Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 183 Want to run? I haven't had enough fun yet!

"What kind of monster are you!"

Among the ruins with flying dust, the panting Voldemort stared at the 'young man' in front of him like a violent war beast with unreadable eyes.

In his decades of life, he has never encountered such an unreasonable thing. Yes, a thing, an inhuman thing that cannot be described as human.

The green light of the light cannon went up against the life-killing curse and gave him a heart-wrenching fight. This was the first time in his life that he encountered that weird invisible door panel weapon. As long as it hit him, all the magic he used to bless himself They will disappear quietly, and you won't even be able to notice the disappearance.

Because of this undetectable weirdness, he fell into an extremely uncomfortable disadvantage when confronting Harry. He had obviously been knocked out of the black mist form, but if he hadn't taken the initiative to realize that something was wrong, he subconsciously Flying to dodge would only make him stand there stupidly and receive another heart-wrenching beating.

The real pain can really affect his current body. Even if there is no flesh and blood, the real feeling of each punch can be clearly felt by him. Even without the body, without the human body, the human body can feel the ultimate pain. After forcibly blocking and suppressing it, the pain was clearly transmitted to every corner of his body.

Perhaps only the cat named Tom could experience the feeling of being crushed back and forth by a steamroller, and now the same treatment as that cat Tom came to the Dark Lord Tom.

"Monster? Thank you for the compliment, Tom!"

The figure tearing apart the smoke and dust came up to me again, chatting? That kind of thing can be done anytime and anywhere after the fight. People who are grinding and chirping during the fight will not know how many meters high the grass is on their graves.

What's more, the BUFF on his upper body at the moment is only enough to last for five minutes. As his physical fitness improves, Harry can drink more power-liberating potions. However, if the battle cannot be ended before the effect of the potion disappears, then The resulting weakness of his body will make him die without a burial place.

Even in the fierce battle, he kept counting the seconds silently. The countdown of 300 seconds now only had less than 120 seconds left, and this last minute or so was Voldemort's final struggle time. .

The transparent and invisible tower shield covered Harry's entire body below his eyes. Harry, who had given up using magic to interfere with Voldemort, now had an empty right hand. He urgently needed a powerful weapon, whether it be a hammer or a hammer. Regardless of the long sword, when he failed to complete the second stage of Animagus and fuse the wand into his body, his spellcasting in such a close combat would only hinder himself.

Gray magic invisible to the naked eye wrapped around the fist of his right hand. After using the tower shield to smash the silver-white shield that he had summoned in a hurry, he punched Voldemort with a heavy punch that he had been waiting for. It was not a generous move. There was no blood splattered on the chest that was penetrated, but his body, which was originally the same as an ordinary person, had begun to become transparent under the continuous destruction.

The consumption of spell casting, as well as the consumption caused by boxing and shield blows, made him unable to make ends meet with the magic power that constituted his body at this moment. Once the stored magic power and vitality were exhausted, the remaining soul could not support him in the world of the living. Long stay.

As the 'victim', Voldemort was of course aware of this matter. His opening was just to delay some time. If possible, he hoped to find out from Harry how this guy became such a pervert.

Unfortunately, the setting of the chatty villain dying early did not exist for the boy in front of him. Harry, who didn't want to chat with him anymore, retaliated with punches from beginning to end.

Resentment and unwillingness flashed in his eyes. If he continued to drag on, he would definitely die. Although he knew very well that Harry must have drank some temporary amplification potion, but there was still half a minute left before the 'agreement' last year. The lessons he learned made Voldemort not believe in the so-called countdown at all. This guy was like a ghost, and common sense didn't apply to him at all. If it happened again this time, he would burp before he could finish him off.

The right fist that penetrated the chest tore half of his chest apart when it was retracted. Probably due to the distraction caused by what he just said, Harry grabbed Voldemort's chest and tore it violently, and then pulled his right hand holding the wand to his right shoulder. And, losing the wand is fatal to Voldemort at this moment!

The sudden surprise caused Harry's movements to change. The wand of yew, phoenix tail feathers, and basilisk fangs that should have been kept in the Ministry of Magic was caught in his hand, and terrifying power exploded at this moment. , the noise of breaking and shattering was clearly transmitted to his ears at this moment.

Voldemort without a wand and Voldemort with a wand are basically two different species. For most wizards, 99% of their abilities are related to wands. Even powerful wizards who have mastered the ability to cast spells with their bare hands, wands bring them The increase is definitely not to be underestimated.

After smashing the wand, it was no less than actually chopping off one of Voldemort's hands. Voldemort holding the wand could remain undefeated in Harry's shameless personal entanglement, but once he lost it——

A pair of excited black eyes showed naked murderous intent. Without this unexpected surprise, Harry thought that he would not be able to kill Voldemort in his soul body alone in five minutes. The most he could do was give him a beating. Easy to fight, but now.

"Want to run?!"

The already crumbling room was trampled to pieces, and the cracks spread to the half-collapsed walls. The manor mansion, which was already almost unable to support itself, completely collapsed at this moment. The collapsed ruins buried the Malfoy family for hundreds of years. history and glory, and at this moment, their master will also become a part of the ruins!

The evil wind is blowing!

The fleeing shadow rushed into the distance, but its flying speed, which was no less than sweeping across the seven stars, could not keep up with Harry, who was running with all his strength. In just one breath, Harry caught up with Voldemort's embarrassed figure, swinging the tower. The shield smashed out the black mist that flew and exploded. However, this time, Voldemort's translucent shadow did not break through the black mist and fly backwards. Instead, the magic barrier above his head flashed with dazzling light.

‘All curses come to an end! ’

The eggshell-shaped hemispheric magic barrier erupted with dazzling light when Voldemort placed his palm on it. The alchemy device pre-stored magic power, and the wizards of the Umbrella Team also continued to maintain the strength of the magic barrier, but a single point was extremely powerful. The magic output caused the intensity of the spell to instantly exceed the upper limit of the magic barrier set up by ten people. Even if it was just for a short moment, it was enough for Voldemort to escape.

In order to make the bait below real enough, he once again cut off a piece of his soul, letting the substitute that was the same as his original body attract Harry's full attention. The wand was taken away not because of his carelessness, but because of this moment. And pay the necessary price!

It takes time to cut the soul and complete the arrangement, and the moment gained by losing the wand is the moment he urgently needs at the moment.

Rolling black mist appeared in the sky. Although the opening that was forced open was small, it was enough for the smoke-transformed body to pass through. Harry, who had broken his teeth on the ground, glared bitterly at the back of the figure who was about to leave arrogantly. he shouted:


Golden-red flames rose at this moment, and the phoenix swooped down from the void with flames spitting out from its mouth. The phoenix fire, which completely restrained all evil existences, enveloped the boiling black mist, blocking his only escape channel.


Voldemort's vicious voice echoed under the night sky.

"I will return--"

"You think beautifully!"

Several pieces of ruins of the manor were thrown into the sky. Harry, who stepped on the borrowing point in the air, rose into the sky like lightning. The gray awakener magic turned into a huge palm, pinching the person who actively threw himself into the Phoenix flames to die. Remnant soul.

"I haven't had enough!"

A sinister sneer sounded, sending chills all over the body.

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