He frowned slightly, paused, and then continued:”This happened when he was in the sixth grade. I was wondering if he would hide the crown in the castle.”

“What are the relics of the four giants?”Harry asked curiously.

“Slytherin I don’t know, Godric Gryffindor is a sword, Rowena Ravenclaw is a diadem, and Helga Hufflepuff is a golden cup,” Dumbledore replied

“I asked a descendant of Hufflepuff, and he said that no one had seen his grandmother’s gold cup since she died. He also said that his grandmother had a very intimate conversation with a handsome young man when she was alive, and they would stay together every day. He didn’t know whether to bless her or disgust her, because his grandmother was already over 90 years old at that time.”

“Fortunately, after his grandmother died, the young man disappeared immediately and did not compete with him for the inheritance.

Harry looked shocked:”Professor, you mean Tom…”

Dumbledore nodded:”Yes, just as we thought, he did……”

Harry interrupted him:”He actually used his beauty to lure an old woman?”

Dumbledore was stunned:”Harry? Why, why do you say that?”

What he wanted to say was that Tom might have really turned the Hufflepuff cup into his Horcrux.

But what Harry focused on was that he seduced the old woman?

“Isn’t it?” Harry looked at Dumbledore seriously,”He actually had the heart to deceive a ninety-year-old woman, what a scum!”

Harry pouted

“I am in the same prophecy as this person. This is an insult to my personality!”

Dumbledore pursed his lips. Seeing Harry’s angry expression, he didn’t dare to speak.

“So the reason why he made himself look so disgusting was because when he was young, he often used his beauty to seduce old ladies. Helena is almost a thousand years old, how could he do that?” Harry looked contemptuous,”So in order to prevent others from knowing his shameful past, he completely abandoned his past face?”

Harry’s analysis sounded so reasonable, he couldn’t refute this question at all.

Dumbledore’s expression froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He wanted to laugh, but it was not in line with his style. He had to hold it back!

“Ahem, Harry,” Dumbledore rubbed his cheek,”our focus is on the Horcruxes, let’s put Tom’s emotional history aside for now.”

Harry nodded and asked,”Will there be any resonance between the relics of the four giants?”

Dumbledore shook his head:”They are not magic items created by the same person, so there is no way for them to resonate.”

“Phew, this is difficult. If he hides it in a corner or throws it into the sea, no one will be able to find it.”Harry said helplessly.

“That’s not necessarily true.” Dumbledore said with a smile.”You may not be very familiar with Tom, but I have been in contact with him for a while, when he was still in school.”

“He is a very arrogant person. He believes that no one can guess what is in his mind, so the place where his Horcrux is placed may be related to his past, growth or important events.”

“So, you think there might be at least one Horcrux at Hogwarts.” Harry looked at him and said

“”Yes.” Dumbledore nodded.

“I don’t have any way to find treasures, I can only rely on luck.”Harry waved his hand helplessly. His perspective can see the treasures on the map, but there are too many so-called treasures in the castle of Hogwarts. If it is contaminated with magic, it can be on his map. The Weasley brothers put a lot of them in their room.

I believe they made the weapons.

“I can only rule out some places as much as possible and leave it to you to investigate.”Harry said

“Thank you for your help. Dumbledore nodded.

“Well, I should go back now.” Harry finished his milk in one gulp, and stood up to say goodbye to Dumbledore.

When Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room, only Hermione and Ron were there, and no one wondered why they didn’t sleep.

Since the first year, Hermione and Ron have continued to read after curfew.

Seeing Harry suddenly appear at the door, Hermione and Ron quickly put down their books and walked to his side.

“Sorry, I was chatting with Dumbledore for a while and kept you waiting. Harry said apologetically.

The two shook their heads, indicating that it was okay.

“Let’s go.” Hermione lowered her voice.

Ron nodded.

Harry stretched the invisibility cloak to its maximum and covered the three of them. The three of them immediately walked out of the common room silently and headed straight to the abandoned classroom on the fourth floor, the classroom where the Mirror of Erised was placed before.

“If we train, will Filch find out?”Ron was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, I’ve solved it.”Harry said

“I’ve arranged it.” Hermione said.

Ron was stunned.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, both with surprise in their eyes, and said in unison:”How did you do it?”

Ron’s face twitched, and he wondered if he was redundant. He just felt like a large fluorescent flashing

·· ········Request flowers····· ········

·· ········Request flowers····· ········

Harry raised his hand to signal Hermione to speak first.

“I asked Crookshanks to tell Mrs. Norris not to bring Filch here tonight.” Hermione said.

Harry nodded:”I think so. I asked Salier to deliver food to Mrs. Norris and told her not to come here tonight.”

Harry looked at Ron. Ron was stunned. What was I looking at? What could I do?

But since both of them said so, he couldn’t help but say something:”Originally, I also wanted to let Scabbers tell Mrs. Norris, but he has already escaped. There is nothing I can do.”

“Let a mouse talk to a cat?” Harry looked at Ron with a strange look.

“What can I do? Should I negotiate with Mrs. Norris in person?” Ron was furious. He had reason to suspect that the man and woman in front of him were targeting him.

………….. 0

………….. 0

“I mean, you don’t have to worry so much.”Harry comforted.

While the three of them were talking, they had already arrived at the abandoned classroom.

Harry pulled out his wand and waved it casually.

The curtains covering the windows automatically opened.

The debris in the classroom automatically flew to the corner, and the candles on both sides of the wall were lit, illuminating the classroom.

The orange light sprinkled in the classroom, forming patches of mottled light and shadow. Ron stood in this light and shadow, watching Harry’s behavior with envy on his face.

His hands clenched unconsciously. Although he could do this himself, he would never be as relaxed as the person in front of him. Every movement seemed smooth, as if everything was under control, and he had to do it step by step.

“Before I train you, I need to see your current abilities.”Harry said softly,”You have two choices, two of you duel me together, or you two duel each other, you choose.”

Ron and Hermione discussed in a low voice, and soon told Harry the answer, a duel between the two of them.

Hermione felt that the difference in strength between them and Harry was too great, and they might fall down immediately, without having time to show their strength.

Ron thought it made sense.

Harry nodded and told them not to be afraid of getting hurt, his healing magic could restore their bodies to perfect condition, and then stepped aside, waiting for the duel to begin.

Ron and Hermione stood not far away, then both sides bowed slightly, each took out their wands and confronted each other.

Harry folded his hands in front of his chest, waiting for the two to start.

At this moment, the atmosphere gradually became solemn, as if an invisible pressure was gradually spreading in the air.

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