“”Harry, let me tell you, I’m not afraid of big spiders anymore! I was so brave just now, I killed a lot of eight-eyed spiders!” Ron ran over excitedly, his face filled with excitement.

His hair was a little messy, and there were some spider webs on it, but his eyes were shining with pride.

The Forbidden Forest looked particularly gloomy at this time. The dense trees were like huge black shadows, shrouding them. The branches and leaves of the trees swayed in the wind, making rustling sounds, as if telling a mysterious story. The ground was covered with withered yellow leaves, and every step made a creaking sound, making people feel as if they were in a world full of danger.

But Ron was not as nervous as before.

“I know, I’ve been watching. Congratulations, Ron, you have learned the most important part of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course – overcoming fear.”Harry smiled faintly, his face looked particularly handsome in the dim light, his eyes were full of satisfaction and approval, as if he had seen every step of Ron’s growth.

“I feel great! This is the wizard battle I imagined!”Ron waved his fist and said excitedly. His voice echoed in the silent Forbidden Forest.

“Harry, did you attract those eight-eyed spiders here?” Hermione cleverly guessed the reason why the eight-eyed spiders suddenly appeared. Her eyes were clear and bright, as if she could see through everything. Her hair fluttered gently in the breeze, adding a bit of agility to her beauty.

“Why do you ask that?” Harry’s eyes flashed with a barely perceptible sense of relief, and his eyes fell on Hermione.

“Eight-eyed spiders are social animals, but after we killed that group of eight-eyed spiders, we walked for so long and didn’t encounter a second group. It could only be that they were led here by someone.”Hermione said with a smile, her voice was clear and pleasant, like a silver bell.

“Great, it seems that the knowledge in the textbooks is not difficult for you. Yes, I am the one who led the group of eight-eyed spiders here.”Harry nodded, his voice was steady and powerful.

After speaking, he looked at Hermione’s arm, and a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes.

There was still some blood on the robe of Hermione’s arm. Just now in the battle with the eight-eyed spider, her arm was injured and a piece of flesh was plucked. She endured the pain and used the diffusa and potion she brought with her to heal her wounds. Although the effect was very good, it was definitely not as good as Harry’s healing magic.

Hermione also saw Harry’s emotions. She smiled and said to Harry:”I’m fine, Harry. This is the only way to grow up, I can get through it.” Her eyes were firm and persistent, as if telling Harry that she was ready to face all challenges.

Harry also understood her expression, nodded and said:”It’s almost time for curfew, let’s go back to bed and continue tomorrow.”

With Harry leading the way, Ron and Hermione followed behind him. Looking at Harry’s back, the two felt that the dark Forbidden Forest was no longer filled with that creepy atmosphere.

After sending the two to the exit of the Forbidden Forest, Harry asked them to go back by themselves. He had to stay in the Forbidden Forest for a while. Just now, in order to take care of Hermione and the others, he did not dare to go far away and had no time to kill monsters and level up. Now he could not waste time like this.

Hermione and Ron nodded, and hurried towards the castle. The trees of the Forbidden Forest gradually faded away behind them, as if telling the thrilling experience just now.

However, fate always seems to like to play jokes on people. When they passed by Hagrid’s hut, they unexpectedly ran into Hagrid and his loyal partner Fang who were about to go on patrol.

Hagrid’s tall figure appeared at the door of the hut. He widened his eyes and looked at Hermione and Ron with confusion.

“”Hermione, Ron? How come you are here?” His voice was full of surprise.

It was really puzzling that the two little wizards appeared in front of his hut at this unusual time.

And from their expressions, it could be seen that they did not seem to come to him on purpose.

Embarrassment suddenly appeared on Hermione and Ron’s faces. They looked at each other, not knowing how to explain all this to Hagrid.

The gloomy atmosphere of the Forbidden Forest seemed to still linger around them, and at this moment, they were in another embarrassing situation.

Hermione quickly said,”It’s too boring to stay in the castle, so we want to go around and walk around.” Ron nodded hurriedly in agreement.

“Oh, then you should go back quickly, it’s almost curfew, it would be bad if Filch caught us.” Hagrid said honestly, without any suspicion, and was worried about the time they would be deducted for being late.

“”Okay, okay, we’ll be right back.” Hermione said hastily, and planned to run away with Ron.

“Wait a minute.” Hagrid suddenly called them loudly, and the two of them froze in their places.

“”Where’s Harry? Why isn’t he with you?” Hagrid was acutely aware that one of them seemed to be missing. You know, the three of them were usually inseparable.

“Ha, Harry, he……”Ron began to stutter.

Hagrid frowned slightly, and he felt that things were not as simple as Hermione said.

“Harry went to the professor for extra lessons. You know, he’s always very hardworking and doesn’t have extra time to hang around.” Hermione explained hurriedly, her eyes evasive, as if she was worried that Hagrid would see through her lie.

“Oh, I see.” Hagrid nodded in understanding. All the staff knew that Harry had asked the professor for extra lessons.

“”Okay, I have to go on patrol, you guys go back and see you in the next class.” Hagrid waved to the two of them, then led Fang towards the Forbidden Forest.

“”Huh.” Hermione and Ron breathed a sigh of relief and quickly quickened their pace towards the castle.

“Harry won’t be caught by Hagrid, right?” Ron said with a hint of worry in his tone.[]

“With Harry’s strength, how could he be caught by Hagrid? Moreover, even if Hagrid really found him, what could Hagrid do to Harry?”Hermione waved her hand, signaling Ron not to worry. Ron was relieved when he heard Hermione’s words.

When the two returned to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione said to Ron:”Today we saw more than ten kinds of magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and experienced several fierce battles.”When

Ron heard this, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Sure enough……

“We have to write a comprehensive battle experience tomorrow. Let me think about it.

3.3 inches.”Ron’s face showed a collapsed expression, and he wailed. This was much worse than he expected.

Hermione paused, turned around, and reminded Ron solemnly:”Ron, remember to use the standard font size and line spacing. Don’t use the lazy way of increasing the font spacing to fool around. I want to check it.”

The expression on Ron’s face instantly became more desperate. He stopped wailing, but covered his face with a dead heart, muttering to himself:”Thank God, Hermione, you are simply blocking my last way out!”

His voice was full of helplessness and frustration, as if the whole person was shrouded in endless despair.

At this moment, Ron was like a deflated ball, sitting there, no longer having the energy and spirit before.

His mind kept emerging with the long battle experience and the requirement to write in the standard format, which made him feel extremely headache and collapsed.

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