Overnight, all the clothes in the closet were emptied, and the suitcases that were originally there were filled with things. The luggage was automatically transported to the train station, so they didn’t have to carry it themselves.

Harry took off his wizard robes, put on a jacket and jeans, and a handsome boy with delicate features appeared.

Just like the first day of school, Hagrid took them on a boat, crossed the Black Lake, and then walked on the path to the train station.

The train was whistling.

Some staff were helping to hand luggage to the students on the train.

“Hagrid, thank you for your care this year. Harry followed Hagrid and said goodbye.

“Here is something I think I should give to you.”Hagrid took out a photo album from his pocket and handed it to Harry.

Harry took it and flipped it open.

It was a photo of himself and his parents.

It was also a photo of himself when he was a baby.

Both parents were smiling brightly.

“Thank you, I like it very much.”Harry held it carefully in his hands

“”Okay, hurry back, we’ll see you next semester.” Hagrid patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled.

When it got dark, they returned to London.

Hermione was on the platform, looking at Harry reluctantly, saying what she had said many times on the train:”Remember to write me back during the summer vacation.”

Harry nodded again, and he looked at Hermione, as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

He wanted to ask, Hermione, don’t you have a phone at home?

But after thinking about it, maybe Hermione was afraid that the phone would be tapped to hear about magic.

After all, leaking magic is a very serious problem.

“”Hermione, I will write to you too, remember to reply to me.” Ron said excitedly.

Hermione looked at him expressionlessly:”As long as you don’t ask me about homework in the letter.”

Ron’s excited expression froze.

He said with a hard mouth:”How could that be, I have several brothers, and Percy is the class leader.”

George patted Ron’s little head:”Of course we will answer the questions, but you need to use your own brain.”

Fred patted Ron’s shoulder and said:”I guess you won’t understand what Percy teaches you, he doesn’t have the patience of your friends.”

George continued:”I guess when you ask him a second time, he will tell you why you can’t learn from Harry and Granger, how excellent they are.”

He used a weird tone and made a funny face.

Then he was slapped on the back of his head.

“When you speak ill of others, it is best to check if that person is around.”It’s Percy.

Mrs. Weasley came with their youngest sister to pick them up.

But when they met, she was the first to give Harry a warm hug.

Ginny kept her eyes on Harry, with a bit of admiration in her eyes.

Mrs. Weasley warmly invited Harry to visit their home during the summer vacation.

But Harry declined, saying that he would go with Professor Flitwick during the summer vacation, which had already been agreed before.

Mrs. Weasley seemed very sorry, and invited Harry to next summer vacation in advance.

Harry agreed, and mentioned in passing that he hoped that the color of the sweater he would receive for Christmas next year would be changed to red, as he didn’t like green.

Mrs. Weasley agreed with a smile on her face. Everyone said goodbye on the platform.

Harry pushed his luggage and walked out of the train station.

He saw a familiar, huge and fat figure from a distance.

It was Uncle Vernon, you are here to pick him up.

Harry pushed the luggage towards him.

Uncle Vernon helped put the luggage into the back of the car.

Harry looked at his figure, and he seemed to be a little thinner than when he was sent here.

The two got on the car, and Harry asked,”Uncle, have you eaten?”

Uncle Vernon subconsciously wanted to say that he had eaten, but he swallowed the words back.

“Ahem, not yet, I just had a little snack before leaving.” Uncle Vernon said.

He looked at his stomach. Although he was full, he was still a long way from being stuffed.

“Oh, I haven’t eaten yet, is there any food at home?” Harry asked casually, lying comfortably on the chair.

“Not much left, probably only enough for breakfast tomorrow.” Uncle Vernon said, the ingredients had already been used to make dinner, so where else would there be food?

“Auntie didn’t buy groceries? How can I cook dinner for you?” Harry asked curiously.

“Um, cough, cough, Petunia forgot today and was planning to go out for dinner. Vernon coughed awkwardly twice, forced himself to find an excuse, and threw the blame on his wife.

“Really?” Harry didn’t delve into it. He was too lazy to think too much about things in life.

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“Let’s go to the supermarket first. The vegetable market is probably closed now. Let’s go to the supermarket to buy some vegetables before going back.”Harry suggested

“”Okay.” Vernon showed a triumphant smile and turned the steering wheel obediently, heading towards the supermarket.

In the evening, Uncle Vernon, Dudley and Aunt Petunia were resting on the sofa with their stomachs full, looking happy and painful.

Harry was cleaning up the dishes neatly.

“Are you guys losing weight recently? Why do you eat so little?” Harry looked at the remaining dishes, Uncle Vernon and Dudley lying on the sofa.

“Um, ahem, I haven’t had a good appetite lately.” Uncle Vernon made another excuse. He felt very tired. As expected, if you tell a lie, you have to make up countless lies.

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Dudley and Aunt Petunia nodded.

“Really? Then I’ll do less from now on.” Harry nodded and said

“”No!” Dudley said excitedly. He wanted to stand up and give Harry his opinion.

But he couldn’t stand up.

“Don’t, cousin, we just don’t have a good appetite today, but it will be fine tomorrow. If you cook tomorrow, please make sure to follow today’s portion.” Dudley said excitedly while lying on the sofa.

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia nodded in agreement.

“All right then.” Harry cleared the dishes and put them in the kitchen.

Then he walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.

“Aunt, I have something to ask you. Harry said to Petunia.

“What?” Petunia looked at Harry in confusion.

“Do you know Snape? Severus Snape.”Harry said.

Petunia froze. When she heard the name, her memory seemed to go back to when she was 11 years old. She didn’t want to recall her childhood.

“”You, why do you know him?” Aunt Petunia said in a trembling voice.

Uncle Vernon’s eyes became sharp.

It seemed that Petunia had never mentioned this person’s name to him.

His two fat ears stood up high.

“He is my professor now, and he seems to know both my mother and you.”Harry explained

“They knew each other before they went to that weird school.” Aunt Petunia’s face was full of indifference:”It was because of knowing him that Lily became crazy.”

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