Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 163 Hogwarts' darkest but brightest three years

Since he chose not to be a villain for the time being, there is no need to worry about this matter.

Even if Cassandra released the basilisk and accidentally killed or petrified a few unlucky ones in Hogwarts, what does that have to do with Harry?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This kind of PUA rhetoric does not work in front of Harry at all. The greater the ability, the greater the power. As for the responsibility, I have never seen anyone in Hogwarts pay him protection fees, right? People who are not mine, I care about your life, I help you because of the love of my classmates, if you don’t help, that’s your duty, nothing is taken for granted.

It is better to expect a chaotic tease than to be a saint who broke his leg to put out a fire, and expect him to light less fire.

Before you know it, October is here.

The damp cold permeated the field and penetrated into the castle. A flu that came quickly made the school doctor Madam Pomfrey flustered. Although there was no shortage of potions in the school doctor's room, most of them were stockpiled to treat more serious injuries. Well, Snape's potions are not for people to drink, and Madam Pomfrey will not use those powerful high-quality potions unless it is absolutely necessary.

The potions used for minor illnesses such as colds are boiled by herself. The refreshing potion is very effective for staying up late, but it is also not bad for colds, except that after drinking it, smoke will come out of the ears for several hours. , with no apparent side effects.

Harry has been spying on Cassandra's whereabouts through the Marauder's Map for more than half a month. This kind of thing is not exciting, but it is quite interesting.

The frequency of her going to the secret room is not high. Most of the time, she leaves for two days on weekends. From 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm, it's like clocking in for work, and she has never been absent.

It's worth mentioning that Harry didn't see her at the assembly of Professor Flitwick's Dueling Club this semester. According to Professor Flitwick, Cassandra voluntarily gave up participating in the event. It's a pity for the professor, he has a pretty high opinion of Cassandra, and she is a good candidate for a duel, but with Harry backing him, Professor Flitwick doesn't have many regrets.

In addition to maintaining daily observations of Cassandra, Harry focused on the mysterious seniors of his own academy.

In fact, at the end of last year, Harry had a new idea, but before he had time to ask, he was forced to go home from school. After returning from the holiday, he almost forgot about it.

The reason why Harry stayed at Hogwarts was definitely not Voldemort, nor Dumbledore, nor was he deeply in love with this land, but because there was a murderer in Hogwarts. Those hundreds of thousands of ancient relics, the awakened senior in Hogwarts appeared a hundred years ago, and he left many traces in Hogwarts, but Harry has only found so far Two, and that's definitely not all.

Harry has always been curious about the weird spell used by the awakened ones. In the Forbidden Forest and Paradise Island, Harry has heard two different spells. One is that the senior calls out black clouds and lightning, which turns into thunder The pillar vaporized hundreds of wizards, and an ancient wizard with a bow called out a giant tornado, swallowing the black clouds all over the sky.

The magic used by these two awakened people is different from any magic that can be seen on the market. It seems that the method of casting magic that communicates with heaven and earth does not require a magic wand. The voice heard by heaven and earth, and then manipulate the mighty power of nature.

Harry didn't think that any boy would be able to resist the temptation of this super big toy. Even if it was used as a pretense, it would still be able to act as a big coercion, making the onlookers scream and shout: Too fierce, daba daba~

Since I can understand the obscure spell without studying, it means that I may be able to master this kind of power. Maybe his mother Lily also left something when she was in school. After all, she is also an awakened person. This power also comes from her.

Last year, Harry, who was dark under some lights, subconsciously forgot an important role. The fat monk with two 20MM cannon chains wrapped in an X shape on his chest had stayed in Hufflepuff for at least two hundred years. His clothes could Let Harry calculate the period he lived in in advance. Although the religious clothing has not changed much, there are some small differences in each period.

On a rare sunny afternoon, Harry found the fat monk who was chatting with Sir Nicholas, the Gryffindor ghost.

"Did you interrupt your chat?"

Harry stepped forward and asked the two ghosts.

"Of course not, son." The fat monk said to Harry with a smile. Not many people chat with ghosts. After all, life and death are separated. Many people feel that talking to ghosts is somewhat strange. For example, Sir Nicholas on the side, many unlucky children deliberately asked him: Nearly headless Nick, why are you almost headless?

At that time, Sir Nicholas would viciously pull his head, which was only connected by a thin piece of flesh, scaring these bear children into screaming, and then left contentedly.

"I have something to ask you. I searched the library last year but couldn't find any relevant content. At that time, I never thought that compared to books, you are the real living history books of Hogwarts. But it’s not too late to come to you now, right?”

"Hahaha." When he heard that he was called the living history book of Hogwarts, the fat monk laughed happily. Even Sir Nicholas was very happy. After becoming ghosts, their sense of existence It's not strong anymore, this kind of words that can make them feel their own value is very useful.

"Tell me, kid, what do you want to know? Although I haven't been a ghost for so long, there are ghosts who have accompanied this castle for nearly a thousand years in Hogwarts. For this school, we are more important than anyone else. Know everything here."

The fat monk said enthusiastically, "If I can't answer, I can help you to ask."

"This is great! I knew I had the right guy."

Harry praised the words again, and then said while the iron was hot: "I heard that a hundred years ago, there was a very powerful wizard in Hogwarts. He was also a student of Hufflepuff. He was about one year old. Mi Qiwu, brown-blond hair, slightly curly, and the magic wand in his hand is Browning M1935."

Harry took out a piece of parchment with a picture of a pistol drawn on it. He was afraid that the fat monk wouldn't understand the model, because the wizard didn't seem to name these wand shapes precisely, but generally divided them into pistols. , Shotguns and other categories.

When Harry looked up, he saw the flicker of panic on the faces of the fat friar and Sir Nicholas.

They even backed away a few feet, apparently startled.

"I..." the fat monk stammered somewhat, "this person is me."

The two ghosts looked at each other and fell into a long silence.

"At Hogwarts, some names really cannot be mentioned"

"It's not Voldemort's ridiculous trick."

"Listen to my advice, child, there are some things you can't grasp."

"Those were the darkest and brightest three years of Hogwarts."

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