As Harry started playing the psychic game, the stench in this small girls’ dormitory became stronger and stronger, mixed with the musty smell in the dormitory, and it seemed more and more weird and disgusting.

Harry saw that the bed sheet on the lower bunk on the left was fluttering gently, but there was no wind in the dormitory, as if something was moving inside.

Raindrops hit the window frame and glass, showing that it was raining and windy outside the dormitory, but the dormitory was so quiet that it made people panic.

Harry’s hand, which was pushing the small plate, hovered above the white paper, and he felt a cold feeling on his hand.

Someone was touching his arm, as if it was gently held by another hand.

Harry smiled slightly, is it finally here?

Muggles may not be able to see the existence of evil spirits.

But he, who has opened the eyes of perspective, can see it clearly!

Wearing a black dress, there are stains on the clothes, like blood, and his hair covers his face. I don’t know if it’s because of ugliness or some other reason, he dare not show his true face to people!

But Harry was not in a hurry to destroy it. He heard that the Ouija board could predict the future.

It might be its special ability, which was similar to that of a prophet.

This ability was very special, and Harry had never seen it before, but Dumbledore believed it very much.

This made Harry think a little.

The small dish was drawing circles irregularly. Harry obviously didn’t use any force, but it seemed to be moving with a force.

It seems that I can ask it questions!

Harry thought silently in his heart.

“Ouija board, Ouija board, do you know where Voldemort went?” Harry asked.

Harry really wanted to know the answer to this question. If he knew the location of Voldemort, he would go back and tell Dumbledore. Even if he couldn’t kill him, he would tie him up like a dog. It would be better if he could always stay in that steam shape and not hide in the dark to do things.

But what he didn’t expect was that after he asked this question, the plate on his fingertips trembled slightly, and even cracked into thin cracks on the plate.

This was not quite the same as the picture he had imagined just now:”Voldemort is in such a state, and the Ouija board is still afraid of him?”

Harry thought helplessly, maybe this was an accident.

After two or three minutes, Harry felt that the light from the candle in the room was a little brighter, and the space illuminated was much larger. The plate on his fingertips began to rotate again, moving on the English letters on the white paper.

“P.A.S.S!PASS?”Harry looked at the English letters pointed out by the disc and roughly understood what the Ouija board meant. It was embarrassing, as it didn’t know the answer to this question either, so it could only skip it.

“You are really useless.”Harry said helplessly to the plate.

Harry felt a chill coming from the black-clad ghost.

She was very dissatisfied with Harry’s words.

“I don’t want to say this, but you just can’t answer my question.” Harry sighed and said

“NEXT!”The dish moves, say a word!

“Okay, I’ll move on to the next question and see if you can answer it.”Harry nodded.

The black-clothed ghost stared at Harry through his black hair with a pair of eyes without whites.

His eyes were full of resentment, coldness and murderous intent.

Harry ignored her and asked,”Ouija board, Ouija board, can you tell me how to kill Voldemort completely?”

The plate was shaking, the candle flame flickered a few times, the window frame creaked in the wind, and lightning split the night sky, illuminating the dormitory in an instant.

The whole figure of the ghost appeared in the instantaneous light.

But it didn’t react at all.

Harry felt the plate at his fingertips began to tremble violently, and there were more and more cracks on it.

Then, under Harry’s gaze,”Bang!” It broke into pieces.

“Damn, you really dare to figure it out?” Harry was stunned. He didn’t expect that this silly ghost would actually dare to figure out Voldemort’s secret.

Although he is extremely weak now, when he used those resurrection methods before, he must have made defenses at his peak.

A small ghost dared to touch a dark wizard who stood at the top of the world.

Harry admitted that it was very courageous.

The plate was broken into pieces, and Harry took his hand back.

At this time, a fierce fire appeared on the body of the dark ghost, burning it directly from the void.

Streams of black water emerged from its body, corroding its body.

Strange black patterns slowly appeared on its body.

The hand left by Voldemort Duan is here.

Not only did it break the calculation of the vengeful spirit, but the counterattack also followed the cause and effect.

The vengeful spirit let out a shrill scream.

Harry couldn’t bear it. It was too miserable.

It was Fiendfyre and curse.

They were all top black magic.

How could this little vengeful spirit bear such harm?

Harry has always been a kind person, he couldn’t bear to see the vengeful spirit suffer such harm.

With a thought in his mind, a small lightning sword appeared in his hand, which instantly cut through the dark space and hit the vengeful spirit’s head.

The head is his, and Voldemort can’t take it away!

The vengeful spirit’s head exploded suddenly, and the body began to disappear.

Feeling that the vengeful spirit was dead, Fiendfyre and various curses slowly disappeared in the void.

“Tsk tsk”Harry shook his head, this silly ghost.

It’s a pity that it’s not so easy to learn Voldemort’s secret.

Harry didn’t have this hope in his heart, so he wouldn’t be too disappointed.

The stench in the room has disappeared.

Harry pushed the window open to let the wind outside blow in and dissipate the musty smell inside.

It’s another intact house that can be lived in.

Houses are for living, not for being empty and raising ghosts.

Walking out of dormitory 404.

Harry looked at several places that were still obviously emitting resentment, and a cute smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He is still just a 12-year-old child. Although he has a mature temperament, his face is still very cute.

The second place where resentment appeared was the toilet on the second floor of the teaching building.

It was still a girls’ toilet.

Harry was helpless. Why did he, a boy, always have to go to the girls’ place?

Fortunately, it was night and no one was here, so he could walk into the girls’ toilet with peace of mind.

It was no different from the men’s toilet, except that there were fewer urinals and more toilet cubicles.

The resentment came from the innermost cubicle on the right.

Harry pushed the door open gently.

It wouldn’t move!


Harry’s face changed, as if someone was holding the door open from inside, preventing him from opening it.

Harry raised his foot and kicked the door.

The door made a ‘bang’ sound, and some cracks appeared on the wooden door. The things inside might not have been able to hold the door steady due to Harry’s sudden kick, and the door opened a little, but was quickly closed again.

Harry smiled kindly and said,”Don’t be afraid, come out.””.

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