Number 4, Privet Drive, England, 1986.

Harry opened his eyes suddenly and his upper body jumped up from the bed.

“With a”thump”,

Harry lay back on the bed with tears in his eyes.

His head hit the step. He touched it with his hand and felt a little raised, which seemed a little swollen.

But the pain could not attract him at this time.

Just before, he seemed to have had a long dream, in which he lived for more than 20 years.

In the dream, he seemed to have gone to the mysterious Eastern Huaguo and lived there for more than 20 years.

More than 20 years, four times older than his current age.

He was a little confused, how could he have dreamed about this.

How could a person dream for such a long time?

Moreover, he had never been to China, and his simple impression of China was all from reading in magazines.

But in the dream, his understanding of China was like that of a native Chinese.

He even learned the Chinese language and writing!

Yes, Harry knew very well that he could now fully understand the Chinese language and writing. Even more than 20 years of experience made his Chinese language and writing stronger and more familiar than his mother tongue.

But it was just a dream, at most an extremely real dream!

Harry could feel that he could no longer remember most of what happened in the dream, just like the dreams he had in the past.

Fragments of the dream would slowly disappear in his mind.

Except for some things that were deeply remembered.

Suddenly, a rude knock on the door interrupted his recollection.

“”Get up, get up quickly.” It was a sharp female voice.

This familiar yet unfamiliar voice, is it his aunt?

Harry shook his head and let go of the recollection of his dream.

He got up and opened the door of the cupboard. There was no one at the door. Obviously, his aunt would not wait for him at the door.

Harry washed up by himself, and then began his daily work, cleaning.

He was only 6 years old now, and Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon only asked him to sweep the floor and wipe the furniture at home.

When he finished cleaning breathlessly, the dining table was already full of breakfast.

Uncle Vernon was reading the newspaper leisurely, and his cousin Dudley was playing with his favorite toys.

Both of them naturally ignored Harry.

Harry did not react at all and sat on the chair by himself. Aunt Petunia also came out of the kitchen and sat down.

This action meant that breakfast could begin.

Harry took two pieces of bread, a fried egg and a ham, which was the amount he could eat.

This 6-year-old body was too thin.

His cousin Dudley was at least twice as big as him.

There were still two pieces of steak in his bowl, but his mouth was already full.

“Eat slowly, eat slowly.” Aunt Petunia said softly to her son.

Dudley ignored her completely. At least when eating, he ignored everyone unless he was full.

No one spoke to Harry at the table.

After breakfast, Harry helped to clean up the dishes and put them in the kitchen.

He didn’t have to wash the dishes for the time being, because he had to go to school, and with the time for washing the dishes, he obviously wouldn’t have enough time for school.

After all, Cousin Dudley and Uncle Vernon had amazing appetites, and it took them much longer to eat than ordinary people.

After leaving the house, Dudley got into Uncle Vernon’s car, and Vernon Uncle Vernon would drive Dudley to school, but Harry had to walk to school by himself.

Because they did not go to the same school.

Cousin Dudley went to Smeltings, a private school, while he went to Stonewall School, a public school.

Of course, even if they went to the same school, Uncle Vernon would not send Harry together.

He had only one attitude towards Harry, that is, avoid contact if possible.

It would be best if Harry did not exist.

Harry did not understand why Uncle Vernon treated him like this.

He had resentment towards Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia.

But After experiencing that dream, Harry understood a little.

An ordinary person would feel dissatisfied even if he stayed at a good relative’s house for a week.

What’s more, he had lived in Uncle Vernon’s house since he was a child. He had to bear the living expenses of an extra person for no reason. Anyone would be dissatisfied.

Harry could only think of this reason.

The living expenses.

On the way to school, Harry’s mind was full of this question.

At Stonewall Middle School, Harry listened to the teacher’s lecture.

It was very boring.

Yes, after more than ten years of education in China, his knowledge level was obviously far beyond those elementary school students.

All he could remember were those impressive memories in his dreams.

But he remembered all the education knowledge of these ten years. Obviously, these memories were so profound to him in his dreams.

So profound that he never wanted to experience it again.

Looking at the letters written by the teacher on the blackboard, Harry felt a little helpless.

He had obviously made it through, so why did he have to start over again? Did he have to endure for another ten years?

Thinking of this, Harry couldn’t help but shudder. He finally made it to the end of school. Harry packed up his things and prepared to leave school.

“”Hey, Harry.” A voice called him.

Harry turned around and saw a few primary school students. He frowned and thought for a while before recognizing them.

Oh, damn!

They were the group of people who often bullied him.

Being bullied was a common thing for Harry at school.

After all, he was thin and looked easy to bully.

And bullying was a common thing in British schools.

His cousin Dudley was one of the bullies. He was a size bigger than his peers, which made him qualified to bully others.

Harry turned around and wanted to run, but was stopped.

“You still want to run?” They laughed.

Seeing someone blocking his way, Harry stopped moving. He couldn’t run faster than them.

He was too thin and his athletic ability was worse than theirs.

But he didn’t panic. He had faced such a situation in his dreams.

How did he solve it in the end?

He was beaten for sure.

But his limit was one for one. He would beat someone hard.

He couldn’t be the only one to feel the pain.

There wasn’t much dialogue. They came here just to bully, not to talk to Harry.

One boy started the fight first, and he raised his fist and hit Harry’s body.

Seeing Someone took the first step, and Harry set his sights on him.

I may be badly injured today, but you won’t have an easy time either.

A fierceness flashed in Harry’s emerald eyes.

He exerted force with both hands and clenched his fists.

But at this moment, Harry felt a faint warmth appear between his eyebrows.

Then he saw that the speed at which the boy in front of him swung his fist was much slower.

At this speed, he was fully capable of dodging it.

Although he didn’t understand what was happening, it was obviously not the time to think so much. He dodged the fist without hesitation, and then kicked him hard in the stomach.

“Ah.” The boy didn’t think Harry would dare to attack him, and was kicked in the stomach by Harry. He cried out in pain, holding his stomach and screaming.

Harry didn’t stop, and continued to hit him with his fists.

Several boys nearby saw it and hurried to stop him.

Someone punched Harry.

He ignored him and continued to hit the boy under him.

Someone tried to pull Harry’s body away to stop him from continuing.

Harry stepped on his toes, making him cry out in pain.

He ignored him and continued to hit the boy under him.

Feet and fists kept falling on Harry.

He ignored them and continued to hit the boy under him.

As long as he hit the boy under him, he didn’t feel as painful as before when he held his head and was beaten with fists and feet.

“Stop hitting me, stop hitting me.”The boy under him held his head, finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and shouted loudly in tears.

Hearing his words, the boys who were beating Harry stopped hesitantly.

Seeing that they stopped, Harry kicked them again before they stopped.

Turning his head, he looked at the other boys. His pair of emerald green pupils were so cold without any emotion.

He picked up his schoolbag, patted the dust off his clothes, and slowly left the school.

None of the boys next to him dared to stop him.

Only the boy lying on the ground, still crying, was left.

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