Although he thought so, Vernon still said stubbornly:”It’s ridiculous for wizards to go to school by train. Are your blankets full of mold?”

Harry thought about it and gave a reasonable reason:”After all, many young wizards like me who have just entered school don’t know any magic.”

Vernon looked at Harry with a squint. Do you want to listen to what nonsense you are talking about?

What do you mean by that? A young wizard who has just entered school doesn’t know any magic?!

When you pointed that lightning sword at me, your attitude was not like this

“Which platform?” Vernon asked, changing the subject.

“Nine and three quarters.” Harry took out a ticket that Hagrid had given him before he left.

“”Puff.” Vernon couldn’t help himself, and the fat on his body was shaking. After

Harry had raised him for a month, the pig had grown a lot.

Of course, the little piglet was the same.

Even Aunt Petunia’s originally thin face became rounder.

No one can resist Harry’s cooking!

No one!

Not even animals!

If Harry hadn’t asked Salier to fly for a few hours every day for exercise, it would be hard to say whether it could fly now.

“There is no such platform!” Uncle Vernon gave Harry a mocking look.

“Before Hagrid showed up, you were denying the existence of magic, even though you knew it existed. Harry responded calmly.

Vernon blushed when Hagrid was mentioned.

“That guy must not be human, no one can look like him.”Vernon roared.

Harry returned to the room and packed his luggage, as well as the two bottles of forgetfulness potion that he had successfully brewed in the past month.

He was afraid that if he left the potion in the room, Dudley would secretly drink it.

It would be bad if his brain, which originally only had 2K, became 0.

The next day, Vernon helped Harry stuff his two large suitcases into the carriage. At

10:30, they arrived at King’s Cross Station.

Uncle Vernon helped him put the luggage on the trolley and helped him push it into the station. Harry followed behind him, carrying the larger Salir.

Although it was much heavier, it was not a problem for Harry at all.

“Here we are, this is it.” Uncle Vernon stopped his heavy steps.

“Boy. Platform 9 – Platform 10. Your platform should be between these two platforms, but it looks like it hasn’t been built yet, right?”Of course, he was right.

In his eyes, there was nothing between the two platforms.

Harry looked at him suspiciously, making sure he was not kidding.

There’s such a big wall blocking there, and you tell me there’s nothing?

Harry was sure that he didn’t pour the potion into the dishes in the past month.

Did Uncle Vernon go crazy from eating too much vegetables?

Okay, it might be some method used by the wizards.

Harry took the cart from Uncle Vernon:”Uncle, thank you, you go back first”

“Use your damned tricks to find a train yourself.” Uncle Vernon muttered, walked back a few steps, gave the cart to Harry, and turned away.

He didn’t want to see anything beyond his imagination.

Harry stood there and let go of his perception.

The wall in front and the space around it were filled with a faint magical atmosphere.

It was confirmed that it was cast by wizards.

The entrance should be here.

I remembered when I entered Diagon Alley from the bar.

The door to Diagon Alley is also a wall. Maybe it requires some conditions to open it?

Harry pushed the cart over and stretched out his hand gently on the wall, trying to touch the wall.

But just like touching water, his hand actually It stretched directly into the wall.

As expected, this wall is the”door”, just go in directly.

On the other side of the wall, there is also a platform. Harry looked up and saw a sign saying”Platform Nine and Three Quarters”.

After entering, Harry felt like he had entered another world.

There were people dressed like ordinary people, but there were more people wearing wizard robes. He was back in the wizarding world again.

There were many people here. Harry pushed the cart and found the ticket inspector. After giving him the ticket, he looked at the suitcases. They were a bit heavy, and the door was a bit small, so it was really hard to carry. He took out his wand and waved at the two suitcases and the cart:”Wingardium Leviosa.”

The two suitcases and the cart slowly floated up and followed him.

In life, wizard magic is really useful.

At the end of the car, he found an empty compartment. Harry waved his hand, and the two suitcases and the cart automatically went to the corner and stacked up.

Not long after he sat down. There was a knock on the door of the compartment. Harry turned around and saw that the door of the compartment was opened, revealing a red-haired head.

“Excuse me, is there any vacant seat here? The other private rooms are full.”

“I’m the only one here, come in quickly.”Harry nodded and said.

The red-haired man smiled and said,”That’s great.”

He struggled to carry his luggage in from outside.

Harry took out his wand and waved it gently, without saying a spell. It was such a short distance, so there was no problem without a spell.

His luggage automatically flew to the side of Harry’s luggage and was neatly stacked.

“You, are you a senior student in the upper grade?” The red-haired boy was a little bit shy when he saw this.

He sat down opposite Harry, but only sat half of his buttocks. He was a little nervous and said with his head down:”I thought you were a freshman. Sorry, senior.”

Harry smiled faintly:”No, I am also a freshman who has just enrolled.”

“”Huh?” The red-haired man looked at Harry in surprise.

“But how do you use magic so well?”

“I asked my brothers to teach me at home, but I couldn’t learn it.”

“”You can ask about talent.” Harry spoke a little directly. He didn’t communicate with people much.

His social circle was limited to his home and the kitchen of the restaurant.

As a chef, you don’t need to communicate with people. You just need to cook delicious food.

Harry’s words obviously made the red-haired boy a little upset.

“Ahem, my name is Ron, Ron Weasley.” He changed the subject and introduced himself.

“Harry Potter.”Harry said briefly.

But Ron jumped up, staring at Harry with eyes wide open and mouth wide open.

Harry saw his reaction and knew that he knew him.

After all, he was very famous in the wizarding world.

“Your name is Harry Potter? Are you serious? You know……”He pointed at Harry’s forehead.

Harry brushed aside his bangs, revealing a lightning-shaped scar. Ron’s eyes widened.

He asked the stylist to cover the scar on purpose.

Of course, the aesthetic sense cannot be changed.

His hair grows very fast, and for some reason, he has to get a haircut almost every two weeks.

He even got a membership card at the barber shop.

A high-level VIP customer

“This is what the mysterious man did.……”Ron stared at Harry’s lightning-shaped scar.

He lowered his bangs to cover it again.

Ron then looked away.

Harry tilted his head slightly and asked,”Are you from a wizard family?”

“Yes, our whole family are wizards.” Ron nodded

“Why do you keep calling Voldemort the You-Know-Who, or the Dark Lord, or simply the Man?”Harry asked curiously.

Even this name does not appear in the book.

It is replaced by the Dark Lord or the Man.

“You called out the mysterious man’s name!” Ron said, his expression was shocked and touched.

“I’ve long thought that you, of all people, are the only one who dares to call him by his name”

“So, why?” Harry stared at him.

Ron felt a little uncomfortable with Harry’s eyes. He turned his head and thought for a while and said,”I, I don’t know. Anyway, my parents have been saying this since I was a child. They said that as long as you say the name of the Dark Lord, something bad will happen.”

Harry tapped his fingers on the windowsill and closed his eyes slightly in thought.

It was mentioned in”Dark Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense” that certain words cannot be said, and you must be wary of being cursed.

Curse, or cause and effect?

In the novel that he remembered deeply in his dream, Harry still remembered that there were some powerful names that could not be said.

Once they were said, they would be sensed.

The sentence that impressed him the most was.

Those who recite my true name will see eternal life in reincarnation.

He forgot who said it, but he didn’t forget this sentence.

Very cool.

Seeing Ron’s slightly scared expression, Harry didn’t continue the topic.

The atmosphere in the box became a little silent for a while.

Harry was not very good at chatting.

But Ron was very good at it. It didn’t take long for him to find another topic and the two continued to communicate.

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