The twins started joking and playing around, and even turned Ron’s paper into an automatically flying plane, competing to see whose plane could fly faster and higher.

Ginny smiled and cheered for the two, but Ron put away his smile.

The smile will not disappear, but it will shift.

It was not until the evening that a house-elf came to inform them to go to Dumbledore’s office.

As soon as Harry opened the door, he saw Molly with tear marks on her face and tears in her eyes. Arthur had red eyes and was talking to Dumbledore.

When Molly saw Ginny, tears flowed again:”Ginny!”

She immediately rushed over and hugged Ginny tightly in her arms.

Arthur followed behind, and he hugged them both at the same time.

“You scared your mother!” Molly cried loudly while hugging Ginny.

Ginny was also crying in her mother’s arms. The child who had just left her parents still felt most at ease in her parents’ arms.

Arthur let go of the two, then walked to Harry and hugged him tightly, then let go and said,”Thank you, Harry. Professor Dumbledore has already told us that if you hadn’t discovered Ginny’s problem, she might not know what she would become now.”

His tone was full of gratitude.

“It’s okay, Mr. Weasley, I always treat Ginny as my own sister, this is what I should do.”Harry smiled gently.

Arthur smiled widely and patted Harry on the shoulder. He turned to Ginny and said,”Honey, we still have to go to the hospital for a check-up before we can feel at ease.”

Ginny nodded obediently.

Percy stepped forward and said,”Dad, I’ll go too!”

Arthur shook his head and said,”No, you have to stay here. Although Professor Dumbledore is here, you will be very safe if you don’t run around, but you are the oldest brother here now.”

He lowered his voice so that only Percy could hear,”You should also know who did this, and that person’s target would definitely not be Ginny!”

He glanced at Harry intentionally or unintentionally.

Percy looked back and saw Harry’s still slightly childish face.

He nodded solemnly to Arthur and said,”Don’t worry, Dad, I will protect my brothers.々 ”

Although he couldn’t understand how strong Harry was now.

Arthur patted Percy’s shoulder gently, then carried Molly and Ginny to the fireplace. After a burst of fire, the three disappeared into the fireplace.

Harry didn’t pay attention to that side. He walked to Dumbledore and asked,”Didn’t you find the notebook?”

Dumbledore nodded silently.

“This is terrible news. Harry said expressionlessly.

“You don’t seem surprised at all.” Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and said

“After all, he is Voldemort, so his head is not full of shit. It is normal for him to have some brains. Strategically, he can despise the enemy, but tactically, he must take the enemy seriously.”Harry waved his hand and said,”Now he dares to send out the basilisk so arrogantly and attack students continuously. He must have made preparations to hide.”

“Despise the enemy strategically and take him seriously tactically? Harry, what you said makes a lot of sense!”Dumbledore felt a little unbelievable when he heard what Harry said. This shouldn’t be something a child could say.

“I didn’t say that, my master taught me that.”Harry said with a smile when he mentioned Peng Yingzong.

“So that’s it, is it China’s thought? I heard that there was a great man in that country, but unfortunately he has passed away and I have never talked to him.” Dumbledore nodded and said. Dumbledore sighed and said,

“It is just as you thought. The house-elves checked all the students’ luggage and textbooks, but did not find Tom’s notebook.”

Harry hesitated for a moment and said,”What about the professors’?”

Dumbledore knew who Harry was talking about at the first moment.

“You mean Lockhart?” Dumbledore said with a hint of surprise.

“Ha, among all the professors, isn’t he the only one who can be easily seduced? As long as you pretend to agree to some of his wishes, such as gaining more fame, he will probably easily let go of his mind and be controlled by Tom!”Harry sneered.

“Lockhart’s weakness is too obvious and too easy to satisfy, isn’t it?”

“But he is a professor after all.” Dumbledore looked a little hesitant.

“What? The remaining half of your brain was eaten by zombies? You should be glad that Professor Snape is not here, otherwise I would suggest that he stuff some fecal stones into your head. You should know that fecal stones have the effect of detoxification.”

“Severus is different. I have watched him grow up, from an 11-year-old boy to now. He is very good and will not be tempted by Tom.”Dumbledore said meaningfully.

“You watched Lockhart grow up, and you watched Tom grow up, too. I know you are very old, so you don’t have to brag about your age to me.” Harry said expressionlessly.

“Others say that the older a person gets, the more he or she becomes like a child, but you can’t do that. You have to be responsible for your students.”Harry felt very tired. Why should a 12-year-old child teach a man who is over a hundred years old?

He is both a student and a professor. Damn it. It’s a big loss.

Dumbledore sighed and said:”.々 I’ll have the house elves keep an eye on him.”

“You said it yourself, that kind of thing is not so reliable. If Lockhart is really bewitched by Tom, Tom can use his body to cast a spell, just like Quirrell did in the past. You have to do it yourself.”Harry shook his head and rejected Dumbledore’s proposal.

“Don’t worry, I will protect the students’ safety.”Dumbledore said seriously.

“You have to tell this to the students who have encountered the basilisk.”Harry said coldly

“How is your status at Hogwarts?” Harry asked again.

“What do you mean?” Dumbledore was stunned and asked in confusion. He had already answered this question once.

“A pure-blood was killed this time. Although they don’t want to admit it, the pure-bloods still have the most power in the wizarding world now, because they will unite together. They may not care about the life and death of Muggle wizards, but when one of their own is in trouble, the meaning is different.”Harry reminded

“Will you be expelled from school? If you leave Hogwarts, this is what Tom wants to see most.”

Dumbledore frowned slightly.

Harry raised his eyebrows:”Can it really threaten you? In today’s wizarding world, are there any real people who dare to threaten you?”

Aren’t you afraid that he will become the next devil.

There is no Voldemort in the wizarding world now to stand up to Dumbledore.

He originally thought that Dumbledore’s status should be unique. Just listening to his series of chief reputations, he knew the people.

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and said,”Harry, even I have to abide by the rules.”

Harry curled his lips:”When can rules restrain the strongest person? If rules can restrain people, there will be no war.”.

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