Harry, Hermione and Lupin looked a little strange. How could they think of Black?

He had been imprisoned for thirteen years.

But he soon realized it himself.

“No, Black has been imprisoned in Azkaban and only recently escaped.”

He looked at Harry blankly.

Harry gave the answer:”It was Peter.”

“The hero who stopped Black from committing crimes?” Ron said in surprise, because Black’s escape had caused a sensation, and many people around him were talking about the past, and he had heard about it.

Ron said in disbelief:”But didn’t he die thirteen years ago? How come he is still in my house, and a rat?”

Harry did not answer, but looked at Lupin.

Lupin explained:”In fact, Peter is an illegal Animagus, and his form is a rat.”

“That doesn’t have to be Scabbers, right?” Ron couldn’t help but speak up, his expression complicated. The Weasley family had too many children, and he didn’t have many things that really belonged to him. Although Scabbers came to him after Bill and Percy, Scabbers was a living creature who had been with him for two years and was one of his most valuable items.

Ron was feeling a little heavy.

Harry patted his shoulder in understanding and explained,”I talked to Professor Lupin. Thirteen years ago, only one finger of Peter was found at the scene, and no one had seen the body. Scabbers was also missing a toe on his right paw.”

“Thirteen years ago, Peter disappeared and Scabbers happened to appear in your house.”

“There are too many coincidences. You should know that there are not so many coincidences in the wizarding world.”

“”So, you suspect that Scabbers is Peter’s Animagus?” Hermione concluded.

Ron clenched his teeth, his face turned pale.

He didn’t want to admit what Harry said, but he knew in his heart that Harry was right, there were so many coincidences in the wizarding world.

But when he thought about it, if Scabbers was really Peter, then he had been sleeping with an old man for two years, it was disgusting!

“It’s okay, think about it, this may be a good thing.”Harry comforted him.

Not only Ron, but also Lupin and Hermione looked at him puzzled.

“When we find Scabbers, if he is really Peter, and if he is a good person, I will ask him to compensate you with a pet.”Harry said softly.

“But if he is the traitor, I will kill him myself.” At this point, Harry’s tone became cold, and the murderous aura on his body could not help but leak out, making the three people next to him feel a chill in their hearts. Harry took a deep breath, calmed down his mood and continued,”Since I killed your pet, I will naturally compensate you with a”

“Can you imagine now, will you choose an owl, a cat, or a toad?”

When Ron heard that Harry was going to give him a new pet, the nausea he had just felt disappeared and his mood became better. He began to struggle with whether to choose an owl or a cat. Toads were not in his consideration. Neville just had a toad and he was always missing.

“I recommend a cat. You can practice with it.” Harry’s words seemed to have a hint.

Ron was stunned and immediately retorted:”No, I don’t need to practice any tricks to beat Crookshanks!”

After listening to Harry’s words, Hermione, who had been frowning and thinking, suddenly heard the name of her pet. She raised her head and asked with a puzzled expression:”What happened to Crookshanks?”

Ron stretched out his hand and tried to cover Harry’s mouth:”No, Harry, don’t say anything.”

Harry raised his hand, grabbed Ron’s hands and said:”Just now Ron thought that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, and he fought with it, but lost.”

Ron’s body froze, and he let out a desperate sigh from his mouth. A sad breath emanated from him, which made people pity him.

Hermione opened her mouth, looked at Ron’s appearance, and didn’t know what to say.

Perhaps in order to help Ron save the only face he had, she changed the subject:”The focus now is not Crookshanks, but Sirius Black.”

Ron was secretly relieved when he heard the topic change. If Hermione really continued, he would have run away immediately.

But when he heard Hermione mention the wanted criminal, he asked in confusion:”What’s wrong with him?”

“Don’t you find it strange? If Scabbers is really Peter, then the newspapers and the Ministry of Magic are wrong, he is still alive! And as a hero, why would he turn into a mouse and hide in your house?”

Harry nodded in agreement:”I am also confused about this and have some analysis.”

Hermione was about to ask.

But Harry continued:”But the answer to this question is very simple, just find Peter.”

“Demagoguery, Legilimency, Veritaserum, you can get the answer from him.”

Ron and Hermione heard this, Ron didn’t react, Hermione pursed her lips and didn’t say anything, but Lupin’s eyes were wide open, he didn’t know what demagoguery was, but he knew the latter two things very well:”You can’t do this, no, Harry, the Ministry of Magic doesn’t allow you to do it without permission…….”

“The Ministry of Magic does not allow the existence of illegal Animagus.”Harry interrupted him, glanced at Lupin, and said expressionlessly,”Obviously the Ministry of Magic cannot control everyone and everything.”

Lupin’s face was a little unnatural.

The Ministry of Magic had formulated the”Werewolf Code of Conduct”, but because Lupin’s identity had not been exposed, he was able to appear in Hogwarts now, and obviously he did not follow this code.

Dumbledore was trampling on these rules. Lupin was invited by him to be a professor, and he knew Lupin’s identity.

“Although these rules are formed over time and with some facts, and they do have a reason to exist, I don’t want to be bound by those cumbersome rules. In my opinion, a method that can solve a problem is a good method. It doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.”Harry shook his head and said

·········Request flowers·········

·········Request flowers·········

“Yellow cats are also fine.” Ron interrupted.

Lupin was silent for a moment, then nodded bitterly:”In terms of courage, none of us can compare to you. You are a natural Gryffindor. At first, I thought you were more suitable for Ravenclaw.”

Ron was a little dissatisfied:”Harry is the recognized lion king of Gryffindor.”

Lupin nodded:”I admit it.”

Hermione frowned and looked at Ron. She sighed:”Did you not understand just now? I will give you a book at Christmas. You must read it carefully.”

Ron was puzzled:”Huh? Harry is a natural Gryffindor.”

“Yes, I am. Harry nodded perfunctorily……………0…………..0

“I’ll teach you some kung fu when we get back, so you can beat the catkin faster.”

“I said I could beat Crookshanks! What kind of Kung Fu is that?”

Hermione said to Lupin with a smile,”Professor, if there’s nothing else, we’ll go back first.”

Lupin smiled and waved goodbye to them. He had no intention of leaving. He hadn’t been back for almost twenty years, but the castle didn’t seem to have changed.

He stood alone and quietly on the high stand, looking at the vast and mysterious forbidden forest in the distance with a confused and focused look.

A hint of cold wind had been blowing quietly on his body since I didn’t know when, one gust after another, bringing a hint of coolness.

Occasionally, there would be a few drops of cold rain, gently and quietly falling down.

At this moment, his thoughts became a little trance, and the scene in front of him gradually blurred. A wonderful and indescribable feeling came to his heart, as if he had traveled through time and returned to that moment twenty years ago.

“By the way, Professor Lupin.” Harry turned around and said to him, interrupting his recollection

“Half a month, at most half a month, I will also look for it myself”

“But if by then, neither I, Crookshanks, nor you have found Scabbers, I will tell Dumbledore to send more people.”

“I won’t let the known danger exist for too long.”

“We will meet again in private in half a month. I need to ask you something about my father and Professor Snape.”

He paused and said,”Although Dumbledore said that house elves are not very reliable, if you need them, you may try to ask them for help. After all, they are familiar with every corner of the school and there are many of them.”

Lupin nodded, and a warm current surged in his heart. He smiled and nodded and agreed:”I know, Harry, I wish you a good dream, and we will see you in the first class.” Wanwan.

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