The vault suddenly appeared in front of them like magic. The goblin seemed to be driven by some invisible force and retreated to the side very consciously.

He lowered his head deeply and humbly, and closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn’t even have the courage to look inside.

The three of them walked in slowly and leisurely. There was a dazzling array of things inside, full of gold and silver piled up like a towering mountain.

The exquisite wine glasses shone with a charming luster under the light; the silver armor exuded a cold atmosphere, as if telling the glory of the past; the strange animal skin specimens were placed in a staggered manner, some of which had long spines protruding abruptly, while others were connected with drooping wings, as if they could spread their wings and fly at any time.

There was also a pile of bottles inlaid with dazzling gems, shining with mysterious light in the corner, and even a skeleton still wearing a crown, standing quietly, which must be the legacy of a deceased ancestor of the Black family.

There were sparkling, dazzling gems scattered in every corner, and he also saw the fake Sword of Gryffindor, casually placed on a high shelf together with a bunch of messy chains.

As expected of one of the oldest families, with such amazing wealth, those Silver Sickles and Copper Knuts really had no right to be placed here. Not counting those priceless treasures, just looking at the gold Galleons towering like a hill, Harry’s eyes were full of curiosity. He had no idea how many there were, perhaps hundreds of thousands, or even millions?

However, the three of them had no interest on their faces, as if they turned a blind eye to these riches.

“I have to temporarily lift the restrictions on all the items in the treasury. They are all subject to the Iron Fire Curse, the Splitting Curse and the Unforgivable Curse!” Sirius said with a serious expression, and solemnly took out his wand and held it tightly in his hand.

“If someone else were careless enough to break in here, everything they touched would instantly become extremely hot and replicate themselves at an alarming speed, but those replicas would be completely worthless.”

“And if they try to continue stealing the treasures, the final result will be that they will either be crushed to death in the cave by the large-scale reproduction of gold, silver and jewelry, or they will be scalded to death, or they may even be directly killed by the Unforgivable Curse.”Sirius said as he waved the wand in his hand and whispered the mysterious secret spell of the Black family, with a focused and cautious expression on his face.

After a very slight and faint flash of light appeared quietly, Sirius nodded solemnly to the two of them, as if conveying some kind of firm signal, and said,”You can check it now.”

There was no hesitation in Harry’s eyes. He quickly raised the wand in his right hand and shouted clearly and forcefully,”Here comes the golden cup!”

At this time in the treasury, all the previous restrictions had been successfully lifted temporarily by Sirius. Because of this, the Summoning Spell could be successfully activated in this treasury. There were countless golden cups in the treasury. These golden cups were like elves with fresh life, flying towards Harry at a very fast speed.

Some of the golden cups were originally pressed by heavy objects, but they also tried hard to break free from the restraints and flew towards Harry desperately, as if they had an urgent desire for Harry.

Harry checked one by one, and very quickly, a golden cup suddenly stopped in front of it.

This golden cup is small, with two handles, but if you look closely, you will find a badger carved on it!

Hufflepuff’s golden cup.

Tom really made the relics of the three giants into Horcruxes!

Harry clearly saw the souls hidden inside

“Found it.”Harry held the golden cup and nodded to Sirius and Dumbledore.

The two smiled.

“Let’s go, let’s go out and deal with it later.” Dumbledore said

“As long as we take the item out of the chamber, the restriction on it will disappear. When we leave and the door is closed, the restriction inside will be reactivated.”Sirius said.

Harry put the golden cup into the bag, and the three of them walked out of the chamber.

The door made a rumbling sound and slowly closed.

The goblin lowered his head and said nothing. He got on the cable car and took the three of them to drive at lightning speed again.

After half a day, the three of them walked on the ground with weak steps.

“The experience of this cable car is worse than Apparition! At least that was over in an instant, this is long-term pain!”Harry stroked his butt.

0Seeking flowers

The cable car was shaking and trembling, and the speed was so fast that his butt was numb and his blood was boiling.

He glanced at Sirius and Dumbledore, and they were not much better. Especially

Dumbledore, his powerful magic was ineffective at this time, and his body, which was already over 100 years old, made him even more uncomfortable.

He thought he was going to break a bone. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Healing! Harry cast healing spells on all three of them.

The fatigue in their bodies quickly disappeared.

“”Harry, this magic is so useful!” Sirius exclaimed.

It was the first time he had seen someone create a healing magic that could restore vitality.

If everyone could master it, wouldn’t St. Mungo’s be closed down?

“Let’s go back and solve this problem first.”Harry nodded and patted his bag.

The two nodded and disappeared again.

When they reappeared, the three of them returned to the Black Mansion.

Harry took out the golden cup and handed it to Dumbledore.[]

Still using the same method as for the locket.

First force Tom’s soul out, then search his memory.

The silver thread in Dumbledore’s wand slowly disappeared.

Harry then added a golden light to completely destroy Tom’s soul.

“How is it, have you seen the whereabouts of the new Horcrux?”Harry looked at Dumbledore expectantly.

“No, this Horcrux seems to have been made earlier, and he only knows about the notebook.”Dumbledore shook his head and said

“Really? That’s a pity!” Harry sighed.

“Don’t say that, Harry. In fact, we have gained a lot in the past two days. We found Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, Slytherin’s locket and Hufflepuff’s cup, and destroyed Tom’s two Horcruxes.”

“Plus the diary and crown that were destroyed before”

“We have destroyed four of the seven Horcruxes, and one is under our control. Tom himself is a Horcrux, so there is only one Horcrux he made left!” Dumbledore comforted Chuan.

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