Dumbledore had to listen to her.

"Toby, Jamie, you two stay here."

Dumbledore stopped Toby and Jamie who wanted to leave together.

"Professor Dumbledore, is there anything else?"

Toby and Jamie stayed.

"Oh, although I've heard them tell what happened, I'd like to hear you tell it again.

Dumbledore said with a smile, he already had a general understanding of what happened, but still wanted to know the specifics.

"Professor Dumbledore, actually..."

Toby told the story in detail again, without missing a single point, and even directly said that he was responsible for Professor Snape's bald head.

"You have done a good job. I am really proud of you to stand up and lead the students at this time, and you have handled things very well. I don't think anyone can do better than you."

Dumbledore laughed and praised

"So, Professor Dumbledore, should we be awarded points?"?

Toby asked with a smile.

"Of course, I'll add 20 points each to Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Dumbledore said with a smile, he seemed to be very satisfied with what Toby and Jamie did, they could help classmates and professors, how could they be bad boys, as for some pranks

This is nothing.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, but Professor Snape's hair - he shouldn't blame me~?"?

asked Toby.

"Actually, if Professor Snape doesn't have time to wash his hair, maybe a bald head suits him well.

Jamie said aside.

Dumbledore glanced at Professor Snape who was lying on the hospital bed. At this time, Professor Snape was still "comatose", but his bald head seemed to be very happy.

"Oh boy, I think you're right, a bald head looks good for Professor Snape, doesn't it?"

Dumbledore laughed, but didn't know whom to ask.

"Okay, kids, let's get out and leave Professor Snape alone.

said Dumbledore.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore."

Toby and Jamie followed Dumbledore out of the infirmary, but they didn't see Professor Snape opening his eyes and gritting his teeth.

Damn it, they actually took his flowing hair away, if there is no hair growth potion, he will only be naked.

Leaving the school infirmary, Toby and the others happened to meet Madam Pomfrey, and behind her were Neville and Seamus. The boils on their faces had healed up a lot now, and their facial features could be seen clearly.

You know, when Neville and Seamus first arrived, their faces looked like they had been mosaiced, they couldn't see the facial features clearly, and their entire faces were swollen into a ball.

"It seems that Madam Pomfrey's medical skills are really excellent."

Toby whispered to Jamie.

"Oh, Albus, it's good to see you."

"Seriously, Hogwarts should abolish the Potions class, it's too dangerous..."

Madam Pomfrey began to ramble on to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore could only laugh along with him, he didn't dare to offend Madam Pomfrey.

"Madame Pomfrey, where is Professor Quirrell now? We want to visit him, but he doesn't seem to be in the school hospital?"?

Toby asked suddenly.

They had promised Dumbledore that they would "apologize" to Professor Quirrell and see how he was doing.

"Oh, Professor Quirrell, he's actually fine, but he strongly requested not to live in the school hospital, so we can only arrange a separate room for him.

"His room is just around the corner on the second floor."

Madam Pomfrey replied that she thought Professor Quirrell was a weird person. Not only did he ask not to stay in the campus hospital, but he never took off the big scarf on his head even when he was eating or sleeping.

It was as if there was some treasure hidden in that big scarf, and his body was full of garlic smell, and no one even allowed anyone to approach him.

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey."

Toby said.

"Then, Professor Dumbledore, we are going to visit Professor Quirrell, and you can rest assured that we will apologize to him.

Jamie said.

"Oh, yes, Professor Quirrell will be delighted to have you visit him."

Dumbledore laughed.

Toby and Jamie left the school hospital and came to the corner of the second floor of the castle. There is a separate room where Professor Quirrell lives now.

Inside the room, Professor Quirrell stood in front of a mirror with his back turned, the back of his head showing another person's face.

That face was Voldemort's.

"Quirrell, those two little wizards from before are special, you have to pay extra attention to them, and if possible, win them over to our side."

Voldemort's voice sounded in Professor Quirrell's heart, it was absolutely impossible for ordinary first-year students to have such powerful magic.

There must be some secret hidden in those two little wizards, or maybe they are geniuses, just like him once.

"."But...but, master, I...how can I win them over?"?

Professor Quirrell asked with some fear, the magic of those two little wizards was so powerful that even Voldemort couldn't defeat them.

If Voldemort knew that Professor Quirrell thought so, he would definitely reward him with Avada Kedavra.

Could it be that he can't beat them? It's obvious that you are so useless. If it were him in his heyday, those two little wizards would be nothing at all.

"Pay attention to their behavior for the time being and see if there is anything wrong. If they are really geniuses, then use powerful magic to seduce them."

"Geniuses like this are often conceited, but they also yearn for powerful magic."

Voldemort said, just like him back then, all the disguises were just to learn more powerful magic and possess more powerful power.

"Yes... yes (get it), master."

Professor Quirrell stammered in agreement.

"This time, my strength is consumed a lot and I need to absorb some of your vitality. Get the Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible, otherwise I can only absorb your vitality for protection.

Voldemort said indifferently.

"Master...Master, please forgive me, I will definitely get the Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible."

Professor Quirrell was about to cry. Voldemort's continuous absorption of his life force made his body weaker and weaker. If this continued, he would really die.

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? The blood of unicorns can last your life. If you really can't support it anymore, then you can go hunting unicorns. Anyway, there are many in the Forbidden Forest."

Voldemort snorted coldly, but he wouldn't drain Professor Quirrell's life force all at once, after all he still needed this servant to get him the Philosopher's Stone.

As for getting the Philosopher's Stone, the servant of the waste is not qualified to give him allegiance at all.

"But...but the blood of unicorns is cursed."

Professor Quirrell collapsed on the ground in shock. .

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