Using the perspective atmosphere.

A familiar yet unfamiliar name quietly emerged in his mind.

Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

“”Okay, fellow warriors!” Ludo’s face was filled with enthusiasm. He waved his hand vigorously and said loudly,”That’s all I have to say.” His eyes were full of expectation and encouragement.”I sincerely hope that you can all show extraordinary style in the Triwizard Tournament and go all out to win the highest honor for your respective schools.”

After that, he turned his gaze to Crouch, who had remained silent all the time. There was a question in his eyes, indicating if he had anything else to add?

Crouch’s face was as stiff and indifferent as ice, and he shook his head mechanically.

Everyone was not surprised by this. He always had this serious expression.

“Three principals, do you have anything else to say to the three warriors?”Ludo had a professional smile on his face and looked eagerly at the principals of the three schools.

To be honest, at this moment he just wanted to leave school early.

He still had to rush to open the market.

Maxim shook his head decisively, his huge hand gently wrapped around Furong’s shoulders, and turned away without hesitation.

Karkaroff stood there with a gloomy face, his hands tightly clasped to his chest, shaking his head constantly, his face full of impatience, and said loudly:”Krum, go back and rest, or do you have other arrangements?”

Krum pursed his lips, his lines were tight, his voice was low and suppressed, as if squeezed out from between his teeth:”Go back.”

He heard what Karkaroff had just said. Harry had produced a very high-quality Patronus and was very powerful, possibly surpassing him. This made him involuntarily feel a strong sense of crisis, as if a dark cloud was hanging over his heart.

The two of them immediately turned around and left.

Harry slowly walked towards the door, turned his head and said to Dumbledore,”Professor Dumbledore, let’s go back too. I have something to tell you.” His expression was a little solemn.

Dumbledore nodded without hesitation and responded readily,”No problem.”

The two officials from the Ministry of Magic who stayed behind stood there in a daze, and no one paid any attention to them.

Ludo didn’t mind at all, his face was full of joy, and he turned and left briskly.

Crouch, who was left behind, still had a face as stiff as a stone, and a trace of confusion suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he slowly moved away.

Harry and Dumbledore left the room together. They did not return to the bustling hall, but turned and walked directly to a classroom on the first floor.

Dumbledore frowned slightly, followed behind and said,”Harry, if you want to talk about anything, it would be better to go to my office.” There was a hint of doubt in his tone.

He hadn’t finished his words yet.

Harry waved his wand quickly, and the doors and windows of the classroom slammed shut, and it instantly became an airtight secret room.

“Harry?” Dumbledore adjusted his glasses slightly and watched Harry’s actions with interest, but did not stop him.

“How long do you want to stay on me?”Harry’s voice was cold and indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

Dumbledore’s eyes suddenly became subtle, and at some point, a wand had quietly appeared in his hand, and the wand was held firmly in his hand. He knew in his heart that Harry was definitely not talking about himself.

No one responded to Harry’s words.

“”Tsk.” Harry smacked his lips in disgust, his face full of disgust.

A huge amount of magic power instantly surged out from his body, and his robes swelled up without wind.

A small thing was blown away by this powerful magic.

As soon as it was blown out

, Dumbledore reacted very quickly, and aimed his wand at it instantly. A beam of light shot out, and the small thing in the air was petrified on the spot, motionless.

The two looked closely and found that it was a small beetle.

“It turns out to be an illegal Animagus! I was wondering how it could hide so well, you almost fooled it.” Harry said indifferently.

If it weren’t for the obvious change in its mood, which caused a very subtle and faint magical fluctuation, Harry would not have noticed when the beetle flew to him.

After all, once it becomes an Animagus, it will completely turn into a real animal.

Of course, magical fluctuations will definitely exist.

Without magical fluctuations, it cannot change back.

The light blue light of Dumbledore’s wand bloomed brightly at the tip of the wand, and he said seriously:”Illegal Animagus, let me see who you are.”

“”Rita Skeeter!” Harry said her name first, with a look of certainty on his face.

Everyone’s name can be clearly seen by looking through the atmosphere.

Even if it becomes an Animagus, it is no exception.

Under the strong reflection of the deep and mysterious blue light, the beetle’s whole body began to twist extremely violently, as if it was enduring great pain that ordinary people could hardly imagine. Every tiny part of it was shaking constantly, and it looked extremely painful.

Gradually, it slowly changed, turning into a head of seemingly delicate but lifeless curly hair, and then, the facial features with a big chin slowly emerged, and even the pair of glasses inlaid with countless jewels, square in shape and particularly ugly, also appeared clearly.

Rita sat on the ground like a puddle of mud, motionless. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The moment she was thrown away by Harry, she was hit by the petrification spell that Dumbledore quickly cast.

Harry stepped forward and helped her remove the petrification spell.

“Hey, good evening, Mr. Potter, Headmaster Dumbledore.” She forced an awkward smile, which was uglier than crying.

“You suddenly appeared here, and one of the names in the Goblet of Fire was cast by yours?” Harry held the wand tightly, with the sharp tip pointing straight at her, his eyes full of suspicion and vigilance.

Rita’s eyes were full of fear, she shook her head desperately, her hair flying:”No, no, no, I didn’t, really, I swear! How dare I do such a thing, I just came here to collect information and publish it in tomorrow’s Daily Prophet.”

Harry ignored her words and said coldly:”Look at me.”

Rita subconsciously looked at Harry, her eyes full of panic.


He went straight into Rita’s memory.

It was yesterday at noon, she came to Hogwarts with Ludo like a parasite.

She sneaked to the lounges of the four colleges, sneaked onto the house of Beauxbatons and the ship of Durmstrang, but she did not throw a note into the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore said with interest:”Harry, when did you develop such a high-intensity Legilimency?” His eyes were full of curiosity, and his body leaned forward slightly.

While Harry was concentrating on checking his memory, he replied:”I put in more effort when I was learning the brain occlusion, and her willpower is too weak. She has almost no resistance to me.” His brows frowned slightly, looking a little disdainful

“I’m afraid that even Severus will be successfully invaded by you if he is not paying attention.” Dumbledore smiled gently, and that smile was warm and tolerant. He didn’t mind Harry using this magic to spy on other people’s memories privately.[]

Even though this is expressly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.

Rita quickly woke up from her trance. She was extremely terrified, her eyes widened like bells, and she looked at Harry in panic, then turned to Dumbledore anxiously for help:”Professor Dumbledore, please look at Potter, he actually cast a spell on me!”

Her voice trembled violently, like a leaf in the wind, her body couldn’t stop shaking violently, and her teeth were chattering.

How dare he be so presumptuous in front of Headmaster Dumbledore?

“Did he?” Dumbledore’s tone was a little naughty, and he blinked mischievously,”Sorry, it’s so dark in the room, I can’t see anything.” After that, he spread his hands and shrugged helplessly, with an innocent expression on his face.

Harry waved his wand:”Lumos.”

A bright light shot out instantly, lighting up the whole room.

Dumbledore was stunned at first, then smiled helplessly, with a hint of indulgence in that smile

“It was definitely not her who voted.” Harry looked at Dumbledore, frowning,”And she didn’t remember who voted.”

“That’s terrible.” Dumbledore frowned and his expression became serious.

“What should we do with this ladybug?” Harry turned his gaze back to Rita, with a hint of disgust in his eyes,”If we hand it over to the Ministry of Justice, she will just stay in Azkaban for a few months and then be released. If we use gold galleons, she may be exempted from punishment.”

Dumbledore shook his head slowly:”But she should be handed over to the Ministry of Magic.”

Rita’s face turned pale when she heard what Harry said. As an old man, she naturally understood what Harry meant.

If she was not handed over to the Ministry of Magic, she would be dealt with privately.

“Potter, you are still a student, you can’t do this!!!” she screamed

“Headmaster Dumbledore will not agree with your approach. I, I have broken the law. Hand me over to the Ministry of Magic. I plead guilty!” She looked at Dumbledore hopefully.

At this moment, she hoped very much to be judged by the Ministry of Magic.

Harry’s eyes were cold, and he interrupted her unceremoniously:”Professor Dumbledore can’t interfere with my actions. You know I’m only in the fourth grade. Are you so impatient to put a leash around my neck so early? But unfortunately, I’m not Dumbledore. I won’t be so obedient and let you………”

Dumbledore said helplessly, and sighed softly:”Harry, at least give me some face.”

Harry had a blank expression on his face, and quickly turned back to apologize to him:”I’m sorry, Professor Dumbledore, I was wrong.”

A trace of regret flashed in his eyes

“You did not put the leash on them, but you put it on yourself and handed it to them, so they thought they put it on.”

“You set a bad example, Professor Dumbledore. They mistook me for you.”

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