Myrtle is hiding in a cubicle

“Where did you see those yellow eyes?” Harry demanded.

“That.” Myrtle pointed timidly in a direction.

Harry and the other two looked in the direction she pointed.

They found a wash basin.

Harry walked over and Hermione followed behind him and said,”This faucet is broken. No water comes out even when you turn it on.”

“Broken?” Harry raised his eyebrows, took out his wand and pointed it at the faucet:”Fix it quickly!”

After a flash of light, Harry tried it, but still no water came out.

“It seems that it is not broken, but it is not connected to the water pipe at all, so it is empty inside?”Harry put away his wand.

Thinking back to when Mrs. Norris was in trouble, there was a puddle of water on the ground for no reason..

“That monster probably came out from here.” Harry said affirmatively

“Huh?!”After hearing this, Ron and Hermione subconsciously took two steps back and moved away from the sink.

“Let’s go. It’s not safe here. Let’s go back first.”Harry saw the uneasiness in the two people’s hearts and didn’t stay here any longer.

After returning to the Gryffindor common room, Harry said,”Let’s stop here today. On the weekend, we will find Hagrid. He is the person involved and will definitely know more about the matter.”

Hermione and Ron nodded.

For a while, in Hogwarts, the word”Chamber of Secrets” became a hot topic of discussion.

Not only Gryffindor, but also students from the other three colleges were very interested in this matter.

Collect information about the Chamber of Secrets from many aspects and angles.

There are many pure-blood families among them. There is strength in numbers. Although it has been a long time, it really allows students to find some information about the Chamber of Secrets very quickly.

Soon, the news came from an unknown college.

It is said that the Chamber of Secrets was created by Slytherin, the founder of Hogwarts, and there is a monster hidden in it, which specializes in killing those Muggle wizards who are not pure-blooded.

After Slytherin left the castle, the Chamber of Secrets was hidden.

So it can be inferred that the heir of the Chamber of Secrets must be someone in Slytherin!

It was he who opened the Chamber of Secrets again, The monster inside was released and attacked Mrs. Norris.

Slytherin was inexplicably blamed.

But they were proud of it, with an attitude that it was their own fault, and declared that they were fully responsible for the matter.

When facing students from the three colleges, each Slytherin always looked arrogant and looked down on others. They even dressed up as ghosts to scare others.

This made the students from the other three colleges very angry. Not only Gryffindor, but even Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students began to fight with Slytherin.

The lions of Gryffindor seized this opportunity keenly, and quickly formed alliances and took advantage of the situation to reach a strategic partnership with the other two colleges.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw actively responded to Gryffindor’s proposal of”Down with Slytherin, everyone has a chance”〃‖ In response to the call of”responsibility”, Gryffindor asked the Weasley twins to serve as the first president of diplomacy, helping to improve the training system of students in the two colleges, cultivating high-quality talents for how to defeat Slytherin College, and jointly promoting the beautiful development of Hogwarts.

The college started the S1 season.

On both sides, the students in Slytherin were miserable. Every day they were either hit with clubs or beaten with sacks over their heads.

The Weasley twins’ prank fire fireworks played a big role.

It is said that someone bought them and put them at the door of the Slytherin common room. One day when they opened the door, the fireworks rushed directly into the lounge and flew around, and then exploded violently.

The little snakes who had just woken up were scared and almost became crazy.

He They complained to the administrator Filch, but Filch told them coldly that he had already warned the students of the three colleges, and then quietly hugged his Mrs. Norris and looked at them fiercely. They had no choice but to ask for help from the dean Snape. Snape said that if you can’t beat the students of the other three colleges, don’t come back to see me.

The Slytherin students were completely helpless and could only fight back while being beaten.

Then the whole Hogwarts was in chaos.

Even if Lockhart could add dozens of points to each college in a class, the score gems of each college were still declining rapidly.

This time, even Snape did not favor his own college. After catching them, he deducted points without mercy.

But surprisingly, his The heads of his three colleges did not stop the students of their own colleges. Instead, Professor McGonagall hinted that they should get more points from Lockhart and not let Gryffindor’s gem bottle be too empty. The

Gryffindor students laughed and said that there was no need to worry about it. Even though Lockhart’s extra points have become more rigorous now, he is still very generous when meeting Harry.

Just based on this point, the other three colleges can’t compare.

Who made them not have a lion king?

In the friendly atmosphere of students from the three colleges jointly challenging Slytherin students, the first Quidditch game finally began in November. The first game was between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

In the corridor before the game.

The Weasley twins were discussing how to use the Bludger to knock the opponent All the players were beaten down.

Even Wood, who always insisted on fairness, said openly or secretly that except for not using magic, other foul methods should be used, and no need to give him face.

The purpose of this game was to beat Slytherin again. Of course, it would be best to win the game by the way. This important task was handed over to Harry. Anyway, there is no penalty for fouling in Quidditch, no deduction of points, and no penalty.

Ah, so what is the punishment for fouling?

Harry didn’t know, but he said he could still take on the important task of winning the game.

At the beginning of the game, the purpose of both Gryffindor and Slytherin was clear to everyone. (No, it’s good)

It’s not for the game, but for beating people.

10 minutes passed, and neither side scored a goal. They just used bats to hit people, or used the two-on-one tactics to make the opponent hit the wall.

But even so, the students on the platform were not dissatisfied at all, but cheered for their own team happily.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff teams didn’t participate, so they cheered for Gryffindor.

“` 」Come on, George, beat the shit out of them!” Ron excitedly made a trumpet out of his hands and shouted.

George had just hit the Bludger and it hit a Slytherin player in the stomach, causing him to hold his stomach and scream in pain.

George heard Ron’s voice and waved his bat at him happily.

But he didn’t see a Quaffle approaching him. The Quaffle knocked him dizzy.

“Don’t disturb the players.” Hermione pulled Ron’s arm off anxiously.

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