“Dumbledore told me so. Harry waved his hand, indicating that the matter was not worth mentioning.

Hagrid looked at Ron and Hermione nervously, and found that they also had calm faces. It was obvious that they had known about this matter for a long time.

“How could Dumbledore tell you this?” Hagrid muttered.

“This is not important. What is important is that, Hagrid, you have leaked this information, and the Philosopher’s Stone is not safe.”Harry brought the subject back.

Hagrid’s face turned pale, and his mouth trembled a little.

“That stranger is most likely the one who attacked Gringotts before.” Ron said

“It’s Professor Quirrell!” Hermione added

“How could it be Professor Quirrell? You can’t slander a professor without reason.”Hagrid shook his head like a rattle.

Although he was very upset, he didn’t believe what Ron and Hermione said. How could a professor at Hogwarts do such a thing?

“This is true. This is what I confirmed with Headmaster Dumbledore. Harry told the truth and stabbed him.

Hagrid opened his mouth, not understanding why Dumbledore would discuss such a thing with Harry.

This obviously shouldn’t be said to a first-year wizard.

“I think you should tell Dumbledore about this right now.” Harry made a very correct suggestion.

Hagrid hesitated a little and looked at the egg in the fireplace:”But what about this dragon egg? If Dumbledore knew about it, he would definitely not let me keep it here.”

“Hagrid, you’re still thinking about the egg after this happened? This is a dragon egg. After it hatches, it will grow to the size of this room in just two months! How can you hide it from others?”Hermione was obviously annoyed by Hagrid’s words, and said a little anxiously

“Dragons can also breathe fire, and your house is made of wood, so it will burn down.”Ron added.

Hagrid looked at Harry aggrievedly. Harry knew that he wanted to raise a dragon.

“If you don’t mind, you can give it to me and I’ll take care of it for you. I can give you 30 gold galleons, or you can name a price.” Harry said with great interest, looking at the dragon egg unconsciously.

“You, what do you want to do?”Hagrid’s eyes widened, looking at him in horror.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget to give you a share when the time comes.” Harry nodded to him affirmatively, indicating that if I eat meat, you will definitely have soup.

“No, Harry, it’s a dragon, a dragon, not a cow, a sheep or a chicken.” Hagrid nervously made a metaphor, talking about the difference between dragons, even though the metaphor was not very appropriate.

“It hasn’t hatched yet, so it’s still an egg, not a life.” Harry looked at the dragon egg and thought of a few ingredients that can strengthen the kidneys and strengthen the yang. Maybe adding them together would have a better effect.

“”No, no, no, Harry, I think it’s better to talk to Dumbledore. Really, I will tell him everything honestly. Dragon eggs really can’t be eaten.” Hagrid put his hands on Harry’s shoulders and said to him solemnly.

Harry looked at the dragon egg with regret and said,”Okay, but if Professor Dumbledore can find a way for you to raise it, can you give me some dragon blood and dragon meat?”

Hagrid was a little hesitant. Obviously he knew what Harry wanted to do with these things.

“The dragon’s body is so big, I just need a small piece of meat, it won’t hurt him at all.” Harry saw Hagrid’s hesitation,”I’ll give you a piece when the time comes.”

“”Okay.” Hagrid nodded and agreed.

The environment here was too hot, and Ron and Hermione couldn’t stay any longer. They said goodbye to Hagrid and left. Ron packed some rock cakes that had been baked a little softer. He had always wanted to taste it, but unfortunately he couldn’t bite it.

A few days later, Hagrid found Harry and told him that Dumbledore would send the dragon eggs to Charlie’s workplace and asked him to help take care of them.

Hagrid wiped his tears and cried:”It hasn’t even seen its mother.”

Harry said he was sorry too.

At night, Harry came to the Forbidden Forest as usual wearing an invisibility cloak.

With brisk steps, he came to the refresh base of wild magical creatures familiarly.

Have a bonfire carnival with those cute eight-eyed spiders.

But when he arrived at the base, he found that he didn’t see a single eight-eyed spider.

Harry’s expression changed. Did he break through this base? No more wild monsters?

At this time, a breeze blew over Harry’s body.

A faint smell of blood rushed into Harry’s nose.

“Hmm? Harry frowned and instantly turned on the perspective of the atmosphere.

The people around the Forbidden Forest within a range of 700 meters around him suddenly appeared in his mind.

Hagrid on patrol, and…Quirrell!

How did Quirrell appear in the Forbidden Forest?

He couldn’t have known that he would be in the Forbidden Forest.

Why did he come to the Forbidden Forest, what was his purpose, and a series of questions flooded Harry’s mind.

Although he knew that facing Quirrell now would be very dangerous, even life-threatening.

But there must be a reason why Quirrell secretly sneaked into the Forbidden Forest. If he could find out what the other party was doing, he would be able to find out one of his trump cards, so as not to be caught off guard.

After thinking for a while, Harry gritted his teeth, put on the invisibility cloak, and ran towards where Quirrell was.

“Attack speed up.”Harry even gave himself a speed BUFF.

Soon, not far from Quirrell, Harry found something wrong.

There was a pool of silvery-white thick blood on the ground.

Harry squatted on the ground, put his hand above the blood, and gently moved some towards his nose.

In addition to the bloody smell, there was also a fresh scent of grass.

Is it unicorn blood?


Quirrell is hunting a unicorn?


The whole body of the unicorn is a treasure, whether it is his horn, blood, or tail hair, they are all extremely valuable magic items.

A unicorn horn can be sold for 20 gold galleons outside.

Blood can be used to make potions.

Eyebrows can be used to make magic wands.

But among them, the most memorable thing is that unicorn blood can resist death, although it comes at a terrible price.

So the Ministry of Magic prohibits the sale of unicorn blood!

“”Tsk.” Harry smacked his lips, his eyes filled with surprise.

It seemed that Voldemort was so weak that he had to drink even this cursed blood to maintain his life.

Harry stood up and rushed to Quirrell’s position again. He wanted to see if there was a chance to stop Voldemort from drinking the unicorn’s blood.

Destroying the enemy’s conspiracy was a kind of victory. A weak Voldemort would only benefit him.

Soon, a shrill sound of horse hooves stopped abruptly, accompanied by the dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the wailing of a unicorn.

Harry hid behind a big tree and looked at the situation in front.

A holy unicorn had its legs cut off at this time. It fell to the ground and struggled weakly to get up, but there was no way.

The pure and bright eyes became dimmer and the breath of life on its body gradually withered.

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