There was a burnt mark on the tree.

It was the tree that Medusa dodged when he shot at her with his magic sword.

“”Shit!” Harry gritted his teeth. He was so unlucky. The tree he randomly shot was another magical creature, a dryad.

Normally, if you don’t provoke them, they won’t attack automatically, but Harry’s magic sword happened to hit it, making it think that Harry wanted to deal with it.

After all, the sap in the dryad’s body is also a potion material.

But magical creatures like trees have a weakness, they are afraid of fire.

Especially the dryads that haven’t grown to the point of being able to walk are even weaker.

“The blazing wall of fire!”Harry waved his wand, and three walls of fire instantly appeared on the tree.

This was originally a magic to defend against enemies and restrict their movements.

But for a tree spirit that cannot move, it can be used as an attack magic!

The flames of the Fiery Magic Wall are much hotter than the flames summoned by the blazing flames. As soon as the three walls of fire appeared, the tree spirit was ignited in an instant.

Although it is a magical creature, wood is restrained by fire, and it still respects this law.

As the tree spirit’s body was burned, the two roots also lay powerlessly on the ground, motionless, allowing the blazing fire to burn.

Thick smoke billowed out of the tree spirit, and a large group of birds and beasts moved away. This is nature.

Even magical creatures did not dare to approach.

They knew that there must be wizards coming in again. They hated and feared wizards. Wizards used them as magic materials, so most of the magical creatures in the forest would take the initiative to attack wizards when they saw them.

But they were afraid of encountering some powerful wizards and losing their lives in vain.

After the tree spirit was burned into charcoal, Harry then dispelled the magic flame.

Then he used clear spring water to extinguish the remaining flames.

Protecting the mountains and forests is everyone’s responsibility.

After carefully observing the surroundings, Harry felt relieved to continue moving deeper into the forest.

Somewhere deep in the Krefeld Forest.

Magical energy interweaves into a magnificent picture in the forest.

A large number of magical creatures are besieging a child, or rushing in front of him to attack with their weapons, or casting magic from behind, but the boy shuttles between the trees from time to time, dodging these attacks, and the wand in his hand sometimes flashes with flames, sometimes condenses into frost, and sometimes turns into lightning and shuttles through the air.

The trees swayed in the battle, and the branches and leaves fluttered, as if they were cheering for the battle.

After a while, the battle ended, and the forest returned to calm. The boy sat on the strong back of a minotaur, breathing slightly.

Flitwick’s figure suddenly appeared beside him.

He looked around and said to Harry with satisfaction:”You did a great job, Harry. Facing so many magical creatures, you can kill them all without any harm.”

“The professor taught me well. Harry cast a cleansing spell on himself, and after cleaning himself up, he smiled at Flitwick and said:

“You have to understand it yourself.”Flitwick said disapprovingly.

He taught at Hogwarts and treated everyone equally, but not everyone made the same progress.

“Let’s go, there are still a few days before school starts, it’s time to go back and rest, do what you like in these few days, calm down your murderous intent, otherwise, when you return to school, your classmates will be scared.”Flitwick said with a smile

“Really?” Harry looked around his body, as if looking for something to scare him.

“Take a look for yourself.”Flitwick waved his hand, and a mirror-like surface appeared in front of Harry.

Harry looked at himself in the mirror. His face had grown a little, with a firmness that his peers did not have, and a murderous intent in his eyes.

The murderous intent was so terrifying that if you walked on the street, you would be questioned by the police every 100 meters.

“Well, I have to make some adjustments now.” Harry muttered.

“Do some daily things that can relax you as much as possible.”Flitwick has considerable experience in this area.

“Well, let me relax? Professor, let’s go to the market to buy vegetables, and I’ll cook for you in the evening.” Harry thought for a moment and said to Flitwick.

“”Ah? Ah!” Flitwick’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

For more than three weeks, Harry and Flitwick stayed in the forest.

Flitwick basically only appeared when Harry cooked the meat and called him to eat.

Although the meat of some magical creatures is indeed delicious, no one can stand eating meat for a long time.

And Harry obviously doesn’t have much experience in barbecue. Although he can still control the heat, he doesn’t know the skills at all.

It’s impossible to say how delicious the grilled meat is.

But going back to buy vegetables and cook is different. Flitwick swallowed quietly.

“”Wait a moment, I’ll collect some materials and we’ll go back.” Harry said to Flitwick, looking at the magical creatures on the ground. Flitwick nodded.

Harry opened the cloth bag tied to his body, took out a sharp dagger from it, and then let the corpse of a magical creature fly over. He began to cut off the useful magical materials on its body, and then put them into the cloth bag.

The strange thing is that the cloth bag is obviously not big, but it seems that it will never be full.

This was made by Harry at Flitwick’s request, and a space stretching spell was cast.

733 can not only increase the internal space of an object while maintaining its appearance, but also reduce the weight of its contents.

It is really a must-have equipment for traveling.

After Harry was done, Flitwick took Harry’s hand and disappeared with a”pop”

���The mutilated corpses of magical creatures were scattered all over the ground, but it didn’t matter, they would soon become food for other creatures.

Their death was valuable.

The two of them appeared in the yard of Flitwick’s house.

As soon as they landed, Harry knelt on the ground again, supporting himself with his hands:”Hoo!”……”

This time was better than last time, at least he held it in and didn’t vomit.

But if he didn’t vomit, he felt even worse.

Flitwick skillfully let him float behind him, and then put him on the sofa.

After a long while, when the dizziness in his head was not so severe, Harry sat up from the sofa.

“Here, black tea.” Flitwick handed Harry a cup of black tea at the right time.

“Thank you.” Harry took a sip and felt much better.

“The market is not far away, let’s walk there, and I’ll take you to visit Godric’s Hollow, which is a semi-wizard settlement that you haven’t visited yet.” Flitwick said

“Yeah.” Harry nodded, stood up and went outside with Flitwick.

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