After the lively and joyful Christmas, Harry put his mind back to studying and looking for Tom’s Horcrux.

Dumbledore once mentioned to him that Tom had at least one Horcrux placed in Hogwarts.

Harry turned on the perspective atmosphere and carefully looked at the light spots showing the treasures.

First, all the students’ rooms were excluded. Those were probably some small gadgets they brought for pranks.

Then, starting from the public rooms, Harry eliminated them one by one.

The first was Filch’s office. There were many magic items in his room that he collected. I don’t know if he would accidentally bring back Voldemort’s Horcrux.

Since it is impossible to directly identify whether there is a soul hidden in the magic item through a spell, Harry can only use the perspective eye to check them one by one.

In his perspective eyes, the soul has no place to hide.

When Harry came to Filch’s office, Filch was very enthusiastic about Harry’s visit. He was busy pouring water and hurriedly taking out his own snacks to entertain Harry.

Even Mrs. Norris jumped lightly onto Harry’s lap, meowing at him in a friendly and intimate way.

When Harry expressed his desire to see his collection, Filch did not hesitate, and took Harry to see his collection with great interest, smiling. There were various torture instruments inside, but Harry could tell at a glance that they had not been used for at least hundreds of years.

After Harry carefully scanned them with his eyes of perspective, he found that there was no Horcrux containing Voldemort’s soul.

After chatting with Filch for a while, he stood up and said goodbye.

In Professor McGonagall’s detention class.

Harry waved his wand, and saw that his body began to slowly change, gradually turning into the body of a mighty lion, and after successfully transforming, it slowly turned back into a human form.

Professor McGonagall smiled and applauded, saying,”Your Transfiguration has reached a very high level.”

Harry couldn’t help but smile with joy.

Mag checked the time and said,”Let’s end today’s class here.” There was a hint of relief in her tone.

“Professor, with my current level, can I try the Animagus transformation?” Harry asked cautiously.

Mag was slightly startled, but did not directly refuse. She said:”You can try the Animagus transformation with your current level, but there is one thing, you must do it under my close supervision.”

“”Okay, I will start preparing for the Animagus transformation from tomorrow.” Harry nodded vigorously. Recently, in addition to carefully studying his father’s notes, he also read a lot of books about Animagus in the forbidden section of the library.

This spell is not as simple as waving a wand. In order to successfully transform into the Animagus form, it is necessary to go through a tedious ritual that takes at least one month and up to a year.

“If you want to become an Animagus, you have to be well prepared.”Professor McGonagall said seriously.

Harry was stunned. Is there any special preparation required?

“It’s not just about magical preparation.”McGonagall frowned and said in a serious tone,”Although Animagus is the most advanced magic in Transfiguration, it is not a particularly difficult thing for top wizards!”

Harry nodded silently after hearing this.

After all, even Blake and Peter were able to successfully master this magic.

Harry didn’t believe it when he said it was difficult.

“There are only eight Animagus people registered with the Ministry of Magic in this century, but there are definitely more than just these eight people who can learn Animagus transformation!”

“There are at least ten people I know who can try this spell, but none of them have tried it. Do you know why?”

Harry frowned and thought seriously, then answered hesitantly,”Is it because they can’t stand such a long ceremony?”

McGonagall looked at Harry in surprise and kept shaking her head,”How could this be? Is it the Ministry of Magic?”

“Because every Animagus must register with the Ministry of Magic, but many wizards are unwilling to do so. They prefer the feeling of freedom without any restrictions.”

Harry was stunned when he heard McGonagall’s words. His face was full of surprise and his eyes were wide open. He seemed to have never expected that it would be because of the Ministry of Magic:”The Ministry of Magic still exists? I actually forgot about them.”

In his heart, the Ministry of Magic really didn’t have a strong sense of existence. It was just that Fudge would jump out and make trouble from time to time, which really made him feel sick. Thinking of this, he licked his lips subconsciously, and secretly made up his mind to find a chance to get rid of this person who annoyed him. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said tentatively:”Maybe we don’t have to pay attention to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic?”

After hearing this, McGonagall’s face instantly became extremely serious. Her brows were tightly furrowed, and her eyes revealed a hint of majesty. She said in a deep voice:”I can understand your thoughts very well. As I just said, no wizard wants to be supervised. They all yearn for a free life. But this is absolutely not possible, not only because of the Ministry of Magic, but more importantly, it is about respect for others!”

“So why did the Ministry of Magic have laws governing Animagus?”

“Because in the past, when there were no relevant laws, some evil wizards often used Animagus to wantonly snoop into other people’s private lives. Harry, of course I believe in you, you will never do such a thing.”[]…0…

“But there will be others who don’t believe it.” Harry followed her words naturally.

McGonagall nodded slowly.

Harry was silent, he curled his lips slightly, and then said:”Dumbledore’s Transfiguration is so powerful, he obviously also knows Animagus, and as far as I know, he hasn’t registered with the Ministry of Magic!” McGonagall was stunned after hearing this, obviously she didn’t expect Harry to drag Dumbledore out, a trace of embarrassment appeared on her face, then she nodded lightly, and slowly said:”I don’t know, at least I’ve never seen him use Animagus”

“It’s just that you haven’t seen it, professor, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know it.” Harry held on to the headmaster Dumbledore tightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, trying to use him as a shield to persuade the slightly old-fashioned professor in front of him.

At this time, McGonagall’s tone suddenly became gentle, but it made people feel a little dangerous. She frowned slightly, her expression was a little helpless and a little angry:”Harry, you have to know, it’s not that I don’t want to control Albus, I just can’t control him!”

“As the vice-president, I can only give him some advice.”She seemed to grit her teeth and her expression became a little angry.

Harry thought of Dumbledore’s usual indifference and always leaving many of the principal’s responsibilities to Professor McGonagall. He seemed to realize that it was not a good thing to bring Dumbledore up in front of Professor McGonagall! The only person who could make Professor McGonagall grit her teeth was Dumbledore.

A trace of regret appeared on his face, and his eyes became a little flickering.

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