What does it mean to trust him? It is unsafe to put your life safety in another hand.

Harry was on the way back to the Gryffindor dormitory.

Dumbledore still rejected his request to drop out of school and asked him to try to go to school here first. Hogwarts is the safest place and will not let him get hurt.

Faced with the repeated assurances of the strongest man in the wizarding world, Harry reluctantly agreed.

Voldemort is not dead.

This is both a good thing and a bad thing for him.

He can avenge his parents by himself.

But his own safety will also be affected to a certain extent.

But Dumbledore said that even if Voldemort is not dead now, he must be in an extremely weak state.

Otherwise, he would not hide in Professor Quirrell’s body and dare not even show his face.

It gave him a short time to develop.

He is still too weak.

If he has the strength of Dumbledore now.

He can go to Quirrell now and kill Voldemort.


Harry strolled along the corridor of Hogwarts, his thoughts drifting to another side.

So far, there are two ways to increase strength.

One is the magic of the wizarding world, a complete world magic system. He must hurry up to learn and master the advanced magic knowledge as soon as possible.

The second is his own game magic. The magic in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is almost all combat magic, and each one is of great help to his own strength.

But these two ways cannot make him strong in a very short time.

The first one takes time. In this regard, he can work hard and try his best to reduce the time he needs to grow.

The second one requires resources, resources for killing, and he has no idea for the time being.

Well, let’s take it one step at a time.

If it doesn’t work, he will escape overnight and go to China to open a restaurant. With his skills, he can make a living anywhere.

The word cautious is extremely deep in the memory of the dream.

Back to the Gryffindor dormitory.

Ron is still waiting for Harry to come back

“”Harry, I didn’t see you. Percy said you went to see Professor Dumbledore?” Ron came over.

“Well, there are some things I need to confirm with Professor Dumbledore. Harry nodded.

“”Come on, I’ll take you to our room.” Ron didn’t ask him what he talked about with Dumbledore, and took Harry back to the dormitory.

The next day, before dawn, Harry woke up and jogged around the castle, first to get familiar with the terrain, and second to exercise his body.

A healthy and strong body can better help him learn magic quickly.

Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room a little disappointed.

He ran around and didn’t find any wild magical creatures.

The only place he knew there were a large number of magical creatures was under the Black Lake, where there were a large number of magical creatures, but there was a contract!

They were trapped by Hogwarts. Included in the scope of the protection contract.

Life at the bottom of the lake cannot harm students, and students cannot harm them.

With an enemy who killed his father and mother around him, Harry always feels very unsafe. Even though he is very weak now, he is still the Dark Lord in everyone’s eyes.

No one knows what his current situation is. If he is hit by something out of the blue, I am afraid that I don’t even have the ability to defend myself.

I am just an ordinary 11-year-old wizard. I am still too weak now and need time to grow up.

After returning to the hall to finish breakfast, I packed it up and took it back to the dormitory. I woke up the other roommates and waited for them to finish eating. After lunch, they went to class together.

The first day of school, September 2, which was a Monday, made Harry very excited.

In the morning, there was Transfiguration class, and in the afternoon, there was Herbology class.

He was very interested in the Transfiguration of this world.

Now that he could take this class right away, he felt inexplicably excited.

It was like the first time he could cook.

Hogwarts is very large and the terrain is complex. The most annoying thing is that the stairs can move by themselves.

If you don’t understand the terrain, it’s easy to get lost.

A group of freshmen were a little overwhelmed by such a problem.

Harry grabbed a senior student and Student, asked him for directions, and then determined the direction.

He looked at the classmates around him.

Why didn’t they ask for directions when they didn’t know the way. Is the mouth only used for eating?

Harry thought of Dudley the pig.

Dudley’s mouth seemed to never stop.

He took Ron to the Transfiguration classroom in a hurry.

They came early and had plenty of time.

As soon as they entered, they saw a cat squatting on the podium.

Ron complained to Harry. The excitement of coming to Hogwarts for the first time had slowly faded.

Instead, he had a headache about this school. His family had never had such a complicated environment. It was very simple.

“If I were alone, I’d probably still be wandering on the road.”

Ron didn’t hear Harry’s response. He looked at Harry and saw that he was staring at the cat on the podium.

There was excitement and surprise in his eyes.

“What’s wrong, Harry?”Ron didn’t understand why he had such an expression when he saw a cat.

“”Is it Professor McGonagall’s pet?” Ron muttered as he looked at the cat on the podium.

Harry walked over and shook his head, saying,”It’s not a pet.”

Ron followed behind him.

Only when he got closer did he see the cat’s appearance clearly.

It was a tabby cat, and the most peculiar thing was that there were stripes around its eyes that looked like glasses.

“Hey, Harry, look at the pattern on this cat’s face, does it look like Professor McGonagall’s glasses?”Ron pointed at the tabby cat and said in surprise

“It’s Professor McGonagall!” Harry could clearly sense the aura emanating from the cat. It was exactly the same as Professor McGonagall.

Is this something that Transfiguration can do?!


Harry grabbed the cat’s neck.

Then he turned up its ears and felt the soft touch, and then looked at its hands and feet.

The pads, the claws.

Exactly the same as a real cat.

Ron was stunned when he heard what Harry said. Is this cat Professor McGonagall?

He remembered the brief introduction his parents had given him about Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall was a master of Transfiguration and one of the seven Animagus registered with the Ministry of Magic.

A tabby cat.

Oh my God!

Ron’s face turned pale.

What did I just do?

He saw Harry’s actions and immediately grabbed his hand.

“”Stop, Harry, what are you doing?”

He was too weak.

Harry stroked its back twice.

Hmm, the fur was very smooth.

It was exactly like a real cat!

The kitten’s dull eyes finally reacted and it broke free from Harry’s hands.

Then it turned into Professor McGonagall in a green plaid coat in an instant.

Her serious expression scared Ron very much.

“Mr. Potter, have you recognized me a long time ago?”

Harry nodded honestly. He usually didn’t lie unless it was necessary.

“So how do you”Professor McGonagall’s eyes flashed with anger.

But Harry said sincerely,”I’m just curious. Professor, after you turned into a cat, you have no magic at all. If it weren’t for my sensitive perception, I wouldn’t have thought that this cat was you.”

“Is this also a kind of Transfiguration?”

Professor McGonagall nodded and said,”This is one of the most advanced Transfiguration, Armanigus, which can turn a person into an animal. This Transfiguration is very dangerous. If you don’t have a certain level of Transfiguration, you will not be able to tell whether you are an animal or a human if you use it rashly.”

She saw the desire in Harry’s eyes, so she made it clear that this kind of magic was not something he could learn now.

“In grade 6 or 7, or maybe earlier, if you are good enough, Mr. Potter, you can try it out.”

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