Dumbledore was silent, but did not get angry when he heard Harry’s ridicule.

He thought for a moment and said,”Harry, you are the real savior. This is a prophecy. You have courage and responsibility.”

Harry lowered his eyes. Dumbledore’s words had no effect on him.

“There are some things I cannot tell you now, but you must believe that I will not let you get hurt.” Dumbledore slowed down his tone, trying to make Harry feel his sincerity.

“Goodbye. Harry turned and left.

He was about to open the door of the office and leave.

“Wait, wait.” Dumbledore stopped him.

“Alas.” Dumbledore sighed.

“Harry, come back first and let me think about what to say.

But Harry didn’t move, just leaning against the door of the office, holding his hands on his chest, watching him silently.

“Lily once cast an ancient spell. Dumbledore began to speak after a pause.

Harry’s fingers moved slightly when he heard his mother’s name.

“I just have a guess that if there is anyone who can completely kill Voldemort today, it may be only you who can do it.”Dumbledore said sincerely

“What do you mean only I can do it? Can’t you kill him?” Harry frowned and said

“He died once, but now he’s back again, hasn’t he?” Dumbledore said.

“Then why am I the only one who can kill him?” Harry asked puzzledly.

“Harry, do you believe in fate?” Dumbledore’s glasses flashed a light and covered his eyes.

“Something vague. Harry nodded.

“Destiny is something that is uncertain, but it does exist. There was once a prophecy that”

“A child born at the end of the seventh month. The Dark Lord marks him as his greatest enemy, but he has powers that the Dark Lord does not understand. One must die at the hands of the other, because both cannot live. Only one survives. The one who has the power to conquer the Dark Lord will be born at the end of the seventh month.”

“Neville and I have the same birthday.” Harry reminded

“”This scar was left on your forehead by Voldemort after he attacked you when you were a baby,” Dumbledore said, looking at him.

“The Dark Lord’s mark.” Harry sneered and touched his scar

“Yes. This is the choice of fate. You are the only one who can kill Voldemort.” Dumbledore said.

Harry was silent.

After a while, he said:”You said before that my mother once cast an ancient spell to protect me. Was it that spell that defeated Voldemort?”

“I don’t know. In fact, this spell is very rare, and even I don’t know how powerful it is. But the fact is that Voldemort is dead, and you are still alive.”

“Headmaster Dumbledore. Harry said as he walked back.

“If you want me to do anything, just tell me.”

“Voldemort is the enemy who killed my father and mother”

“If you want to deal with him, I am happy to cooperate! But you have to explain things to me clearly. I don’t want to act as a puppet. If you want to make me excited by just encouraging me or praising me, that’s impossible.”Harry said

“Harry, it was Voldemort after all”Dumbledore looked at Harry’s face

“So what? He was once so powerful and so glorious, but that was in the past. Are you worried that I will be afraid to face him after I know the truth?” Harry sat down and said.

Dumbledore was silent. He did consider this.

He was afraid that Harry would lose his courage after knowing the enemy he was facing.

“He killed my parents. When I learned that he was not dead, I was relieved because I had the opportunity to kill him myself and avenge my parents.

But not now. He does not have the ability to do so.

“Is this spell still effective now?”It has been 11 years. Time is the most powerful magic. It can erase many things.

Harry asked

“That spell is the greatest emotional force in the world, love.”

“Before your parents died, they poured all their love into you”

“This power will always protect you.”

“But there is a prerequisite, you have to stay next to your blood relatives”

“That’s why you put me in my aunt’s house. Harry suddenly realized why Dumbledore let his aunt raise him.

“What do you want to test? How powerful is the spell now?”Harry said

“Yes, after all, no one knows how much power Voldemort has recovered. Dumbledore nodded.

“You said before that you had guessed that the reason Voldemort was immortal was because he would be resurrected again after his death?” Harry frowned and said, the resurrection was indeed difficult to deal with, and no one knew how many times he could be resurrected.

“That’s right, but I don’t know what method he used. Powerful dark wizards can always find ways to resist death.”Dumbledore sighed and said.

He met Harry’s eyes and added:”This is true”

“I need you to really face him. I don’t know how much power this spell still has. Is it just to protect you, or will it be like that night?”

“How safe is it?”Harry took another sip of the milk, the sweetness of the milk moistened his slightly dry throat.

“What?” Dumbledore was stunned.

“You don’t know how powerful this magic is. What if it has already failed?”

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and said,”The effect of this spell still exists. At least on this point, you can trust me completely.”

After all, he is the most powerful wizard in the world today.

Dumbledore is the authority on magic.

“I need help.”Harry said bluntly.

Looking at the strongest white wizard in the wizarding world, Harry made his request.

Of course, if I can do it. Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

Harry thought about it.

Given his age and knowledge, he would never be able to learn advanced magic.

He had already squeezed out all his time to learn from other professors.

“Have you thought about it?” Dumbledore asked

“I haven’t thought of it yet. Let me think about it carefully. After all, this is a promise you made, and I can’t let it go easily.”

Seeing that Dumbledore wanted to speak, Harry hurriedly said,”It won’t be an excessive request that requires you to commit suicide or violate morality. I still know my limits.”

He was afraid that Dumbledore would add shackles to this promise.

“Of course, Harry, I trust you very much.” Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

“That’s it.” Harry drank the rest of the milk and stood up to leave.

Dumbledore watched him leave until Harry’s back disappeared from his sight.

A portrait next to him finally couldn’t help but say,”Albus, you are too pampering a little wizard. After all, you are the headmaster.”

Dumbledore rubbed his brow and said,”I have to believe him.”

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