He waved the wand very gently.

The green liquid in the stone basin suddenly began to bubble, as if it was struggling to break free and fly out, but eventually it slowly calmed down.

The stone basin was like a solid cage, tightly binding it and strictly prohibiting it from taking off.

The spell that Harry cast was ineffective.

“I will remove any magical effects that are independent of other powers.” Harry said slowly, while calmly putting his wand away.

“It seems that the magic power connected to this stone basin has a source.”Harry frowned slightly and said thoughtfully.

“There are only the Inferi here. Either we kill all the Inferi first and then take the Horcruxes inside, or we get the Horcruxes inside first and then kill the Inferi.”Harry said calmly,

“There are so many Inferi at the bottom of the lake that it is almost impossible to count them. If they don’t come out on their own initiative, it will be very difficult for us to eliminate them all.” Dumbledore said with a serious expression, narrowing his eyes slightly and looking around at the inky black lake.

“So we have to get the Horcruxes inside first.” Harry turned his eyes intently to the green potion that was constantly rolling in the stone basin.

He first slowly stretched out his hand, extremely gently, trying to touch the potion.

However, he soon encountered an invisible barrier, which prevented him from getting even an inch close to it.

No matter how hard he pushed, his fingers could only touch the air, which seemed extremely solid and stiff like a piece of iron.

Harry couldn’t help but frowned slightly, then retracted his hand, and then quickly took out his wand, and began to slowly break the spell with great patience, and then took out the dragon leather gloves from the cloth bag and slowly put them on his hands.

Then he carefully stretched out his fingers, lightly tapped the light green potion, then retracted them, put his fingers on the tip of his nose, sniffed gently, and whispered:”There are no lethal materials in it, but I can tell that there are several kinds of hallucinogenic herbs.”

“But it seems that the liquid cannot be poured out, separated, scooped up or sucked away, nor can it be transformed, cast a spell or use other methods to change its current state.”Harry frowned slightly and said after carefully observing the liquid.

“All I can think of is to drink it.” Harry then put away his dragon-skin gloves, clapped his hands and said slowly.

At this time, Dumbledore nodded slightly, waved his wand lightly, and conjured up an exquisite goblet:”You are very perceptive, yes, this kind of protection spell can only be solved with the simplest method.”

Harry then stretched out his finger again, gently tapped the light green liquid, and then put his finger into his mouth to try.

In an instant, Harry’s eyes became a little blurry, but the next moment, he quickly woke up.

“Just as I guessed, it’s a hallucinogenic poison,” Harry said expressionlessly,”Maybe Tom has also been tricked by the Resurrection Stone, and it’s the same as the Resurrection Stone, both of which will cause painful memories in people’s hearts.”

“But in essence, it is very different from the Resurrection Stone. It is caused by the toxicity of the potion, and my healing ability can perfectly solve it.”

“Okay, I’ll drink it and you’ll help me remove the effects of the poison.”Dumbledore nodded, took the glass from Harry and said.

Harry nodded solemnly, then slowly stepped aside.

It must be said that this approach is indeed the best solution. Dumbledore drinks the poison, and then he can help Dumbledore remove the poison in an instant, which is as easy as drinking water.

In this slightly dim environment, the two looked solemn and focused on preparing for the next action.

Dumbledore did not hesitate at all, and decisively scooped up a cup of liquid medicine, and then raised his head and drank it all.

Almost at the same time he drank it, his eyes began to become blurred, but the next moment, a dazzling blue light suddenly appeared on his body.

The blue light instantly helped him get rid of the illusion.

Dumbledore nodded slightly at Harry, indicating that there was indeed no problem with doing so.

Then came the second and third cups. Dumbledore did not pause at all, and kept scooping up the liquid medicine inside and drinking it, while Harry was concentrating on continuously casting healing magic for him.

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Harry not only successfully eliminated the hallucinogenicity, but also eliminated other possible collateral damage.

The two cooperated very well and seamlessly. Soon, the potion in the stone basin was empty, revealing the contents inside – there, quietly placed an amber octagonal locket, which was exquisite and unique. In the center of the locket, a line made of dazzling emeralds was prominently inlaid.”S”The little snake is lifelike, as if it could twist and turn at any time, releasing a mysterious aura.

The amber light and the emerald shine intertwined, making the whole pendant exude a strange and charming charm, which makes people unable to look away once they touch it.

“”Rinse your mouth.” Harry took out a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took it.

“It tastes a bit bad, doesn’t it?” Harry said with a smile.

Dumbledore spat out the water in his mouth, then took another sip.

“Indeed.” Dumbledore nodded, with a hint of helplessness on his face.[]

Harry then carefully took the pendant box out of the stone basin.

The moment he took it out.

The lake, which was originally as calm as a mirror, suddenly began to ripple without any warning. The waves gradually spread outward in circles, like countless ferocious claws dancing wildly, breaking the original tranquility and peace.

The air around seemed to become extremely tense at this moment, as if an invisible pressure was permeating it, and the light seemed to dim several times unconsciously.

Sticky and extremely pale arms slowly stretched out from the bottom of the lake. The arms seemed to be the claws of the deadly ghosts stretched out from the depths of hell, with endless gloom and weirdness.

In the blink of an eye, the lake surface was no longer as smooth as a bright mirror as before, but quickly began to surge and roll. The rolling lake water was like an angry beast, making a series of dull sounds..

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