When they arrived at the tomb that had been visited by tomb robbers before, the three of them found something wrong. There was a magical fluctuation in the tomb.

“Is it Imhotep, or some other wizard?” Arthur whispered.

“It’s not clear yet. Hide your body first and come in to see what’s going on.”Lowell shook his head and said.

The three of them used the Disillusionment Charm to hide their figures, and then continued to walk in. The originally dim mausoleum was now flickering with firelight, illuminating the entire passage and tomb chamber of the mausoleum.

It was as if the owner inside had returned.

In the passage of the mausoleum, some mummies began to patrol. They held rotten swords and guns in their hands, but they were connected to their bodies, and used magic to keep them sharp.

Led by Harry, the three of them came to the hall where the tomb robbers discovered the treasure at that time.

At this time, the treasure that had been moved away in the hall had been moved back.

It seems that Imhotep has already found those tomb robbers.

And gave them an unforgettable memory for a lifetime.

At this time, Harry and the other two saw that Imhotep had been resurrected and sat on the throne in the hall. That was the throne of the pharaoh. It seemed that this high priest was a betrayer of the pharaoh as rumored.

“He has just been resurrected and must still be in a weak state. Should we kill him?” Harry whispered.

“Wait, I’d better contact my colleagues in the Ministry of Magic first and ask them to come together to deal with him.”Lowell decided to play it safe.

“It’s too late. I think he has discovered us.” Arthur said bitterly.


Harry and Lowell were shocked and looked towards Imhotep.

They saw a big golden eyeball on the left armrest of the throne where he was sitting. It was looking at them and emitting a faint golden light.

“Damn it, it’s an alchemical product that can counter the invisibility spell.” Lowell spat fiercely.

“Who is hiding there secretly? Come out!”Imorton said coldly, looking at the direction where the big eyeball was looking.

The invisibility was discovered, and the three people walked out from behind the stone wall.

Under the shining golden light of the big eyeball, the illusion spell was ineffective.

“Who are you? How dare you break into the Pharaoh’s tomb!” Imhotep sat high on the throne, looking down at the three people below.

“The Egyptian Ministry of Magic is here to investigate the recent curse incident.” Lowell said loudly

“Ministry of Magic? What is that?”As a person who lived thousands of years ago, Imhotep had never heard of the existence of the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic was only established in 1971. Imhotep had just been resurrected for only two days and had not had time to collect information from the outside world at this time.

“Don’t worry about it, Imhotep. Your curse has affected the entire Egyptian people. I hope you can take it back.”Lowell, in line with the principle of not taking action if possible, started what the Ministry of Magic is best at, negotiation.

“What a joke! I am the high priest of Pharaoh Seti I. What qualifications do you have to ask me to take back the curse? Do you think you are the Pharaoh?”Imorton looked at him disdainfully and said

“It doesn’t make sense. Do you want to take action?” Harry was eager to move, and he had already grasped the wand in his hand.

He looked at Imhotep with excitement and desire. What a wild monster. He has been in Egypt for so long, but he has not killed a wild monster. It’s very uncomfortable that his experience bar has not increased at all!

Lowell gave Harry a calming look and continued,”Since you are the high priest, you should think about the people of Egypt.”

“Haha, but Pharaoh didn’t think about me at that time. I was loyal to him and made great contributions, but he sentenced me to death!”Speaking of this, Imhotep’s face became ferocious.

“He also stopped me from resurrecting Ansu-nam! He deserves to die. If my Ansu-nam cannot be resurrected, then all the people of Egypt will be buried with her!”

“He’s gone mad, do it.” Harry had already raised his wand towards Imhotep who was sitting on the throne.

“Submit to me, and you will become the first batch of my subjects after my resurrection. I will lead you to conquer all of Egypt!”Imorton on the throne suddenly said to Harry and the other two.

His voice seemed to have magic power, which could bewitch people. Harry felt echoes coming from his brain, all of which were what Imorton had just said,”Submit to him.”

This sentence kept deepening in Harry’s mind, as if it was deeply imprinted in his heart.

“Occlumency! Harry decisively sealed his brain memory, his eyes became empty.

Lowell and Arthur obviously also have a way to deal with this kind of bewitching magic.

“”Let’s do it!” Lowell was not a hesitant person. Since negotiation was no longer feasible, the only solution was to use force.

·········Request flowers········

·········Request flowers········

I hope that the newly resurrected high priest has not recovered much strength.

Otherwise, considering his strength that can curse the whole of Egypt, the three of them are probably just sending food to the table.

Lowell waved his hand and summoned a raven, which is his patron saint.

“Hurry up and notify the Ministry of Magic to come here, Imhotep is here!”Lowell wanted to use the Patronus to pass the message

“Thunderbolt!”A long spear of lightning appeared from Harry’s wand and instantly shot towards Imhotep.

“”Imorton raised his hands and a black protective shield appeared, easily blocking the lightning.

“Shattered into pieces!”Arthur’s wand emitted a bright red light, which also shot towards the black protective shield……………….0………………0 was still blocked.

Imhotun chanted a spell, and mummies crawled out of the surrounding land, and the guards patrolling outside also surrounded the three people.

“”The flames are blazing!” Arthur saw this and waved his wand to draw a circle. A large ball of fire appeared instantly and drew a circle around the three of them, enveloping all the mummies in the flames.

However, these mummies were not afraid of death. They emitted black gas and resisted the flames, still walking towards Harry and the others.

“”Slowdown method!” Harry saw this, and a yellow light flashed in his eyes, and all the enemies around him were instantly slowed down by 50%.

The mummies, who were already slow, were even slower at this time.

They could only walk forward in the flames released by Arthur, and the black air on their bodies was quickly melted by the flames.

Once the black air disappeared, they would be swallowed by the fire!

Lowell waved his hands, and the gold in the hall turned into metal arrows and shot at Imhotep.

Seeing this, Imhotep waved his hand, and a tornado of sand swept towards Harry and the others.

By the way, all the metal arrows that were shot were blown away.

Harry’s eyes lit up. It seemed that the protective shield could only defend against magical attacks, not physical attacks.

Rowena also summoned wind and sand to fight against Imhotep’s wind and sand.

In an instant, sand and stones flew in the hall, and dust covered the entire hall.

Harry and others quickly covered their eyes, fearing that sand would fly into their eyes.

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