The sorting ended and the dinner began.

There were all kinds of food on the tableware.

They were all Western delicacies.

Roast beef, roast chicken, pork, lamb, sausage, bacon and steak, as well as boiled tomatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, French fries, Yorkshire diced beef, pears, carrot soup, ketchup, and mint hard candy. The rich aroma made everyone excited.

But Harry was silent.

After possessing the power attribute of the game, his insight became much sharper than that of ordinary people, reflected in his five senses.

The sense of smell was one of them.

Although there were a lot of foods and the flavors were intertwined, Harry could still smell the flavors they each emitted.

Without even tasting them, you know that these foods are not very delicious.

It’s like a pre-made product heated up, without a bit of soul!

Damn, he didn’t even want to eat any of these foods.

He wanted to eat the braised shark’s fin, oyster sauce abalone and panlong prawns made by the chef.

Before entering school, he thought a lot.

The only thing he didn’t consider was eating.

A chef never considers the issue of eating.

Because they can make the food they like.

It’s not like Harry hasn’t eaten Western food.

Peng Yingzong took him to eat Western food made by top chefs.

In order to cultivate his taste, the Western food made by the chefs tasted very good.

Although not as good as Peng Yingzong’s, it was comparable to his own level.

“Who made these dishes?” Harry asked Percy seriously.

“It’s a house-elf.” Percy said after swallowing a mouthful of chicken.

“Can I cook for myself at school?”Harry asked the key question.

For a moment, Percy was stumped by his question.

No one had ever asked this question before.

“It should be possible.”Puxi thought for a while and said

“Where is the kitchen?”Harry’s face became much better after hearing what Percy said.

“In front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, walk back along the corridor, go down six floors, follow the marble staircase into the foyer, turn left, there is a wide stone corridor, you will find a painting of a silver bowl full of fruit, tickle the pear and it will giggle, then turn into a big green handle, grab it and open the door, and the kitchen is inside.”Percy was a qualified prefect and was very familiar with the environment of Hogwarts.

The terrain was a bit complicated, but you could find the way after a little exploration.

Harry picked some relatively well-cooked food and filled his stomach.

Seeing that everyone had almost finished eating, Dumbledore stood up and said some precautions, especially looking at the twin brothers.

Then he told everyone not to enter the Forbidden Forest, not to cast spells in the corridor, and not to go to the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor.

Then he directed everyone to sing the school song.

There was no music, only lyrics, and everyone was allowed to play by themselves.

After singing the school song, Harry felt that the contract between him and Hogwarts had been completed, and that breath firmly locked himself and Hogwarts.

The school song ended, and this banquet seemed to be over.

Some people in the professors’ seats had already begun to leave.

“First-year students, follow me. I will take you to the dormitory.”

“”Prefect Percy.” Harry changed to a more intimate name.

Hearing the word”prefect” again, Percy smiled unconsciously.

He was promoted to prefect this year, and most people didn’t seem to know his identity.

No one called him prefect.

Now someone finally called him correctly twice in a row, and it felt great.

“What’s the matter, Harry?” Percy asked Harry.

“I might need to leave for a while.” Harry gave a shy smile.

“You won’t be able to find your way to the dormitory this way. Hogwarts is very big and the roads are very complicated.”Faced with Harry, who correctly called out his identity twice, Percy showed great enthusiasm.

“Don’t worry, I will find the way back to the dormitory. I have something to tell Headmaster Dumbledore.”Harry said.

His five senses are now sensitive. In a short time, he can track the route of Percy and the others by smell.

If there is an expert who can see through the atmosphere now, then Harry can know clearly where everyone is.

“”Principal Dumbledore?” Hearing this name, Percy hesitated.

“Well, remember, the password to enter the dormitory is”Dragon Slag”. There is a portrait of the Fat Lady at the door of the dormitory. Just say the password to her.”Percy told him some knowledge.

After Harry wrote it down, he ran in the direction where Dumbledore left.

Dumbledore was not far away, and Harry soon caught up with him.

“What’s the matter, Harry?”Dumbledore said with a smile when he saw Harry find him.

“I have something to tell you, is it convenient now?”Harry said

“Of course, if you don’t come to see me, I, an old man, can only lie in bed in a daze. You know, it’s hard to fall asleep when you are old,” Dumbledore said with a smile.

“Come to my office.” After that, he took Harry to his office.

When they arrived at the headmaster’s office, Dumbledore asked Harry to sit down and took out a can of…Cockroaches? ? ?

Still alive, crawling around in the transparent jar.

Harry watched Dumbledore’s actions.

He opened the jar.

He grabbed a few cockroaches from it.

He put them in his mouth.

He bit them!

Harry’s hands quietly clenched into fists.

He felt that he had come to the wrong place.

Coming to this wizarding world, not only his life safety was threatened.

The behavior and habits of wizards gave him an extremely shocking impact.

Although these cockroaches were not real cockroaches.

After opening the jar, Harry smelled the smell inside.

It was syrup.

But why make such an anti-human shape.

Harry couldn’t understand the wizard’s thoughts

“Do you want it?” Seeing that Harry had been looking at him, Dumbledore thought that Harry wanted to try it, so he handed the jar to Harry.

“No.” Harry crossed his arms and leaned back slightly.

“Do you like sweets?” Harry asked

“Yes, sweetness makes people feel happy, right?”Dumbledore nodded and said

“Why do you have to eat cockroaches?” Harry took a look at the still crawling cockroaches and felt goosebumps all over his body.

“”Please forgive the old man for his hobbies!” Dumbledore winked at him.

Damn, Dudley and Dumbledore both like to flirt with people.

A little spotted pig and an old cockroach.

Harry is obviously not interested in them.

“Okay, Headmaster, let’s get down to business. Harry didn’t hesitate any longer.

Dumbledore made a gesture to say”Please speak”

“Two, three things.”

Harry held up three fingers.

“The first thing, Hagrid said, my parents’ inheritance is in your custody, I want to know how much my parents left me.”Harry asked.

Dumbledore’s expression was a little surprised.

Harry coughed and explained:”I don’t care how much money they have, you know, I’m not the kind of person who loves money, but my parents are wizards, they should have left more than just coins.”

Dumbledore nodded:”Of course, Harry, James and Lily certainly left more than just coins to you, but I didn’t expect it.”

He thought Harry would ask him about his parents first.

But he was thinking about his life.

“Your parents did leave a lot of things for you.”Dumbledore looked at Harry with loving eyes.

This made him a little uncomfortable.

“Most of the time in the old house of the Potter family, you don’t have to worry about money. In fact, the fast-smoothing hair spray on the market is an outstanding product of the Potter family. Although their own production company has been sold, the company that cooperates with you is still there. Every copy sold will earn you a share of the income.”Dumbledore said

“I’ll give you a list of those families.”

“Although they have never given money to the Potters since James’ death, you have to figure it out yourself.”

Fast smoothing hair spray, giving people a feeling of rejoicing?

Hearing that someone actually owed him so much money and wanted to be a deadbeat and not pay it back, Harry’s emerald eyes flashed a gleam.

It seems that there is no human rights protection in the wizarding world?

Maybe there is, but I don’t know.

When the day of the doomsday begins,

“Of course, you can also ask me, an old man, for help.”Harry interrupted Dumbledore before he could finish his words.

“No need, I will get the Potter family’s money back myself.” Harry didn’t want to trouble Dumbledore, mainly because he didn’t want to owe others a favor.

Favors are the hardest to repay.

Dumbledore didn’t mind, nodded and continued:”James is a master of Transfiguration. He has a lot of notes stored with Minerva. You can ask her for them.”

Harry was stunned. This was a huge surprise.

The reason he joined Gryffindor was because this college was good at Transfiguration.

Now that he had his father’s notes, he could ask the dean for advice. It was great.

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