Ron’s mouth suddenly deflated, and he held his papers tightly in his hands. He twisted them too hard, leaving deep wrinkles on them.

“Why? Professor Lupin is not……”Ron’s voice was full of confusion, and Hermione also cast a puzzled look at Harry.

“The Godfather will come to help. Harry explained to the two.

“He’s not a faculty member!” Ron frowned tightly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

“Polyjuice Potion?” Hermione blinked her bright eyes and quickly thought of a solution.

Harry nodded.

“Sirius, can he teach everyone a lesson?”Ron’s face became even more tangled. After all, he had always heard Harry say that Sirius had no brains, and at Christmas,

Sirius took them everywhere to play, and the scene of him turning into a big dog and playing with Crookshanks still clearly appeared in his mind. That scene made him feel that Sirius did not look very serious.

“Although his brain may be���Not that much, but his magic level is beyond doubt. After all, he was an Animagus wizard when he was a student. And at Christmas, you saw that he was like a duck in water in the Forbidden Forest and knew the characteristics of various dark magic creatures.”

“He is more than qualified to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, not to mention that Uncle Lupin has already handed him the lesson plans. As long as they follow the plan, there shouldn’t be any problems! 957″ Harry said to comfort the two.

After finishing breakfast, the three of them slowly walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. After entering the classroom, they were surprised to find that”Lupin” was already standing quietly on the podium.

His appearance did not look any different from the past, except that he had changed into a simpler and intact lavender robe, and his hair had become slightly curly waves. Other than that, there seemed to be no special changes.

However, Ron was puzzled. He looked at”Lupin” carefully and murmured in an unbelievable tone:”Oh my God, is this really Professor Lupin? Why does he feel like a completely different person?”

His eyes were wide open and his brows were tightly furrowed, as if he was trying to distinguish the person in front of him.

“Calm down.” Harry nodded slightly at”Lupin” who greeted him enthusiastically, and then pushed Ron hard to his seat.

“”What’s so surprising? His face hasn’t changed!” said Harry

“It’s just the clothes and temperament that have changed.” Hermione added

“But it’s like he’s a completely different person!” Ron concluded, his eyes wide open, his face full of disbelief (bibg)

“That’s because you knew his identity in advance.”Harry waved his hand indifferently.

Not only Ron, but every student who entered the classroom couldn’t help but look at”Lupin” several more times.

They all noticed that Professor”Lupin” today seemed to be completely different from before. It was obviously the same face, but compared to before, he now seemed full of confidence and extraordinary temperament, as if he had been reborn.

Because of his identity, Lupin always gave people the impression of being weak and lacking confidence. Coupled with his pale face, he looked like he was easy to bully.

But at this moment, wearing a brand new lavender robe, coupled with Sirius’s innate confidence and unrestrained temperament, and Lupin’s handsome face, the eyes of many female students couldn’t help but light up.

They secretly regretted in their hearts, why didn’t they realize before that Professor Lupin could be so handsome?

In terms of teaching, it was indeed as Harry said, Sirius was extremely knowledgeable about the nature and characteristics of various dark magic creatures. Familiar with the situation, and with Lupin’s lesson plan in hand, he was able to teach in a very professional manner.

Teaching was originally a fun and new thing for him. At first, he could still patiently explain in detail how to distinguish the disguise of ordinary driftwood and swamp diggers according to the content in the textbook.

But when the novelty gradually wore off, he threw the textbook away and taught the students a very simple method: whenever you encounter a situation that you are not clear about or do not understand, just throw a thunderbolt explosion to blow up the driftwood, and you will be free from the trouble of being attacked by swamp diggers.

When all the students heard this method, their eyes widened. They looked through the textbooks and seemed to have not found this method.

But it sounded very reasonable.

After listening to Sirius’s lecture, Harry had a blank expression on his face, thinking to himself that this was indeed in line with Sirius’s usual character.

Wait until the end of the class. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Professor Lupin” and walked out the door in a hurry, his steps were quick, however, he seemed to have forgotten something important.

Hermione sighed helplessly and called out to him:”Professor Lupin, you haven’t assigned the homework yet.”

The little lions had already begun to celebrate secretly, but after hearing Hermione’s words, they glared at each other, wondering who was so ignorant?

When they cast their eyes on Harry and Hermione, the movement of turning their heads was like twisting their stiff necks, which was extremely unnatural.

Not to mention His Royal Highness the Lion King Harry, even Hermione, the”lioness”, is not someone they dare to provoke easily.[]

After all, you still have to ask others for help with your homework.

“Oh, yes, there are homeworks, right?”After hearing what Hermione said, Professor Lupin was stunned for a moment, then he raised his hand and patted his head vigorously, with a look of sudden enlightenment on his face.

Hermione and Ron covered their faces helplessly. As people who knew the truth, they felt that the familiar Sirius had returned alive, but not with a face like Lupin.

“Well, forget it.” He just waved his hand and said,”Homework and so on are completely useless…….”

At this moment, Harry coughed twice at the right time.

“It’s to be done””Lupin,” the professor quickly changed his words and said seriously,”Write an article on how to identify swamp diggers and properly deal with them. Submit it next Monday. It should be three inches. Oh, the method cannot be the one I just taught, which is to use thunderbolt explosion directly.”

He thought to himself, if Lupin found out that he taught his students to deal with it in this way, he would come to trouble him again. It would be really annoying to be pestered by this guy Lupin!

Three inches?

Just three inches?

They haven’t heard of homework of this scale for a long time.

The little lions in the classroom suddenly burst into excited cheers.

The little badgers on the side also applauded, but as they clapped, they felt something was wrong. The three-inch paper is indeed very good and can be completed in about half an hour.

But how to identify swamp diggers and properly deal with them?…

Professor, you only taught us to use the Explosion Curse in class, what about other methods? Are you asking us to make them up?

Hearing this, Hermione gently rubbed her brows and said helplessly,”Harry, it seems we have to prepare a different paper.”

Harry and Ron nodded.

It is foreseeable that the little lions will find the three of them to borrow their papers because they have no clue.

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