Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 144: The Trip To Knockturn Alley

At about 1:00 in the afternoon, Toby and the others left Hagrid's place, because today is Friday, and there is no class in the afternoon. It can be said that they will have two and a half days of rest for the next half day and the following Saturday and weekend.

"Toby, Jamie, don't you go back to the castle together?"

In front of the castle's foyer, Hermione asked curiously when she saw that Toby and Jamie didn't go back with them.

"We want to go around the castle, so we won't go back with you."

Toby said.

"We don't have class in the afternoon, tomorrow is Saturday, we have two and a half days to have fun.

Ron said with some excitement.

"Let's continue to explore the castle, there are still many places we haven't been to yet."

Harry suggested that he was very interested in the Hogwarts castle, but the castle was too big, and they had never been to many places.

"That's a good idea, Harry, let's go."

Ron and Harry walked towards the castle together. As for Hermione, seeing that no one was willing to go to the library with her, she went to the library alone in a rage.

"Now to Knockturn Alley?"

Jamie said.

"Well, you can't get dragon eggs through ordinary channels, you can only get them in the black market, Knockturn Alley is a good place.

Toby replied that he had been to the black market in Knockturn Alley many times before, where he bought many "contraband items" that were said to be stipulated by the Ministry of Magic.

But basically, every dark wizard would not pay attention to the Ministry of Magic, and if 763 really cared about the Ministry of Magic, they would not smuggle it.

Toby and Jamie found a hidden place, cast a disillusionment spell on themselves, and then walked towards the outside of Hogwarts castle.

Hogwarts Castle cannot Apparate. If you want to Apparate, you must leave the range of Hogwarts Castle.

But with the help of the power of the phoenix, it is possible to apparate.

However, only Dumbledore has a phoenix in the entire eagle country magic world, it is said that it is related to the blood of the Dumbledore family, and the blood of the Dumbledore family can summon the phoenix

Leaving the scope of Hogwarts Castle, Toby and Jamie cast Apparition, and the two disappeared in place.

Somewhere in Diagon Alley, with the shaking of the space, the figures of Toby and Jamie appeared here.

Afterwards, the two performed body deformation techniques respectively, changing their height and appearance completely.

Body Transfiguration is different from Transfiguration Magus. Transfiguration Magus can change his appearance at will, but he cannot change his body shape.

But Body Transfiguration is more powerful than Transfiguration Magus, not only can change the appearance at will, even the body shape can be changed at will.

The legendary archmage Merlin was born good at transfiguration, turning himself into an old man, a child or even a woman.

Toby and (bicb) Jamie's Transfiguration is the same as Merlin's Transfiguration.

Walking on the streets of Diagon Alley, since it is afternoon, there are not many wizards in Diagon Alley.

In fact, although Diagon Alley is the most prosperous commercial street in the magic world of Eagle Country, it is not really lively at ordinary times. After all, there are only a few thousand wizards in the magic world of Eagle Country, which is equivalent to a village of Muggles. .

"It seems that Diagon Alley has almost been restored."

Toby looked at the buildings on both sides of Diagon Alley, to Jie beside him.

"Hmph! Diagon Alley is the face of the Eagle Country's Ministry of Magic. Wizards from other countries often come here. Naturally, the Ministry of Magic attaches great importance to this place."

Jamie said that no matter which country you are in, the appearance is always the most important.

The two continued to walk along the streets of Diagon Alley, and came to a white building. This building was the bank of the wizarding world - Gringotts, and it was completely closed now.

Gringotts is located in the middle of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, the street on the left is Diagon Alley, and the street on the right is Knockturn Alley.

Toby and Jamie head down the street on the right.

Knockturn Alley is a gathering place for dark wizards. There are a lot of dark wizards gathered here, and some dark wizards are very difficult to mess with. Even Aurors from the Ministry of Magic are reluctant to come to Knockturn Alley.

Compared with Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley is more gloomy. There are also some magic shops on both sides of the street, the largest of which is Borgin-Bock Magic Shop. The magic shops here also sell mostly black magic items.

Toby and Jamie walked to the streets of Knockturn Alley, and many dark wizards along the way stared at them maliciously, but no one dared to step forward to stop them.

After all, with the current outfits of Toby and Jamie, they seem to be quite difficult to mess with. Those dark wizards are also human beings, and they know who to mess with and who not to mess with.

Toby and Jamie's destination is Borgin-Bock Store, the largest magic store in Knockturn Alley, where you can buy many dangerous dark magic items.

Even Voldemort, after Hogwarts, had worked in the Borgin-Bock shop.

The owner of the Borgin-Bok Magic Shop is the old Borgin Bock. He has a lot of energy and a lot of channels, and he can smuggle many "prohibited items".

"Good afternoon, gentlemen!"

When two dark wizards dressed as Toby and Jamie walk into the Borgin-Bock store, they are greeted by the owner behind the counter.

Old Borgin Bock was a very greasy man, not young for his age, but his hair and voice were all greasy pomade.

"Gentlemen, what do you want? I don't seem to have seen you. I wonder where the gentlemen are from?"

Old Bokin asked with a smile.

"This has nothing to do with you. I heard that you have a wide range of channels, old Bojin, and you can get all kinds of things?"

The dark wizard dressed as Jamie said coldly.

Old Bojin was not angry with Jamie's attitude either. The wizards who came to his shop basically had this attitude. He was used to it a long time ago. It is impossible for ordinary wizards to come to his shop.

"That depends on what you need, sir. Different items have different prices."

Old Bojin said with a smile.

"Can you get fire dragon eggs, of course the cubs or eggs of some large magical animals are fine.

Said the dark wizard dressed as Toby.

"Oh, fire dragons are very precious, it is not easy to get fire dragon eggs

Old Bojin looked a little hesitant.

"Let's be honest, how many Galleons do you need?"

Jamie said disdainfully, what are you pretending, who doesn't know what you profiteers are like, but it's just to raise the price.

"A fire dragon egg costs two thousand Galleons."

Old Bokin said with a smile.

"Hmph! Since you are not sincere, old Bojin, let's go. You are not the only one in Knockturn Alley who can get the fire dragon eggs. We can go to another store to see.

Toby snorted coldly, and made a gesture with Jamie to leave the Borgin-Bock store.

"Gentlemen, wait, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can continue to talk, there is no need to leave.

Old Bojin immediately shouted, he can't let the two big fish slip away from his hands, they will come to buy fire dragon eggs, they must be rich and rich, this is a big deal

"Old Bojin, we know the market price of the fire dragon egg, so don't open your mouth."

Jamie said coldly.

"Oh, oh, it seems that I was wrong. The two gentlemen are experts. How about it, how about 800 Gold Galleons for a fire dragon egg, which is already very cheap."

"Now the Ministry of Magic is strictly investigating, and the fire dragon eggs are not easy to deal with."

Old Bokin said with a smile.

"It's expensive, so how about it, old Bojin, if you can get the dragon egg from Chest Lee Tree Peak, I will give you 500 Galleons.

Jamie said.

"500 Galleons! Mister, Chest-tooth Lishufeng is the most dangerous fire dragon. It is not an easy task to get the eggs of this fire dragon.

Old Bokin said, obviously not satisfied with the price. .

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