Danger, danger, danger!

His body and brain sent him messages at the same time.

Lockhart’s body froze, and he felt the breath of death.

He stared at Harry’s finger in horror.

It was just an ordinary finger, but he felt like it was an extremely sharp dagger.

It could pierce his heart at any time.

His hair stood on end, and he dared not move, for fear that Harry would accidentally do something to resist.

“”You, what do you want to do?” Lockhart asked in a trembling voice.

This little wizard really knows how to kill people!

He had seen some wizards who had just killed magical creatures, and their temperament was exactly the same as Harry’s.

“We are just here to buy textbooks and don’t want to have any relationship with you. You continue your signing and I will buy my textbooks, okay?” Harry said softly, but his finger was still against his heart.

“Of course!” Lockhart said without hesitation.

He loved fame and honor, but compared to life, he chose the latter.

“A wise choice.”Harry nodded in praise and retracted his finger.

Only then did Lockhart feel the threat of death gradually fade away.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but with this sigh of relief, his body became a little weak, and his feet almost couldn’t support him and he fell.

However, he held back.

Because it didn’t fit his status as a big star.

The passion for fame and honor made him control his body.

The conversation between Harry and Lockhart was only known to Hermione, her parents, Ron and Ginny behind Harry.

Lockhart forced a perfect smile and turned to leave.

He didn’t want to stay with this terrible little wizard for a moment.

There was no sense of security.

Of course, he couldn’t admit defeat, after all, he also made a living by his face. He walked and said loudly:”Well, it seems that our savior is also a shy little boy”

“He doesn’t want to appear in front of the camera, and as a gentleman, I can’t force him.”He explained to his fans.

Most of his fans are women, and they felt sorry when they heard this.

After all, they just saw Harry’s appearance, handsome, with a cold temperament, giving people a sense of abstinence, and he was so charming at such a young age. It would be great if he could be in the newspaper and see his appearance often.

“Is he really waiting for you?” Hermione’s eyes showed surprise when she saw the scene just now.

She walked to Harry and whispered,”Is he approaching you on purpose like Quirrell?”

“It should be different from Quirrell’s nature.”Harry shook his head and said.

Quirrell is really powerful, and Lockhart is a complete idiot.

Voldemort wants to rely on this man to kill him, and Harry doesn’t know how to lose. He can be solved with just one finger.

“”Hermione, Harry, what are you talking about?” Ron, who had been unable to get a word in, said anxiously.

Why did it seem like his best friend had lost interest in him after not seeing him for a holiday, and had gotten along with someone else instead?

Of course, he wasn’t saying that Hermione wasn’t their good friend.

But Ron felt a little aggrieved.

“I’m talking about this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It looks like we’ll have to study on our own again.” Harry changed the subject without changing his expression.

“Well, it seems so.” Ron and Hermione sighed and nodded.

“I suspect there may be something wrong with Dumbledore’s eyes. Snape should prescribe some potion for him to treat his eye disease.” Harry continued.

Even Hermione did not object to this statement.

They saw clearly what happened just now. Lockhart was scared away by Harry’s finger. He did not have the strength of a professor at all.

At this time, Lockhart, who had returned to the autograph table, was surrounded by a group of fans again. He finally regained his sense of security. In order to redeem his previous gaffe, he stood up, like a peacock spreading its tail, and said loudly:”Ladies and gentlemen, I, Lockhart, the winner of the Most Charming Smile Award, Sir Merlin……”Said a lot of titles

“I am honored and proud to announce that, at the invitation of Headmaster Dumbledore, I will be the new teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course at Hogwarts this September!”

“When the time comes, I will teach our Gryffindor Lion well and make him an excellent wizard like me!” Lockhart couldn’t help but take advantage of Harry’s popularity.

It might be because he felt that Harry couldn’t do anything to him in the crowd.

Hearing this, Harry couldn’t hold back his temper anymore.

A red light flashed in his eyes.


Lockhart screamed,”My eyes…”……”

The whole place was a bit noisy.

Hermione and Ron didn’t know what happened to Lockhart, but they felt it was related to Harry.

“Harry?” Ron swallowed and looked at Lockhart, who was stroking his eyes at the signing table.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t help it.”Harry said expressionlessly.

Harry took back what he had just said. This guy’s magic was indeed not good, but he was very good at making people angry.

The anger that he had calmed down was aroused by him.

The Grangers were a little overwhelmed. They didn’t know what was going on.

“”Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger, it’s okay, we can just go buy the books ourselves, don’t worry about them.” Harry saw the expressions on their faces and said sympathetically.

“But it’s not convenient for me to go over there.” Harry glanced at the counter.

Lockhart’s fans had blocked the counter tightly.

But the boss, Florchem, was still smiling. There was nothing he could do. Lockhart gave him too much.

“Well, give me the money and I’ll buy it for you.” Ron glanced at the counter and said

“Brothers��”Harry nodded in agreement and prepared to give the money to Ron to help him buy books.

At this time,”Hey, Potter.”

Harry turned around and saw Malfoy coming down the stairs from the second floor with a sneer and mockery on his face.

“You must have enjoyed chatting with those 217 stars just now.” When talking about Lockhart, Malfoy showed disdain on his face.

Obviously, he also thought that this person was just a clown.

“Ah, it’s you, Malfoy again!” Ron said, looking at Malfoy with disgust. Malfoy and Weasley were both pure blood, but they were born to be incompatible!

“Weasley, I’m surprised to see you here.” Malfoy glanced at him proudly.

“I guess your parents have to starve for another month to buy these, right?”After saying that, he glanced at Ginny.

Ron’s face was as red as his hair, and he clenched his fists, wanting to beat him up.

It didn’t matter if he was bullied, but it was not okay to bully Ginny. This was the understanding of the Weasley family.

“”Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? Doesn’t your nose hurt?” Harry glanced at him and didn’t take it to heart at all.

He didn’t take the spoiled child with the temper of a nobleman seriously at all.

Harry’s words made Malfoy stiff for a moment, and a trace of fear appeared on his face.

After being beaten by Harry twice, he finally remembered a little.

But someone gave him the confidence.

Suddenly a cane was placed on Malfoy’s shoulder,”Be polite, Malfoy.”

Malfoy heard the voice and obediently stepped aside.

Lucius came over and said to Harry,”Potter, I’m Lucius Malfoy, we finally meet”

“Oh, you are Lucius.” Harry looked at him calmly.

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