The Forbidden Forest is indeed very dangerous. Apart from the dangerous magical creatures, there are also some common wild animals living here.

Tigers, bears, leopards, poisonous snakes

In the Muggle world, they may be at the top of the food chain, but in the Forbidden Forest, they can only be considered middle and lower reaches.

At most, they can only deal with some creatures defined as X-level.

When it comes to magical creatures of XX level, it is obviously not something that ordinary animals can deal with.

Not long after Harry went in, he saw several furry Nifflers playing and fighting. You steal my things, I steal your things.

It turned out that everyone had exchanged homes.

The Bowtruckle shyly turned into a leaf and hid in the tree.

If Harry hadn’t approached it, he wouldn’t have been able to sense its location from afar.

A group of Hoggraps were sleeping soundly. They looked like a group of pink mushrooms, but they were covered with thorns. If they were hurt, they would fire the thorns above, and there was a weak toxin on the thorns.

Harry put on the invisibility cloak and took out his wand, leaving only the tip of the wand exposed.

“Magic Sword.”

A flash of lightning cut through the darkness and stabbed into the mushroom head of a Hoggrap.

“”Pah.” The Hoggrap obviously had no magic resistance at all.

Under Harry’s magic sword with 6 points of strength (the wand added 2 points), a big hole was instantly punched in the mushroom head.

The whole body collapsed, and even the spikes had no chance to be fired.

The other Hoggrap were awakened, but they could not sense where the enemy was.

They could only keep turning their bodies to make the spikes rotate, trying to form a protective circle.

In the darkness, a magic wand slowly appeared.

Then a lightning sword suddenly appeared and shot at a Hoggrap.

The Hoggrap went limp on the spot.

“Puff puff”The Hoglarps were angry and shot all the thorns on their bodies in all directions.

They tried to kill the murderer who hurt them in this way.

Harry stood behind a big tree, his body completely covered by the towering tree, and he was not panicked at all.

When they used up all the thorns, they would be a group of harmless mushrooms.

At nearly 4 o’clock, Harry walked back to the dormitory with a happy and relaxed pace, and slowly closed his eyes to sleep.

Harry compressed his sleep time to 2 hours, which was the limit. Although the healing effect can also boost his spirits, it cannot replace sleep.

After all, he is still in the growth period, and the necessary rest time must be met.

Two hours of deep sleep can ensure his normal development needs.

For the rest of the time, whenever he is sleepy, he will release a healing time to boost his spirits.

But faint dark circles still appeared under his eyes.

After seeing this, the other little lions did not understand why Harry, who went back to the dormitory to rest normally, had dark circles under his eyes, but seeing that he was in good spirits, they did not ask.

Only Ron knew how hard Harry worked.

He was so tired that he was terrified. He only slept two hours a day. He didn’t dare to think about it, fearing that Harry would fall in front of him one day.

Ron didn’t understand why Harry was so hardworking, and even felt that he didn’t want to die.

But he didn’t ask much, just quietly covered for him without being known by Moses and Neville in the same dormitory.

Ron didn’t know, and Harry didn’t tell him.

His current situation is very dangerous, and it can be said that he has no sense of security at all.

Quirrell is already in the open, so he is not afraid for the time being, but Voldemort is still in the dark.

Now even Dumbledore doesn’t know what his current situation is.

How much strength has he recovered.

Dumbledore can only say that he is very weak now.

But to what extent is this weakness?

As written in the textbook, the troll has a relatively high magic resistance. To what extent is this relatively high?

No one can be very clear.

Harry is now afraid that suddenly, a green light will appear from somewhere, and then he will leave peacefully. All he can do now is to constantly improve his strength.

Dumbledore is unreliable, and Harry doesn’t want to rely on the protection he talks about.

People must rely on themselves. Only when their own strength is improved can they have the confidence to face all difficulties.

Even kill Voldemort and avenge their parents.

Saturday, Gryffindor Common Room.

A group of little lions are silently lowering their heads to do their homework.

On weekends, professors will assign much more homework than usual, after all, they have two days of free time.

Ron hesitated and said to Hermione,”Hermione, I can only ask you for help this time. Professor Snape assigned a 5-inch paper, and I’m still two inches away from finishing it.”

He couldn’t copy Harry’s homework anymore, because Harry’s weight was different from theirs, and Harry had to write 8 inches.

As for choosing to copy what he can, if he can understand it, he won’t have to copy the homework.

“”If you copy my homework, will you be able to learn how to make fireproof potion?” Hermione said calmly.

Ron’s expression froze, and he muttered,”I can practice this slowly later, but Snape will check the homework.”

Seeing Hermione looking at him expressionlessly, Ron coughed and struggled to defend himself,”It’s not entirely my fault. George’s second-hand crucible is not of very good quality anymore.”

“I can lend you my cauldron.” Hermione raised her head:”If mine doesn’t work, I can lend you Harry’s cauldron.”

Harry was writing his homework with his head down, and said without raising his head:”Of course, Ron, you know I have two cauldrons, and you know where they are.”

Ron stopped talking and retracted his head. He naturally knew his level.

Hermione glanced at Ron, and then at the little lions who were only focused on copying the holy books.

She wanted to make changes, but she would not change her principles.

“You can’t go on like this.” Hermione slammed the table, attracting everyone’s attention, including the senior students.

But when they saw that it was the first-year wizards who were playing, they lowered their heads and continued to do their homework.

First grade is so good, there is so little homework, and it is finished so quickly.

Why didn’t they feel this way at the time?

Of course Hermione was not joking. She gritted her teeth and said,”Ron, and you, you can’t continue to copy homework like this.”

Seamus frowned:”Granger, don’t be too nosy.”

The others also chirped in agreement.

Dean said,”Harry has no objection.”

Harry raised his head and looked at him with his emerald green eyes without a trace of emotion when he heard this and said,”It’s not that I don’t have any objection, I just don’t say it. I originally only intended to give it to Ron.”

“After all, I can still guarantee that he can learn something really useful, but Ron just couldn’t resist your request.”

Ron’s face turned red. At that time, he took Harry’s homework to the common room. When he was copying, he was surrounded by people.

The lion king spoke, and Dean lowered his head.

“The copied things will never enter your brains!” After using Harry’s support, Hermione quietly straightened her chest and spoke more forcefully.

“Finnigan, except for the last time you successfully used the Levitation Charm under Harry’s guidance, can you still succeed every time now?”Hermione looked at Seamus and asked.

Seamus’s face froze, not once!

It was either explosion or explosion.

Hermione understood his expression

“Of course, you are not useless. Maybe next time you fight with Slytherin, you can put your wand in their mouth and give them an explosive curse.”Hermione mocked Harry’s tone when he was arguing with people.

Seamus clenched his fists.

“What about the others? Do you know more than 5 spells? Harry followed Professor Flitwick on Halloween and helped decorate the venue.”

“Are you going to clap and cheer on the sidelines when we fight with Slytherin in the future? They will only say that except for Harry, the other Gryffindors are just a bunch of kittens.” Hermione glanced at the little lions present except Harry. The little lions became angry, but did not dare to look her in the eye. Damn, why did they feel that Granger looked a bit like Professor McGonagall?

“Professor McGonagall is also a cat.” Ron muttered stubbornly.

“That’s an Animagus!” Hermione glared at Ron:”If you can turn into a cat right now, I will admit that you are a lion! Otherwise shut up!”

Ron shut his mouth honestly and didn’t dare to provoke Hermione anymore. Now it was like Professor McGonagall was possessed by Hermione.

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