“Cousin, cousin, tomorrow is my birthday.”In the morning, Dudley blinked at Harry with his pitiful little eyes.

Harry ignored him and continued to eat.

“”Cousin.” Dudley did not give up and continued to flirt with Harry.

Using his fat neck, he spoke in a coy tone. Facing a fat and strong, oh, not strong, a small spotted pig who kept flirting with him, Harry really lost his appetite.

“What then?” Harry looked up and asked

“I want to eat your cooking.”Dudley said without hesitation after hearing Harry’s response.

Oh, what a simple wish.

Harry hesitated for a moment, while Dudley continued to flirt with him.

“”Okay. I’ll take half a day off tomorrow and come back in the afternoon to cook you a meal.” Harry nodded, he couldn’t stand the electric eyes of a little spotted pig.

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, who were eating silently, had a glimmer of surprise in their eyes.

They wanted to eat too.

But they were too embarrassed to ask.

After Harry got Peng Yingzong’s approval, Harry returned home and cooked for them once. That time, Dudley and Uncle Vernon almost licked the plates clean, they didn’t even have to wash them.

Aunt Petunia actually wanted to, but she was so full that she couldn’t move. Uncle Vernon still had some shame, after licking one, he felt a little embarrassed, reluctantly put down the plate, and then looked at Dudley with envy.

He was still a child, he could be shameless and lick the rest of the plate clean.

Then Dudley’s attitude towards Harry changed 180 degrees. His status at home, he was directly put down. Above his parents.

There was no way, he didn’t want to, but who could blame his cousin for cooking such delicious dishes?

It was really hard to refuse.

But Harry was very busy at work, and chefs were very busy.

At least except for breakfast, he had to work in the restaurant for lunch and dinner, and had no time to go home to cook for them.

Unless it was a holiday, Peng Yingzong gave himself a day off and the restaurant was closed, Harry didn’t have to go to work, and then he would go home and have time to cook for them.

Once Dudley couldn’t resist his appetite, and pestered Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia to eat at the restaurant where Harry worked.

That meal cost one-third of Uncle Vernon’s monthly salary.

After leaving, Uncle Vernon’s expression was both satisfied and painful.

Damn, the food in this restaurant is really expensive.

But what’s even more damning is that the food in this restaurant is really delicious.

He also wanted to eat there every day, but he couldn’t afford it.

Uncle Vernon only hated that his salary was so low.

Of course, it was also because he and Dudley ordered too many dishes.

But it was true that the dishes were expensive.

If they were not expensive, it would be unworthy of Peng Yingzong’s cooking skills.

After breakfast, Harry helped Aunt Petunia clean up the dishes and went to work.

When he saw Peng Yingzong, he told him about taking half a day off tomorrow. After asking the reason, Peng Yingzong nodded and agreed. Harry thought about it and prepared the dishes for Dudley tomorrow.

He called the supplier of the restaurant and asked him to help deliver the dishes.

Then it was another day of work.

Peng Yingzong seldom cooks now.

He will only cook for banquets ordered by big customers.

The most important thing now is to train his apprentices.

Harry is going to make a pot of soup to practice his skills, and he is also going to use it. Cooking tomorrow’s dishes for Dudley.

He has been practicing making soup stock for a long time now, almost 3 months. Peng Yingzong said that he had never seen anyone who made such rapid progress in learning to make soup stock.

But compared to the time he spent learning to cook in the past, more than 3 months was already a long time.

This time, he had a feeling that the soup stock he was making had already reached perfection.

Harry was concentrating on making soup stock. It took a long time to make soup stock. Peng Yingzong only came to watch occasionally. Seeing that there was no big problem, he went to teach other apprentices.

With Harry’s keen insight, he didn’t notice that Peng Yingzong had come to him.

His attention was all on the soup stock.

He even felt as if he had become the pot of soup stock.

The changes in the heat, the fusion of the ingredients, and the transformation of the taste were all in his mind. At

1:40 in the morning, the fire was turned off and the soup stock was ready!

For more than six hours, Harry was not distracted or chatted with others. He stayed by the stove to sweep the soup and filter it. No one disturbed him.

Peng Yingzong marked the area around Harry as a restricted area and didn’t let anyone pass.

This feeling was great, allowing him to stay focused the entire time.

Harry stretched his slightly stiff neck.

Then he saw that none of the kitchen staff had left, and they were looking at the pot of soup under Harry’s hand with shining eyes, including Peng Yingzong.

Harry picked up a bowl, filled it with most of the soup, and handed it to Peng Yingzong.

“”Master, please try it.” Harry didn’t taste it first, he had the feeling and the confidence that the broth he made this time was different from the broths he made in the past.

If it were in a novel, it would mean that he had a breakthrough, and his technique for making broth had reached perfection.

Peng Yingzong scooped up some of the still steaming broth with a small spoon, blew on it and took a sip.

Peng Yingzong’s smile was beyond words, his laughter was like a spring breeze, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his eyes, which were not big to begin with, narrowed into an arc of joy.

He did not comment as he did in the past, but said to Harry,”Try it yourself.”

Harry nodded, and also picked up a small spoon and took a sip like Peng Yingzong.

Harry was stunned.

He couldn’t believe that this soup stock was made by him.

The deliciousness of the chicken, the mellow fragrance of the beef leg, and the essence of various ingredients are all integrated into this soup stock, as if the taste of nature is blooming in the mouth.

The gifts from the mountains and seas, and the human yearning for food can all be found in this bowl of soup.

Although clear soup and soup stock have similarities, soup stock pays more attention to the perfect blend of the fragrance and umami of various ingredients, presenting an ultimate taste.

The existence of soup stock is to let people taste the purest taste of the ingredients, and it is the ultimate work in culinary art.

Thousands of words are all in the soup stock.

Take a bite, You can appreciate the fusion of history and food, feel the most original deliciousness of food, and let your taste buds dance in this broth.

Every bite is a kind of enjoyment, and every drop is a respect for food.

Glancing at his fellow apprentices and staff who were looking at him eagerly, Harry gave each of them half a bowl.

He left half of the broth back and would cook for Dudley tomorrow.

Everyone held the bowl with both hands, carefully, as if holding some sacred treasure.

Ignore these useless apprentices.

Peng Yingzong said to Harry with a smile on his face,”Your broth is already perfect. Next is the clear soup. Clear soup is actually similar to broth. With your level of making broth, I believe you will be able to get started soon.””

“When you learn how to make clear soup, I will teach you the true essence of Tan’s cuisine.”Peng Yingzong said

“Is it the bird’s nest banquet?” Harry’s eyes lit up.

The bird’s nest banquet is a high-end banquet led by bird’s nest dishes and shark’s fin dishes.

He has wanted to learn these bird’s nest banquet dishes for a long time. It can be said that the dishes on the bird’s nest banquet are actually the essence of Tan’s cuisine.

Tan’s cuisine belongs to the palace cuisine, and the ingredients used are precious ingredients such as abalone and bird’s nest.

Braised shark’s fin, clear soup bird’s nest, oyster sauce abalone, panlong prawns and braised sea cucumbers, etc.

He wants to eat them all. But Peng Yingzong rarely makes it.

Unless it is a super big customer who books the whole place and specifically asks to make this banquet, Peng Yingzong will start.

Making bird’s nest banquet is too difficult, mainly because It was Peng Yingzong who had no help!

Harry’s cooking skills were not good enough to help at that time, so he could only help out and cut vegetables.

All the dishes needed to be cooked by Peng Yingzong alone.

Chen Feng’s role was not to help out, but to heal Peng Yingzong’s wounds and restore his energy when he was tired.

It can be said that once the swallow’s-egg-and-shrimp banquet came out, it became a symbol of fame, status and wealth in Britain.

The problem of hiring child laborers like Harry no longer existed after a certain official waved his hand.

Peng Yingzong nodded.

Harry was full of expectations for his future life.

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