Dumbledore asked Lockhart and Sprout to take Jennings back

“It seems that the Chamber of Secrets has really been opened, and the monster inside has begun to hurt the students.”Professor McGonagall said worriedly.

Snape and Flitwick also looked unhappy. After all, they are the deans of Hogwarts, and it is their job to be responsible for the students.

Now that the students are injured, it is difficult for them to keep their faces.

“It seems that Hogwarts is not as safe as you say, Dumbledore.” Harry looked at Dumbledore with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Which old man patted his chest and assured him in his first grade that Hogwarts was absolutely safe.

He told him not to drop out of school and to face Voldemort bravely.

Pah, he was slapped in the face!

“Harry, now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing now is to ensure the safety of the students. Dumbledore was not affected at all. It seems that he has grown thick-skinned as he has aged.

“Have you made any progress?” Dumbledore asked

“A little bit, the place where the monster appeared was a sink in the women’s restroom on the first floor. There was no water pipe installed in the sink, so it was probably empty.”Harry nodded and said

“I will use magic to seal off the women’s toilet on the first floor.” Dumbledore nodded and said

“It’s up to you, but I think there must be more than one entrance and exit. You know, we haven’t seen the monster’s specific appearance yet. If there is only one entrance and exit, then the chance of it being exposed will definitely increase greatly.”Harry waved his hand and said

“Is your position as headmaster so secure?” Harry suddenly asked

“What?” Dumbledore was stunned.

“Now a student has been hurt. As the headmaster, will you be implicated?” Harry said

“Oh, thank you for your concern for an old man, Harry, but it’s not a big problem.” Dumbledore said with a smile

“I don’t care about you.” Harry pouted

“If multiple students are injured or even die, you will be temporarily asked to leave Hogwarts for questioning, right? If you leave Hogwarts, Senior Tom will be very happy.”Harry said lightly

“Minerva, tomorrow you must inform the students that they must not go out at night during curfew time, and do not let the students act alone. Each professor should arrange patrol time at night.”Dumbledore said to McGonagall.

McGonagall nodded seriously.

The atmosphere became a little serious for a while. But Harry suddenly burst into laughter, breaking the solemn atmosphere.

Dumbledore and the others looked at Harry, their expressions full of confusion.

What are you laughing at?

Is there anything funny about my arrangement?

Harry understood Dumbledore’s eyes, waved his hand and said,”I’m not laughing at you, but I suddenly thought of something funny.”

“Since the entrance of the monster is in the women’s bathroom, how did our senior Tom find it at that time?”Harry couldn’t suppress a smile on his face.

Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall and Flitwick froze.

“In the dead of night, Ravenclaw students might be reading, Hufflepuff students might go to the kitchen, and Gryffindor students might go out for a night out?” Professor McGonagall gave Harry an angry look. Shut up.

“But senior Tom wandered around the girls’ toilets one after another, carefully looking for the entrance to the secret room.”

“Oh, maybe I can use the men’s room during the day and the women’s room at night.” Harry thought for a moment and added

“He goes to the toilet so frequently, will people think he has kidney deficiency?”

The corners of the professors’ mouths twitched, and they wanted to laugh, but they had to hold it in!

Because it was not in line with the professor’s style.

“Well, Harry, you should go back and rest, or you will be too tired to attend class tomorrow.”Dumbledore said,

“You should ask Professor Snape to stop stuffing feces into your head. Tomorrow is the weekend, so there will be no classes.” Harry said, and without paying attention to Snape’s gloomy face, he put on his invisibility cloak and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“I’ll go back first, Albus.” Professor McGonagall said, and hurried out.

“So did Flitwick.

Snape and Dumbledore stared at each other.

“Severus, I don’t need my head stuffed with bezoars.” Dumbledore chuckled.

“Humph.” Snape threw his robes and turned away.

“Oh, Tom, hehe”

The next morning, with Professor McGonagall’s announcement, the news of Jennings’ murder spread like wildfire.

For a moment, the originally lively Hogwarts suddenly became quiet.

Because this time, a real student was killed, not just a cat like last time.

This has a completely different meaning.

· 0Request flowers0 ·····

No one wants to be the next victim.

But this makes the pure-blood wizards even more unscrupulous and arrogant, because everyone knows the rumors about the Chamber of Secrets.

Slytherin believes that wizards who are not pure-blooded should not be left.

The monsters left by Slytherin are to purge the castle of people who should not be left.

In addition to Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor all have more or less Muggle wizards.

Slytherin said that the heir did not need to be so sneaky, but should stand up and announce the matter openly. They, Slytherin, fully support his responsibility and mission.

This made the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students, who had been quiet, angry. Gryffindor was no longer the main force. This time, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students were the main force, and they started the S2 season with Slytherin.


Gryffindor saw this scene, of course, they would not just sit there and watch.

Then they joined the battle as allies, especially the Weasley twins. They learned from the experience of the S1 season and made a large number of prank weapons during this period. They took the opportunity to sell them and raised the price.

The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students, who were already red-eyed, spent money to buy a large number of prank weapons without any regrets.

This made the two of them smile and continue to add fuel to the fire.

I hope this season can last a little longer.

This conflict is much stronger than the conflict in the first season.

This is thanks to the strong support of the twin brothers.

Every day after class, during free time, dinner time, and before bedtime, there are always sounds of fireworks exploding in the castle.

Several group fights a day have become a daily activity.

The credits of the four colleges were deducted again and again, and they kept hovering between zero points and zero points.

The whole school was in a tense atmosphere, but Lockhart said he was very happy.

Because this atmosphere would not affect his class.

In his class, students from every college loved him so much, praising his good storytelling and vivid acting skills.

The Weasley twins wrote a poem for him.

The four colleges’ score increases were all due to him.

Even Professor McGonagall no longer stopped him from adding points at will.

Perhaps she was impressed by his charm and suggested that he could give some outstanding students more points.

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